Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Prophecy of Shi ❯ O.W.L.S. And Diagon Alley ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Harry Potter and the Prophecy of Shi.
A Harry Potter Crossover Fan-fiction by Sheya.
Chapter 06
O.W.L.S. And Diagon Alley
Dictionary is now at sheyasan . tripod . com / dictionary . html Take out the spaces. New words will be translated at the end of the chapter. Updates are on my Bio page....
I'm still looking for suggestions for a crossover match for Harry.
So if you have any... I was thinking of Hotaru... but I'd have a hard time getting her in unless Setsuna and Sesshomaru know each other and Hotaru visits China..... Well if you like the idea of Hotaru and Harry being more then friends tell me, if you have something better tell me.
Dumbledore stood up from the table and walked over to Ranma, "I know that you want to go back to China for the rest of the summer. I know that your mother wants to meet Harry."

Harry looked at Dumbledore. "She does?"

"I forgot to mention that... I know Harry wants to see Sirius. However, what I want to know is... Ranma will you come to Hogwarts during the next school year?"

"Okasan said I should find more teachers in magic... because Amazon, Musk, and Phoenix People magic is different from other magic, and there is only so much she can teach me. So, yeah I'd like to go to Hogwarts."

"I think you should take your O.W.L.S. to find out what year you are in."

"We haven't gotten our O.W.L.S. scores yet..." Harry started.

"Yes because of the problems last year the Ministry has not graded them yet. I will arrange for Ranma to take them as soon as I can."

"Albus, Ku Lon sent you a reply." Remus interrupted.

He handed the letter to the Headmaster. Albus opened the letter and read it. "Ho- the Amazons say that they will help in the war but if Sirius is not pardoned they will not work for the Ministry- they will only listen to me."

"Do you think that the Ministry will leave you with such power?"

"Fudge wants to control any allies that I find..."

"The Amazons won't listen to him anyway, they will only pretend to listen to him. But they won't even pretend to listen if he doesn't pardon Otousan."

"Amazons don't listen to stupid outsider males. They listen to people who have earned their respect. You have Dumbledore-kouchou, Fudge has not." Ryoga continued.

"But, neither we nor they will tell Fudge that." Ranma finished. "They will also act like airheads to Fudge, he will think they are stupid barbarians, while they are laughing at him behind his back."

"Well, I will arrange everything, however the laws about the gate have not been changed. The Department of Mysteries has informed Fudge of everything that went on in their chambers that night, Fudge knows that Sirius fell through the Veil and he knows the laws, if Sirius comes back he gets pardoned. He also gets a public apology and reimbursed."

"So, I can live with Sirius now?" Harry asked.

"You can live with all of us, I don't believe Okasan will be pleased if you are forced back to the Dursleys. And no one wants to see Okasan displeased."

"Angela will live with Sirius, so yes you'll be living with him." Finished Albus.

"When can we tell the Dursleys? I want to see the looks on their faces."

"How about tomorrow? While you are there the rest of us can decorate for your birthday party. Remus- It's almost dark you should get ready." Mrs. Weasley ushered Remus out of the room for that night was a full moon.

"I will go to the Ministry tonight, I'll come back to go with you to the Dursleys." Albus left after that.


The next day Ranma explained his curse to those who did not know about it. Thanks to Animagi and Metamorphmagi* they did not have a problem with it. Harry, Ranma, Dumbledore, and Ryoga went to the Dursleys. Ranma went as a girl, Harry wondered about that but didn't say anything. When they knocked, Petunia answered and yelled for Vernon.
"I thought you were gone for the rest of the summer, boy?" Vernon got into Harry's face and Harry stepped back.
"Ahem," Ranma tried to get Vernon's attention but he ignored her, she got a peeved look on her face and grabbed him by the lapels then dragged him over to the driveway and put him into a headlock. "First of all, when I try to get your attention I expect to get it, fully and completely. Secondly, to answer your question, not that you deserve to know, Harry will be living with my family from now on. He deserves a home with people who care not a place of despair." She then shifted her grip and threw Vernon into the flowerbed.

Petunia shrieked and ran to her groggy husband. "How could you?"

"Easy- he's a jerk."

"No, I mean how does a short, slight girl like you have the strength to do that?"

Ranma sweatdropped. "Ummm Training?"

"Oh, now how could you hurt my husband like that?"

Ranma facefaulted. "I spent the night listening to Harry talk about his life. So where is your son, I'd like to talk to him as well."

"You leave Dudley alone!!!"

"Oh fine, we'll be leaving now, baibai."

Harry and Albus looked a little shocked at Ranma. "Yes, I think it is time to go." Albus stated and started walking towards the end of the street. The others followed, Albus then called the Knight Bus and they headed back to twelve Grimmauld Place.

