Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Fourth God ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Fourth "God"

A Yu-Gi-Oh!/X-Men: Evolution crossover fic.

Written by Rogue Moon

"In the centueires since En-Sabah-Nur cursed me with immortality, I've know few as selfless as these mutants."

~Ozymandias, X-Force #67

Chapter Six

The rest of the week passed strangely for Yami and Yugi. What was the normal routine for the X-men took some getting used to by the exchange students. While Yugi was at the high school, Yami was forced to take classes at the institue as orginally discussed on Sunday. The spirit found the courses alternately boring and wastes if his time. Most of the classes, all of which were taught by Ororo or Dr. McCoy, didn't hold any interest for him. Some of the subjects were over his head and he did have to work to get through them, but it wasn't an enjoyable challenge.

On top if it, he always missed Yugi during the day and it affected his temper. Several times he had tossed a book across a room in frustration. Had he been with Yugi, that would not have happened. During a couple other more dangerous incidents involving pencils and pens as projctiles, Ororo and Jamie had almost gotten hurt by walking into the room at the wrong moment. Rahnae avoided him.

Afternoons were different. Once Yugi was back from school, Yami mellowed out. They had also started having two hour Danger Room sessions starting a half hour after the high school let out. For Yami and Yugi, these sessions were easy and not as life threatening as what the X-men were subjected to. The sessions the twins attended involved lightweight objects being hurled at Yami and Yugi. Unfortunetly for the small boy, Yugi was still unable to get his sheilds to work volentarily and he ususally had to duck out of the way to avoid getting hurt. On the plus side, he was greatly developing what little athletic skill he had.

At night they were invited out to movies and trips to the local mall. Yugi liked the movies, while Yami usually elected to go to the mall. The spirit spent those nights at the only comic/game store the shopping center boasted, once or twice going into the arcade, but nothing else ever caught his interest.

On Thursday afternoon, Yugi recived two e-mails: one from Katsuya and one from Kaiba. He, of course, opened the one from Katsuya first:

Hey Yug!

Guess what? I'm coming to New York, that's what! Because Kaiba's got business over there with some company, he won't be able to attend the Duel Monsters convention. So, I get to instead. You know, because I'm runner up and all of this years' tournament. Isn't that great?!

Kaiba will be there for only a couple hours, but then he has to go into nego…nagoti… aw, he has to talk with the head of some company about marketing his virtual reality game in the United States.

So I get to sign autographs and there's going to be a competition and whoever wins it gets the chance to duel me. I'm a last minute throw in and it took a lot of work to get the school to agree, but since my grades have been up lately, they eventually agreed to it.

So I want you to come to the convention and see me. Bring my duel disc with you and we can really show everyone a good duel! Can you believe Kaiba put a puppy on it?! You didn't happen to 'accidentally' damage that did you? 'Cause you know I'll forgive you…

Oh, and guess what, yours and my system are special models. Within the world disc system, mine is known as the 'Red-Eyes Puppy'. I don't much like the name, but at least Kaiba ranked me as a five star deulist and once I have my voice print registed in the system I'll be the only one who can use it.

Yours is like that too. Once you have your voice print registered (you do have it registered, right?) only you can use it. Yours has a cool code name too. But you'll have to find it out by getting your voice registered. So if you haven't done that already, DO IT!

So anyway, I want to see you at the convention. I want to go up against you after I go up against whoever wins the competition. I'd say that was going to be you, but apparently you had to register for this thing months ago.

Man, now that I think about it, I hope you can get into the convention…

What am I saying?You're the undisputed world champion, of course you can get in.

Everybody misses you.

Even Kaiba. He won't say it though, no matter how much anyone prys…

Oh, and the girl you exchanged with? Man is she a looker! If I wasn't with Mai, I might ask her out. Or not, since her and Anzu are way too much alike…Except that I swear I saw her doing some weird things when she thought no one was looking the other day. I had to be sleep deprived because it was just before class and she was having trouble getting her locker open. So I headed out to the hall to help her, but just as I was looking around the corner at her, I swear I saw her arm go thorugh the locker door. She didn't see me watching and I know it's probably sleep deprivation. But with all the things you and Ryu have done in the past… and all the stuff Pegasus was able to do…It was weird.

