Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend Coming True ❯ Errands.....ugh ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Falcona sat on the nose of Thomas's dibison with Raven. Thomas was asleep in his room.
"It's aslmost noon how long can that nut sleep?!"Raven moaned.
"Quit whining. I am getting bored too."Falcona said watching Doomstar and Shadow roll around on the floor playing.
Suddenly Thomas walked on.
"I'ts about time sleepy." Falcona said jumping down from the dibison's nose and hitting him on the head.
"Ouch!"Thomas moaned rubbing his already sore head.
It has been two months since Falcona and Raven found out they were twins. Falcona was now a regular around the base. Thomas was the only one there who knew about Raven though. Colonel Schubaltz had been watching them since the day he met Falcona. She had practically become his younger sister.
"Fal come on. We are supposed to run an errand for Karl remember?" Thomas said finally paying attention to what they were supposed to be doing.
"Yeh, I know. You were the one who slept in." Falcona laughed, "Raven, what are you gonna do?"
"Follow you to make sure you stay out of trouble, what else."Raven said watching Ligara beating up on the two organoids now hiding behing the dibison's foot.
Ligara jumped them and the three tumbled in different directions. Everyone began to laugh.
"Ligara, Doomstar, come on we gotta go." Falcona said trying to stop laughing.
Suddenly Shadow and Raven vanished. Falcona looked up to see Karl Schubaltz standing above them.
"You are still here?"Karl said eyeing the two teens.
"Dodo here slept in."Falcona said hitting Thomas again.
"Well get moving you two." Karl said cracking a very rare smlie.
"Yes sir."Falcona said playfully saluting him.
Thomas and Falcona had to literally pull the wrestling Doomstar and Ligara apart so they could leave. Ligara went back to her true size and the team left.
Ten minutes later they were joined by Raven and Shadow. They had about three hours till thay reached their destination, a base not far from the village where Raven and Falcona were born.
"What do ya think Karl wants us to pick up for him?"Thomas said coming up on Falcona's vid link.
"Dunno. Probably another weapon for his iron kong." Falcona said.
"Fal, I gotta go pick up somethin I'll see ya later." Raven said coming up on Fal's vid link.
"See ya."Thomas and Falcona said in unison.
Raven shot off in another direction.
"Where do you think he's goin'?" Thomas said.
"Probably to beat up on some freak."Falcona said.
Th e dibison and Ligara stopped infront of a military base. Falcona and Thomas jumped out. A soldier was waiting for them.
"Here's the package Colonel Schubaltz ordered."He said handing it to Falcona.
"Thank you."Falcona said.
Suddenly there was a huge explsion. An old man ran out coughing and weezing.
"Dr.D, what did you do this time?"Thomas said glaring at the old man.
"I was experimenting on a new weapon and it blew up in my face." Dr.D said coughing.
"Let me guess you did another atomic."Thomas grinned.
"You really should respect your elders more." Dr.D said turning to Falcona, "Who is this?"
"This is Falcona Storm."Thomas laughing.
"Falcona Storm, why does that name sound familiar?"The soldier said looking at Falcona.
"She is the one who lives in the ruins not far from the capital city."Thomas said half blushing.
"Your girlfriend is quite beautiful."Dr.D said looking her over.
Thomas turned as red as a strawberry and Falcona just laughed.
"He is not my boyfriend!"Falcona chocked out.
"Could have fooled me."Dr.D said.
"She isn't my girlfriend. She's practically my sister."Thomas said still bright red.
"Whatever."Dr.D said.
Doomstar suddenly growled.
"Sorry we gotta go, Doomstar wants to get home."Falcona said grabbing Thomas by the arm.
"She really said that?"Thomas said.
"No, she said if that old man doesn't shut up she will bit his head off."Falcona laughed as they headed back to the ruins.
"Let's see how Karl reacts to this one."Thomas joked.
"Even worse, Raven."Falcona said.
"Don't scare me, Fal."