"Ranma, why did you go as a girl?"

"Shock value, I was hoping that your uncle would do something to piss me off and he did two things to piss me off." Explained a now male Ranma.


When they got back to twelve Grimmauld Place, Albus left to get the papers from the Ministry. When Harry entered the house he was surprised to see that there were decorations all over the place and food and presents and all different party games to play. They were celebrating Harry's birthday as well as his freedom from the Dursleys, they also celebrated Sirius's return form the Gate Realm and his freedom. True to his word Albus came back with the papers proving the Sirius was pardoned, as well as a schedule for Ranma to take the O.W.L.S. During the party Remus and Harry were discussing what had happened that day- Harry stated that Ranma's girl form could be a Weasley, and Remus said that Ranma looked like his mother when she was Ranma's age.

The next day Ranma and Albus went to the Ministry so Ranma could take his O.W.L.S. When they got there Ranma realized that Ryoga had followed them.

"Yo, Ryoga what's up?"

"I'm going to go back to Japan, Akari is waiting for me and I've been away for too long."

"'K, I'll see ya next time you pop up."

"Right, Bye."

Ryoga walked around the corner and disappeared. Albus who had been watching him looked back at Ranma.

"That wasn't apperating."

"No, that used to be part of a family curse- no sense of direction, get lost in a closet in Hokkaido and end up in a bathroom in Indiana. Well more then no sense of direction... but he controls it now."

Albus watched Ranma go through all the tests in the next few days; he came to the conclusion that whoever Ranma's teachers were they taught Ranma very well. The night Ranma's tests were over, the headmaster informed all the kids that the O.W.L.S. results would come out in a weeks time.

During that week Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Botan, and Ranma got permission to explore London as long as they stick together and had an adult with them at all times, so they dragged Remus with them. They started exploring the area around 12 Grimmauld place until Ranma noticed that Harry's clothes were all tattered hand-me-downs, Ranma then determined that Harry needed a new wardrobe so he went to a bank and withdrew a large sum of money from his account in China. His mother being independently wealthy gave him a good allowance, which he never used, and dragged everyone to shops all over London, even 'China Town'.

He also insisted on getting things for all the others, Ron and Ginny got a crash course in muggle fashion courtesy of Botan and Ranma, with help from Hermione. They got some mix and match shirts and slacks, and skirts for Ginny. Hermione was given free rein in an accessories boutique to buy whatever she wanted. Ranma also got Remus some muggle clothes. In addition, Harry got a whole new wardrobe from shoes to jackets. Even new glasses- still round but these had no frame; they were almost invisible. Ranma also insisted that everyone get some Chinese style clothes, that is: silk shirts and pants with slip on shoes, Ranma standard clothing, because he wanted to start teaching them Martial Arts.

When the O.W.L.S. results came in Hermione got Outstanding in all of them. Ron got Outstanding in three and Exceeds Expectations in the rest. Harry Got Outstanding in everything except History of Magic and Divination. Ranma got Outstanding in everything as well, 'Anything Goes Martial Arts Learning and Studying'. There was also a note that explained that the Astronomy test was graded on a curve because of the unusual events that happened during the test. The School supply list came the same day. Ranma was put into sixth year because he was only nine months older then Harry, he was not yet seventeen so he was a sixth year.

The next day they went to Diagon Alley, again with Remus in tow, to get their supplies. The first thing the did when they got there was go to the bank, Ranma changed what was left of the money he had taken out of the muggle bank and also took some money from his mothers vault. Harry went to his own vault, Ron and Ginny had been given money by their mother, and Hermione changed her Pounds into Galleons.

The next thing they did was get new robes for those who needed them; Ranma got his first set of robes. They found Ranma had a wand, Harry had wondered how Ranma was taking his O.W.L.S. without a wand, he realized that he had just never seen the wand. Ranma explained that the wand had been given to him at Mt. Phoenix... it had one of Saffron's own feathers in it. After that discussion they headed out to get everything else that was needed, they got their books and equipment. Since Ranma had decided to take all the same classes as Harry, the last thing they did was get potions ingredients for the cousins.

As they were heading to 'Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes' they met a most unwelcome person- Draco Malfoy.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the famous Boy-Who-Lived, and his tag along looser friends, who is your new looser friend, another Mudblood?"

"I'm Ranma Kuro."

"He's as pure blood as you Malfoy, after all both the Potters and Blacks are as pureblood as a wizard can get."

"Potters and Blacks? What do you mean by that?"

"Well you remember a few days back when the Ministry issued a public apology to my Godfather for wrongfully incarcerating him in Azkaban after they found out that he survived and returned from the Gate Realm through the 'Gate of the Judged'?"

"Yes- what does that have to do with it?"

"Well not much except that we only knew that he made it out because the Gate happens to be in China where my father's sister, Angela, lives, she also happens to be my Godfather's wife and Ranma is their son."