So, I'll see you Saturday!


Yugi grinned and saved the mail to show to Yami when he got out of the shower. The boy didn't want to disturb his dark half while he was in the middle of an absolutly horrible redition of some song they had heard on the radio an hour before. Especially since it was so funny to listen to. No one but Ryu believed him when he had told his friends about his dark half's slightly anoying habit. And Yami always denied it when it was brought up to anyone.

Snickering, Yugi opened up the e-mail from Kaiba:


There will be a Duel Monsters convention in New York this weekend. I expect you to be there and to go up against me during the few hours I'll have to spare.

I have put your name on the list of VIP's. You and whoever you want to bring will be let in and treated as well as I would be. Mokuba will be around and will probably stay with you while you're there. Lapdog will also be there as a special guest.

I have monitered your Due Disc and it seems you haven't tried it out yet. I assume this is because you haven't found a good opportunity to do so. So I am giving you an opportunity. I expect you to be at the convention and to face me. That will be an acurate test of it's capabilities.

Kaiba Seto

P.S. Anzu says she misses you. I can't see why, though.

…I now owe you a slap to the back of your head in recompense for the one I just recived from Anzu. Make that two.

Yugi saved that e-mail as well and then headed downstairs to find Professor Xavier and see if it was alright to go to the convention. After searching the downstairs and not finding anyone, he started for the elevator. Yami interepted his progress halfway there, //What's the rush about, hikari?//

/I need to get permision to go to the Duel Monsters convention that's in New York this weekend,/ he repiled as he stepped onto the elevator, Yami appearing in spirit form next to him.

//When did you hear about this?//

/While you were making your Shower Head debut. I think that single might even go Mildew!/

//Oh shut up.. it's not like you don't do it.//

Yugi grinned and got off the elevator, stepping into the metal halls of the basement, /But I don't sound like a cat on a carburator./

//That depends on who you ask,// Yami replied, trailing behind, but not becoming corpreal. He didn't feel like having a staring contest with Rahnae on the off chance that they ran into the girl.

Yugi led them to the control room for the Danger Room. He and Yami had never been inside while the X-Men were doing their training, so it took them a minute to absorb the sight that greeted them. Sitting at the controls were Ororo and Xavier. Within the Danger Room, the twins could see Jean floating like an angel among metal arms and laser beams that threatened to do large amounts of bodily harm. The rest of the X-men were not it sight yet as the boys were still in the doorway.

Ororo turned around when the door opened and greeted Yugi; she couldn't see Yami, "Hello. Is there something we can help you with?"

Yugi tried to tear his eyes away from the window into the Danger Room, "Um… I was wanting to get… um… Was that a buzz saw?"

Ororo glanced over her shoulder, "Yes. You were wanting to get…?"

"Um… permission to go to the … uh… Whoa! Are they going to be all right?" Yugi ran up to the window and pressed his face against it, trying to see everything at once. Yami was right beside him, still invisable.

Ororo rolled her eyes and shook her head, "They will only get hurt if they don't work as a team. Which they have been doing pretty well so far."

Xavier pressed a button on the control panel and in the room, metal robots rose from the floor to join in the fray.

Yugi watched fascinated as Scott took three of them out with his optic blast and Kurt teleported from one to another, pulling vital wires out of their 'necks'. One of them pinned Rogue and she had to be freed by Jean. But this left the telepath distracted and an easy target that the lazers in the room tool full advantage of. Yugi held his breath as three of them fired upon her at the same time. She was too distracted to do anything and no one else seemed to have noticed. Yugi whispered his shielding spell, praying it would work this time.

It didn't.

