Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Kiryu ❯ the return of the Shirigashi ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“Sam? SAM NO!”
“so he decided to fight for us”
“wow that’s a tragic story.”
“Then why don’t you try talking to him Jessica?”
“Why me?”
“Because Matt is the nicest to you, unless you haven’t noticed?”
“Well, yeah, actually, I have noticed that matt is the nicest to me.”
“Then will you try talking to him?”
“I guess.”
It was around noon, and no one had done anything to get Matt mad. Jessica had yet to get an answer out of Matt. But Jessica was not giving up.
“Come on Matt, why won’t you tell me what’s got you all worked up.”
“I said it doesn’t mater Jess.” said Kevin as he sat down up against the outside of the base.
“And why not?”
“Your hopeless.”
Off in the distance, something was heading towards the base.
“Should I go get everyone Matt?”
“No, it’s only a Gustav with an item for me.”
“Where’d you get the money?”
“I have a bank account set up that Doc can’t touch. He’s been trying to get money from me ever since he learned about it.”
“Good way to keep a good sum of money around.”
“How do you think those Zoid parts are paid for?”
“Never thought about it.”
Everyone had come outside to see what the Gustav had brought.
“Alright Doc, what’d you buy this time?” asked Jamie.
“I ordered it, not Doc. And don’t worry about the Blitz Team’s savings, this came out of my own pocket.”
“That reminds me Matt, there was a part I saw that-”
“For the thousandth time Doc, I not giving you any money.”
“So what’d you order Matt?”
“Nothing I ordered, it’s something I own, more like an old friend.” Kevin said, a smile appearing on his face. Everyone looked at him weirdly.
“So what is it already?” asked Leena.
“Open the container.” Matt said to the Gustav driver.
The container opened to reveal a large Jet.
“Look familiar Jess?.”
“OH my god its one of the Shirigashi.”
“Yep, I found it a an antique shop, so I poured any amount of money into repairing it.”
“Sounds like you really like this Jet.”