Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ The Ultimate Zoid Warrior ❯ The Legendary Battle ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

When Bit and Van woke up they had a large breakfast and talked for a little before it was time to get ready. When it was time to get ready for battle, Bit and Van went to their zoids and climbed into the cockpits. Van launched from the Hover Cargo and landed on the ground, pushing the Blade Liger's feet against the ground, which made it skid and send a wave of dust into the air as it did a 180 and faced the Hover Cargo. Bit and his Liger Zero had just completed the Schneider transformation when he noticed that Van was out there waiting. The Liger Zero Schneider positioned its feet on the launching plates and with great speed was sent into the air for a few seconds before crashing into the ground causing yet another wave of dust to rise. Bit and Van didn't speak instead that stayed silent and awaited the signal to fight.

"Ready…FIGHT!" Yelled Doc Toros over the loudspeaker.

At that moment Van would push the controls, making the Blade Liger dash towards the Liger Zero SC using the powerful Ion Boosters which greatly increased the speed of the blue Liger-type zoid. On his way he lowered the Blades of the Blade Liger and began to charge them up as Bit swiftly pressed a button on his controls, which fired a few rounds of the Impact Canons from the belly of the Liger Zero. Van, noticing what Bit was up to, activated the Blade Liger's shield, which easily deflected the shots fired by Bit.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Said Van.

"I'm just getting warmed up!" Yelled Bit as he activated the Buster Slash attack.

"Zeek!" Van yelled as the white organoid shot into the back of the Blade Liger.

Bit would thrust the Liger Zero SC forward and turn on the Ion Boosters, preparing for a devastating Buster Slash attack. Van had never seen anything like this, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to know it was bad so before he reached Bit he moved the controls to the right, which made the ion boosters thrust the Blade Liger to the side. When he did this Bit rushed right by him and the laser blade of the blade Liger cut a line right through the armor of the Schneider. From there the Schneider would skid to a halt and do a 180 similar to the one Van did, sparks coming from the deep cut in the Schneider armor. Because of the Schneider armor, the Laser Blades did not badly injure the Liger Zero itself. The Liger Zero itself was cut, but not deeply. The Blade Liger would swiftly spin around and face the Liger Zero as he fired the Impact cannons. Bit would leap from side to side, dodging the Impact Canon shells. Bit and the Liger Zero came closer to the incoming Blade Liger as the Schneider deployed its energy Blades the same way the Blade Liger used its energy blades. The Blade Liger would leap into the air, using the Ion boosters to boost its jump, as Bit came closer, preparing for an aerial attack. Bit, seeing Van, leaped into the air and crashed face first into the Blade Liger. Both zoids fell straight to the ground, generating a wave of dust. The Liger Type zoids began to wrestle like two lion cubs, smacking eachother around with their hardened alloy strike claws. The Liger's backed away from eachother for a moment after placing a few scratches in the armor of each zoid. Taking deep breaths, each pilot stopped for a moment, the zoids staring eachother in the face. Suddenly Bit leaped forward towards the Blade Liger, activating the Buster Slash function while in mid air. Van saw what Bit was doing and leaped up towards the Liger Zero in an attempt to slash the stomach of the Liger Zero. Suddenly the Liger Zero activated the Ion Boosters and shot forward, past the Blade Liger, and onto the ground where it did another 180 and fired a few rounds of the impact canon at the vulnerable Blade Liger. The Blade Liger got hit right in the back and fell to the ground for a moment as Bit prepared himself for another attack. Bit then started rushing towards the Blade Liger, deploying the blades in the Blade Liger position. Van did a 180 and, but not in time, because the Liger Zero SC rushed by, the blue blade slashing the arm of the Blade Liger and steering away after doing so, so it wouldn't run into the Blade Liger's blades. Sparks shot from the arm of the Blade Liger as Bit prepared for yet another attack, hoping to take out the Blade Liger with a finishing blow.