But Jean was safe because Kurt bamfed in and grabbed her before the blasts hit. Yugi let out a sigh of relief and leaned his forehead against the glass, "That was so close. Do they always go through this?"

Xavier nodded, not that Yugi saw him, and said, "They all started where you and Yami are at and have advanced to this. They have been working as a team for a little over two years. Although I'm sure they would appriaciate whatever prayer you whispered a second ago. They always appricaite it when someone is rooting for them."

Yugi blinked, "Prayer? Oh, that… Right. They have to go through this every day?"

"Yes. Now, what is it you were wanting?"

Yugi scrunched his brow in confusion, his original purpose having been forgotten for a moment, "Oh yeah! I was wondering if I could go into New York this Saturday. There is a Deul Monsters convention and three of my friends from home will be there. If you don't want me going alone, that's fine, I was told I could bring whoever I wanted with me."

Xavier chuckled, "You can go. You'll have to go with Evan, Kurt, and Bobby, though. They have been wanting to go for the last five months. Logan will be driving them into town and Scott might even be going. Rogue, Jean and Rahnae plan on going shopping. As for Jamie, he'll probably beg to go since he doesn't like shopping too much and won't want to end up carrying bags for the girls. Will Yami be going too?"

Yugi blinked, "Um, yeah. But he'll probably stay invisable the whole time. He's not all that fond of crowds, but he doesn't like to leave me alone."

Xavier thought on this for a moment, catching Ororo's eyes for a few seconds, then looked back at the boy, "I don't know that I like the idea of him going like that, but I don't suppose it will be a problem if he stays invisable the entire time…"

"Oh it won't be a problem, he does it all the time at home," Yugi smiled and left the room, "Thanks!"


By the time Saturday rolled around, it had been decided that all the boys would go to the convention and all the girls would go shopping. Xavier and Hank decided to saty home and work on private projects.

Yugi hopped in the jeep, sitting between Bobby and Kurt; the latter having his image inducer turned on. It made the long sleeve shirt and glovs he had on look like normal skin. Although, it still felt like cloth if someone touched it. Kurt had been really scared about showing Yugi and Yami his true appearance. It wasn't as big a deal to them as he had thought it would be. Mostly because they had already inadvertantly seen it and after seeing what Hank looked like, Kurt's appearance was nothing.

On Yugi's left arm was his Duel Disc. He had registered his voice print on Thursday after getting permission to go to the convention. It was a bit of a surprise to learn his systems' name was 'Yu-Gi-Oh'. He hadn't thought Kaiba would acknowledge him like that.

Katsuya's disc system was in Yugi's lap, protectively covered by both his arms.

Logan checked over the boys, making sure eveyone was there, "Where's Yami?"

"In the back," Yugi replied.

Logan shrugged and got in the drivers seat, "I'll take your word for it."

The jeep started up and Evan poked at the Duel Disc on Yugi's arm, "What's that thing?"

Yugi moved the disc into a safer spot, away from Evan's finger, "It's my Duel Disc. And it's very delicate."

Jamie, who was stuck in the back, leaned over the seat, "Is Yami really back here? I can't feel him…"

"Yes. When he does that, people can walk right through him," Yugi nodded.

Evan changed the subject, more interested in the Duel Disc, "So what's that in your lap?"

"That is Katsuya's Disc. He loaned it to me when I came here so I could deul properly with someone. But the technology takes some getting used to, so I haven't used either yet."

Evan sat slackjawed, "You… you've had a… Deul Disc… since you arrived… and you didn't show it to anyone?"

Yugi shook his head 'no'.

"But I thought we were friends! You know how much I like Duel Monsters!"

Scott turned around from his spot in the front passenger seat, "Calm down, Evan. He didn't have any reason to show it to us. So just stop the guilt trip, okay?"

Evan grumbled to himself for the rest of the ride.