"So, you really are a true Pureblood? So what are you doing with Mudbloods and Muggle lovers?"

"Wondering if most Purebloods are ever gonna realize how stupid and detrimental inbreeding is." Ranma sighed and looked up to the sky, then he looked ant Malfoy disdainfully. "'Course it's probably too late for some." Then he walked away. "And to think I have to call that," he pointed at Draco, "my cousin."

Draco stared at Ranma his mouth opening and closing ineffectually. As the others caught up Ron exclaimed.

"That was great, but what did you mean?"

"Why are Purebloods not as powerful as they used to be...? Why are the founders more powerful then any wizard today? Why do Muggleborn and Half bloods tend to be more powerful then Purebloods? I'm not saying all are... but why do squibs exist?"

"No one knows." Remus answered.

"Actually, it's quite simple, inbreeding causes problem... Muggles have genetic problems and insanity... wizards because of the magic don't have the same problems. Purebloods- loose power. Draco Malfoy is and never will be as powerful as his father or mother. If he marries a close relative, his children will probably be less powerful then he or his wife, a close relative meaning almost any other Pureblood. Sometimes fate avoids the problems, but you've seen the family tree at the house. Everyone is related to everyone else, but all those 'I hate Muggles and Muggleborn' people are more inbred then the others, yes if they hadn't been burned off the tree you would probably see Potters and Weasleys, but you would still see a lot more Malfoys and Averys then Potters and Weasleys."

"You're right but then how come there are people like You-Know-Who?" Ron queried.

"He's a half-blood, doesn't want his followers to know it though." Harry snorted.

"Ron, if you can't say the man's name then call him 'Stupid Snake Man' or something. Just don't fear him or his name because whether you fear him or not we still have to deal with him and showing that fear will only get you too afraid to do anything." Ranma advised.

"Fine, but what about Sirius? You said last week he is very powerful."

"Like I said the majority will be less powerful, but then again, did you ever wonder why the portrait says 'the house of my Fathers?' not 'the house of my husbands fathers'? The Blacks and Potters also have something in common."

"Wait... she always said that even when we were younger. I never understood it- why does she say that?" Remus cut in.

"She was born a Black not jichan, the thing the families have in common is Japanese ancestors. My mothers grandmother was from Japan... she didn't look it- she was a red head. My fathers father was also from Japan. Grandmother only had a sister, that sister married into a collateral line of the Black family, inbreeding again. Grandmother couldn't do that because there were none with male children left. She, however, was courted by a man that came from a different country, in that country it was accepted to marry a woman and take her name. He explained it to her and she accepted the arrangement. As did her parents and the rest of the wizarding community. The reason it is accepted, but not exactly looked well upon, is that family is very important in Japan- so too keep families from dying out younger sons or men with lots of brothers sometimes marry and take the name of their wives family. I don't believe it happens here in England very often if at all."

"So we have Japanese ancestors?"

"Yeah, another thing to think about is that Potters don't have problems marrying Muggleborns."

"That's why they stay strong?" Asked Ginny.

"Yeah. But Weasleys also don't have problems marrying Muggleborns, they also stay strong."

"Amazing..." Ron shook his head in disbelief. "But we aren't very strong."

"Ron a hundred years ago Weasleys didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of beating Malfoys in a fight, fair or unfair. These days Malfoys would do well to avoid Weasleys if they were smart. And wanted to stay out of the hospital." Remus stated.


"I guess that sometimes wizards should listen to the research of Muggles." Hermione mused.

"Yeah." Ranma agreed. Then they entered another shop and Ranma stopped... "This doesn't look like school supplies...."

"We're done with that, no- it's time for fun." Ginny pushed past her brother and went to the back of the store calling "Fred! George!"

"Hey little sis... Who else is here?"

"Ron, Professor Lupin, Harry and Harry's long lost cousin, Ranma." Ginny got hugged by her other brothers.

"Harry..." George looked at Harry as the others came to the back of the shop. "Good to see you mate."

Ranma walked to the counter. "Pleased to meet you I'm Ranma." He then bowed and stuck out his hand.

The twins looked at Ranma and jumped a bit. "Oh yeah we saw the article in the Daily Prophet." They smiled then shook Ranma's hand.

They all spent an enjoyable afternoon at the Joke shop trying out the items and getting free samples. They went home just before dinner.

*If I spelled it wrong Tell me cause I can't remember where I put the book and I messed up with my cut and paste and can't remember the website that I got it from and it's late and I'm tired and I don't want to go through that hell again!!!!!!!* Gomen for the rant.
Another Revision.
Revised 1/25/04
Japanese pronunciation for Bye-Bye

(n) (hon) father; (P)

(n) principal; headmaster; (P)