Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Kiryu ❯ with life comes Death ( Chapter 26 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Before it completely disappeared, it fire its charged particle gun and struck the two unprepared pilots. John and his GenoSaurer was the first to be destroyed by the blast. Matt and Kiryu where second only because of Kiryu’s armor.

“OH MY GOD, MATT!!!” Amy looked out the view port and saw that both Zoids were no longer visible. The energy ball had become a raging explosion that extended miles into the atmosphere. The DeathSaurer had be completely consumed by the light. The blast was visible from space and on almost all of Zi. Any place that didn’t see the explosion felt the shockwave. Some how, the Hover cargo had survived the blast. When the smoke cleared, a crater that had to be at least 10 miles across was visible.
“Jamie, is there any activity in there?” asked Amy, on the verge of tears.
“I’m not reading anything, not even a single scrap of metal.”
“You mean Matt’s gone?”
“I wish I was wrong, but it doesn’t look like I am.”
“No...” Amy said weakly. She ran out of the Hover Cargo and to the edge of the crater. She looked through the binoculars that she had grabbed. She couldn’t find anything. She called Matt’s name a few times. Nothing. There was nothing anywhere in the crater. She sat down, and saw a small scrap of metal next to her. She recognized it. It had belonged to Kiryu. She held it to her chest, crying. She gathered her composure, got up and walked back to the Hover Cargo. She found everyone still in the control room.
“Find anything Amy?” asked Leena.
“Yes.” she held out her hand and showed everyone the piece of metal that had belonged to Kiryu.
“How do we tell Jessica? On top of that, how do you say one of the greatest Zoid warriors in history is gone?”
“I don’t know. Can we just go home?”
As the Hover Cargo left, the wind picked up. It blew away the dust that had gathered at the edges of the crater. Something metallic started moving.

Planet Zi was in an uproar. Both Matt and John had perished in their battle. Two of the greatest Zoid warriors in history, were gone. Matt and Kiryu, John Blaster in his GenoSaurer. Amy had been going around eliminating the Backdraft remnants with extreme prejudice. The only reason she had stopped was because they had announced the date of Matt’s funeral. It was to be held in a military cemetery, under an Ultrasaurus, 2 Gojalus, and the Shirigashi.
At the funeral...
“It’s not fair, why’d he have to die?” Amy said, crying.
“Don’t worry Honey, I’m here for you.”
Amy leaned against Leena for comfort. Hundreds of teams came to pay their respects. The Zabers, Lightning, Fluegal, Vipers, and many more. Even Vega Obscura showed up.
When the funeral had gotten under way, even the political ‘bigwigs’ were amazed at the turn out. Seems Matt had touched the lives of more than they’d expected. The ZBC Chairman had stepped up to a podium and started speaking.