It took about an hour to get to New York and another half hour to find a parking space after they got to the convention center. By the time they got to the sign in, it was already eleven. Evan started complaining because he would only have an hour to look around before the compitition started. Yugi just grinned and followed the group to the check in counter.

Evan, Kurt and Bobby picked up their passes without any problems because they had gotten tickets five months ago. But Scott, Jamie and Logan were told that they couldn't enter. The short man started arguing with the woman at the counter. Logan started to get a little too loud so Yugi tugged on the mans' shirt. Whirling around, ready to hit something, the Canadian barked out, "What?"

Cringing, Yugi held up his hands in peace, "If you, Scott-san, and Jamie-chan will just wait a few minutes, we'll all be let in."

Logan narrowed his eyes, "And how is that going to happen? This idiot says all the tickets are sold out and she can't let anyone not on the list in."

Yugi smiled, "Oh, we'll get in. Just let me talk with her a moment." Not waiting for an answer, Yugi leaned ovar the table and started talking to the woman, "Hello. I need seven passes inside. One for myself and six for my guests."

The woman raised an eyebrow, "Name?"

"Motou, Yugi."

The woman scanned through the list, checking for both 'Motou, Yugi' and 'Yugi Motou'. Not finding either, she shook her head, "I'm sorry, young man, but your name isn't on the list."

"Did you check the VIP list? Kaiba said my name would be on that one."

Snorting and rolling her eyes, the woman pulled out the VIP list, "Yeah, sure. You and everyone else here is on this thing. I'll look it over, okay."

Not letting the sarcasm get to him, Yugi smiled and waited politely while she looked for his name.

"What did you say your name was?" she askedas her eyes stopped about halfway down.

"Motou, Yugi."

Looking from list to boy and back again, she pulled out a small electric devise, "Do you have your Duel Disc on you?"

Yugi held it out and she placed the metal box with lots of flashing buttons and a green display into the deck slot. A moment later it beeped and she put it away. "Everything seems in order. How many guests do you have?"

"Six plus myself. No, wait. Three of them already have tickets, so… Three guests plus myself."

She rifled through a box by her feet, then sat back up and held out a packet to the boy, "Four all access passes. If you'll wait by the metal detectors for just a moment, Mister Kaiba will be right down."

"But I thought Seto couldn't make it until later?"

"He can't. The Miser Kaiba I'm refering to is Mokuba Kaiba. Now if you'll please move, there is a line behind you."

Yugi took the passes and headed for the metal detectors. Logan and the others joined him. Smiling, he handed over the three extra passes and placed his around his neck, "See, we were on the list. We just have to wait a few minutes for Mokuba to get here and then we can go in."

"Who's Mo…" Logan started, but was interupted by a shout.

"Yugi!" Mokuba yelled, barreling at the boy who also ran at his firiend in welcome. The two hit each other and wrapped their arms around the other in a tight hug accompianed by a lot of Japenese babbling.

Logan crossed his arms, "I guess that answers that question."

Scott and Jamie exchanged looks and shrugged their shoulders. Evan and Bobby were slightly amazed at the energy the two boys showed.

After a few minutes of the two chatting up a storm in Japanese, Logan cleared his throat and walked up to the two, "You going to stand here all day chatting, or are you going to explain about us getting in."

Mokuba gave the man a once over and dismissed him, then turned back to Yugi, "I am to practice English. These friends?"

Yugi nodded, "Uh-huh. That's Logan, he's our chaparone. The guy with the red glasses is Scott and the guy your age is Jamie. The other three already have tickets and can get in. They're over there. The blond is Evan, the brown haired one is Bobby, and the one with the black hair is Kurt." The small boy waved his friends over, "Everyone, this is Mokuba Kaiba. He is helping run the convention while Seto is busy with some business."

The X-Men waved or nodded, whatever response they were most inclined to do and then Mokuba spoke again, "You have pass?"

Yugi nodded, "Yes. Thank you, Mokuba."

The kid shrugged and crossed his arms, then started for the entrance to the convention, "What you want first?"

