Fan Fiction / Tekken Fan Fiction ❯ Kazuya Vs Raziel ❯ Kain's Champion ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A devil Kain's last hope

Chapter 2

Kain's Champion

He looked at the man in front of him he knew the man all to well and he despised him he had done ever since the day he had thrown him off a cliff at the age of five. Kazuya looked at his father. Heihachi stood arms folded staring at his son and knew what it was he was thinking. The two glared at each other for moments the "It ends here old man once and for all it ends here." Kazuya got into his fighting stance and was ready for the final conflict with his father.

"You're right son it ends here but it will be I who is victorious and this time you wont be climbing back up" Heihachi gestured behind where there was a mouth to a very active, very hungry volcano. Then Heihachi assumed his stance and charged at Kazuya. The fight had started and would not finish till one of them was dead. Kazuya would allow his father to charge then move out of the way and attack, and Heihachi would block and counter attack and it went on. After several minutes of this the two men were both battered and bloody and then Kazuya saw it an opening in the old mans defences which would allow him to finish this. Summoning his remaining strength he lunged at the old man with his right fist aiming for Heihachi's ribs but when the blow was about to make contact the old man moved slightly back. It was far enough to let the punch pass by harmlessly with Kazuya in tow and then Heihachi sprang his trap and placed Kazuya in an inescapable head lock. Then with a loud crack the deed was done and Kazuya's lifeless body dropped to the ground.

Heihachi looked down at his son "well fought boy but I shall ensure u never return this time." He took Kazuya's body in his arms and walked to the edge of the volcanic maw. With a look of pure and utter joy on his face he cast his son in and walked away.

There was darkness surrounding the man. He had no idea where he was or what was going on but he was certain that it was not to his liking and tried to open his eyes only to find nothing. He was in a world devoid of anything except his own presence. He looked around the darkness "is this hell" he thought to himself with a shudder down his spine looked ahead of him. "No can't be hell your still here" across from him sat another being. It was a deep purple in colour with a well built muscular upper body with a red scar running across its chest. Kazuya looked at the identical scar running across his own chest and shivered. It had black hair with horns coming out the sides of its head and a third eye on its fore head like a great red ruby. Kazuya looked at its face and saw his own stare back. This was Devil the demon Kazuya had made a deal with as a child to grant him the strength to destroy his father. The deal had been kept Kazuya had won the first King of Iron Fist Tournament and thrown his father off a cliff But the old man had come back. Kazuya stared at the spirit that had once controlled him. Though now the tables were opposed it was he who controlled Devil now and that was the way it would stay.

"Well where are we" Kazuya rose as he asked "I assume that I am still alive somewhere." He stopped as a smile encroached the demons lips.

"No dear Kazuya your body is very much dead we are in the spectral realm now" he stood and looked at Kazuya "though this is not as I had thought it would be perhaps." He allowed his voice to trail off into the seemingly endless darkness of the place they had come to inhabit.

Kain stood at the top of the abyss, the swirling vortex of water that had served as an execution ground for traitors and weaklings for centuries. And now kain stood there waiting. His final ace should be here soon and when the being arrived Kain would be there to great the warrior who would restore his empire to him and allow him to reclaim the Soul Reaver.

Looking out across the abyss kain saw a lifeless form lying on a ledge just beside it. Using his vampiric abilities he jumped to the form. Landing a foot away from it he knelt down and turned the man over. He was taller than kain and well built his black hair was slicked back and formed a sort of cone behind his head. And then Kain saw it a large scar running diagonally across the man's chest. Kain ran his claw across the scar and stood up wit a slight smile across his face "so my champion has finally arrived." He tossed the man over his shoulder.

"Soon Raziel you will learn the price of betrayal" and with those words in his mind he smiled and headed back to the pillars.