"Can we find Katsuya? I want to give him back his Duel Disc."

Mokuba nodded and led them inside, his bodygaurds making a path. Yugi and Mokuba chatted away in Japanese catching up on all the things they may have missed. Logan listened intently, making sure Yugi didn't reveal anything abut the X-Men.

Any other conversation that might have happened was drowned out by a large group of girls screaming in excitement somewhere ahead of the X-men. What little of the crowd they could see was starting to part as a blond boy came barreling through to duck behind the body gaurds.

"<Don't let them past ya!>" he yelled in Japanese as the large group of girls came into sight, all screaming histerically. One of the bodygaurds called for backup, then joined his partners in blocking the small pass between booths.

The blond leaned his back against a nearby wall of a booth filled with Deul Monsters stuffed animals and slid the the ground, panting for breath.

Yugi grinned evily, handed Mokuba Jou's Duel Disc, and ran at the boy, jumping at the last second so he would land in the guys' lap. A loud 'oof' and some gasping followed as Yugi laughed, "Katsuya!"

The blond grabbed his friend by the waist and flipped them over so Yugi's back was to the ground, "<Alright, buddy, You asked for it!>" He rolled up his sleeve and hauled back his arm. His hand flew forward and started to tickle Yugi's side. "<Take that! And That! And some of these!>"

Yugi gasped between laughter, "<I… Give! Please! …I …Stop!>"

Katsuya held his hands up, "<V for victory! I have finally beaten the great Motou Yugi! Yeah!>"

The small boy laughed and pushed at his friends legs, silently telling him to get up. The blond did so, glancing at the girls watching through the bodygaurd curtain, who were still screaming and trying to grab him. "<It's great to see ya, Yug.>"

"<It's great to see you, Jou,>" He replied and went back to Mokuba to get the Duel Disc, "<I brought your Disc system like you asked.>"

"<Great! Now we can deul like pros! I just got this great new card that I can't wait to try out on you,>" He grinned, taking the system and putting it on his left wrist. That's when he finally noticed the X-men, "<Hey! Who're these guys?>"

Yugi introduced them all. Evan and his vacant look of bliss had to be explained, but that didn't take long. Then Yugi asked Katsuya, "<Do you think we can go somewhere with less screaming?>"

The blond grinned and stuffed his hands into his pockets, "<No prob. Just follow me, I'll get you backstage. It's big and most of the gaurds are up there so we should be free from the screaming masses.>"

Yugi looked at the others, "Katsuya's going to take me backstage. If you guys want to come, that's cool. Or you can look around for a while and join us later. If you have problems finding me, just talk to a security guard. They should be able to locate me."

The X-Men broke rank at that point, Jamie following Yugi while the other five headed off to look at merchandise and watch, or partiscipate in, the Deul Monsters competition. Evan was pulled along by Kurt and Scott.


Seto Kaiba set his metal breifcase on the table and sat down in the leather chair provided, "Good morning, gentlemen."

The three other men in the room nodded their heads, they were already sitting down. Two of them had blond, crew-cut hair and were thin enough to give the immpression that they worked out. One of the two was a kid Seto's age. Unlike Seto, who wore the latest fashion in trenchcoats, he wore an old fashioned bussiness trench. He and the older blond shared a resemblence. The third man was short, fat and balding. What little hair he had was light brown and combed over the top of his head.

The older blond smiled politely, "Hello Mr. Kaiba. I am Warren Worthington the Second. This young man to my right is my son, Warren Worthington the Third, and the man to my left is my business associate, James Thompson. I hope you don't mind me bringing my son along for this meeting. He'll be the one to inherit the businsess when I'm gone and I want him to learn as much as possible."

Kaiba nodded, "Understandable. My father was the same way until he died a few years ago. I find myself in the same position with my little brother, Mokuba. He would be here, but we need someone to see that everything runs smoothly at the Convention today." The Japanese boy opened his briefcase and pulled out some papers. Handing them over to Mr. Thompson, he continued, "Now that plesetries are out of the way, shall we get down to business?"

Mr. Worthington took the papers from James and scanned them, "As I understand it, you are wanting to market your 'Virutal World' here in the States. I'd like to know why you picked my company to do negotiations with to bring them to market."

Kaiba smirked, "Because even though my merger with Industrial Illutions was sucess a last year, your company has been in business longer and has a better reputation than Mr. Pegasus' ever had. Granted I am a large fan of his pet project, the card game known as Duel Monsters, but he only started the game twenty years ago. Your company has been in the technology business for the past eighty. I think we would compliment each other. I have the top technology company in Japan and you have the top technology company in America. I will remind you that my technology has already been profitable here in the States in the form of my Holo-duel stadiums. I do not need a business partner to bring my newest technology over. A partnership with you would only make it easier.

"Now, as you can see from the charts I have provided, my company has not always been in the best of shape. I will not deny that, but we have been on the upswing lately due to my latest holo-technology. Technology your government has been courting me to get. You will find enclosed in the packet three different offers they have given me. Each one a higher bid than the last. You will also find the first bids from other governments including the British, German and Soviet Union. The partnership I purpose would benefit both of us with large profits and benefit me with being able to get my technology on the market faster."

Mr. Worthington elbowed his son in the arm, "You see that, son? He has everything organized to give the best and most desirable immpression right off the bat. He goes for the throat in a deal and makes sure he has everything he needs to back him up. Make sure you remember that."

Warren smiled and nodded, shifting his shoulders as if he was trying to get more comfortable, "Yes, sir. I will."

Mr. Worthington brought his attention back to Kaiba, "All this paper work looks to be in order. And you're right, even though you have had a bad year before this, a partnership would benefit my company greatly. I have done my own research into your company's history and feel that a partnership is something I desire. I will have my lawyers call yours to get the details worked out."


Mr. Worthington blinked in confusion, "Pardon?"

Kaiba shut his brefcase and stood up, pulliing a business card from his pocket, "Your lawyers will not contact mine, because I handle all important business myself. Have them call me on Monday at my hotel. I'll be in town all week and we can put together the contract during this time." He walked over to Warren and held out his business card. Anzu had told him he needed to at least attempt to make some friends, "This is my private cell phone. We have a lot in common, call me if you need some help." He nodded at the other two, "If that's all, then I will see you at the contracts' signing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some other meetings to attened, a convetion to get to, and deulist to defeat."

He left the room before anyone could reply. Warren looked down at the card in his hand, it was a simple one containing only a number. No name, just a number.

Mr. Worthignton smirked, "Well, how about that? Don't see many people that hands on these days. You can learn a lot form a guy like that, son."

Warren nodded, not really hearing his father as he made his usual reply, "yes, sir." Tucking the card in a pocket he excused himself, "Um, I have an appointment to keep at noon, father. If I'm to make it, I should leave now."

Mr. Worthington nodded and dismised his son with a wave of his hand. The boy almost ran from the room in his rush. Thompson raised an eyeborw, "What's his hurry?"

Mr. Worthington grinned, "He's going to that Deul Monsters convention, as well. Seems he was able to sign up early enough to enter in some compitition that's going on. The prize is an extremely rare card and a chance to duel the runner up of the Duel Monster World Championship."

Thompson grinned, "I remember when that game first came out. Nobody thought it would last; that it would be just another flash fad. Twenty years and still going strong. I wonder what it's appeal is?"

"Have you seen the cards? The art is wonderful. And there's something about each picture that just draws you to them."

"Do I detect a fan?"

"Maybe. Now, how about we take an early lunch."

"Let me fax these papers and full instructions to the company lawyers, first. Want to make sure this goes through as quickly as possible. I saw those governement quotes."

The two laughed and left the room. Mr. Worthington waited by the elevator while Thompson went to the nearest fax. It took him ten minutes to get all the paperwork and instructions sent to the firm. He straightened the papers, tucking them into his briefcase and truned around. Behind him was a security guard. The man's face was shadowed.

Thompson let out a breath, "You scared me there, sir. I was just leaveing so you have the fax all to yourself."

"I have no need of the fax, Mr. Thompson," Mesmero replied, lifting his head and locking eyes with the man. "what I have need of, is you."


Warren made it to the convention with just enough time to register and find his way to the deul tables. His first oppenent was easily beaten. Since it was a single elimination competition, he didn't count on the rest of his opponants being so easily defeated. He never took off his coat.

It acctually surprised him that two hours later he found himself facing off against Evan, one of the X-men, in the final match.

Evan grinned and held out his hand, "Great to see you. I never expected you to be fan."

Warren took the offered hand and politely shook it, letting go as fast as possible, "It's not a well known fact. I'm just surprised you made it this far."

Evan's mood changed and he glowered at Warren, "And just what is that supposed to mean?"

Warren shrugged, "I just never expected you to be that good of a duelist. I mean, I've seen you fight."

"That's it! You're going down, rich boy. I happen to have been training for the past week with the best deulist there is. I can take you down easily."

"Then draw a card and lets get this thing started," Warren grinned. He knew he would probably lose, but he just had to goad the guy.

It took eight turns for Warren to lose half his life points. Eight turns that dwindled Evan's down to zero. The X-man slamed his cards down and banged his fist on the table, "I cannot believe this! I worked so hard and you just… just… Ahh!"

Warren picked up his cards and stood up, "Better luck next time, loser."

Evan glared at the rich kid and picked up his cards, "I hope the runner up stomps your butt."

The rich child turned around and shrugged, "He probably will. I've only been playing for eight months. I hear he's been playing a lot longer."

Evan shook his head as Warren turned back around and headed for the stage. When he got there, Mokuba stepped up to the mic, "Ladies, Gentleman. I present winner, Warrenu Worthingtounu."

Warren stepped forward as Mokuba held out a box. After the applause died down, Mokuba spoke again, "For win, I present rare card: Maha Vailo!"

More cheering insued and the rich boy held up his new card for all to see. The card had come out about a year ago and only four hand ever been made. It was just so powerful. And it was only a level four card.

Mokuba waited for the noise level to subside, then introduced Katsuya. The blond nodded at his new oppenat and held out his hand, speaking in poor, heavily accented, English, "Please to meet you."

"A pleasure," Warren replied, taking the offered hand and giving it a good, firm shake.

Mokuba took the mic once more, "For final match, both Duelists use Duel Disc!"

The crowd went wild at this, it would be the first time the Duel Disc system would be used in America. And everyone at the convention would get to see it first hand. It was an exciting propsition for all concerned.

Warren gulped as he realized he would be gettiing to use one of the products his father wanted their company to market. Dad always did want me to get more hands on, he thought to himself, listening intently to the translator as Mokuba chattered off how to use it. Katsuya already had his on and was ready to go. He saw this match as childsplay.

As the challenger, Warren got to go first, "I play Harpies Brother, in attack mode. I also place two cards face down on the field." The monster appeared in the air between the two players; his large, brown wings spread wide. Warren sucked in a breath at the suddeness of it. A moment later, his mind was crowing over the fact that his own wings were much nicer. He nodded, letting Jou know it was his turn.

Katsuya grinned, "<A Harpy deck, eh? I know how to handle that. I set one monster face down and one card on the field.>"

So started the hardest game Warren had ever played and the easiest win Jou had ever gotten.


I have not seen any of the episodes that have Warren in them, so I don't actually know how he's being protrayed in the show. I also don't know if his father is alive or not or if he dies sometime in the show. I haven't been able to see more than a few shows after the first season.

Anything in the brackets <> is translated from whatever language for your convience and because I don't know a lot of any language outside of English. I just know enough to get my butt kicked.