Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ The Ultimate Zoid Warrior ❯ The Neo Backdraft ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Bit prepared for a Seven-Blade Attack when all of a sudden a barrage of missiles and other projectile weapons were short at the Schneider and the Blade Liger.

"What is going on here?!" Yelled Van.

"No way! The Backdraft was destroyed!" Bit exclaimed.

Suddenly a voice was heard over the com. link, which was a very familiar voice. The voice of one of the original leaders of the Backdraft group.

"Bit Cloud. I haven't forgotten what you did to the Backdraft Organization so long ago. I have been hiding since then and rounding up recruits for a Neo Backdraft Group. Once we defeat you we will take your Liger Zero and that Blade Liger. Don't bother fighting back. I have enough zoids to take out your whole team!" The familiar voice said.

Appearing in the distance was a small army of zoids, which contained several different types of zoids, such as Rev Rapters, Zabats, and Dark Horns (along with many more).

"It looks like we will have to call the match a draw for now and fight together to beat the Backdraft group." Said Bit.

Van nodded and ran off to fight the incoming fleet while Bit rushed back into the Hover Cargo and prepared to switch to the Panzer armor. Van shot the zoids in front of him with his impact canons as he transferred the shield energy to his blades so he could run right through the row of zoids, slashing them all. As the Panzer was dropped a wave of dust that could cover a city was generated as Brad was launched in the Shadow Fox and Leena got the Gun Sniper ready. Brad covered his area with black smoke as he fired rounds of his Laser Vulcan into the airborne fleet of zoids, taking out numerous Zabats. Bit pushed the aiming device over his eye as he fired the Hybrid Canon into the fleet of zoids, exterminating a whole row, making sure he didn't fire close to Van, who was slicing up enemy Zoids. Suddenly a boatload of missiles shot from behind Brad, the missiles raining upon the enemy zoids causing minimal damage.

"Looks like Leena launched…" Brad said sarcastically.

Leena's Gun Sniper ran for cover in Brad's smokescreen, which he renewed once it began to die out. From there Leena would fire multiple rounds from her Vulcan guns into the fleet, a few almost hitting Van. Bit then smiled, as he knew exactly what he was going to do next. That smile on his face grew larger as he saw the multiple screens emerge showing multiple zoids with red targets on them. He then fired an attack called the Mega Bomb, which fired a ton of missiles at multiple targets. This attack was highly effective and destroyed multiple zoids with ease. Though it seemed as if they destroyed 1,000 zoids, there was still an army of them. Suddenly, as the smokescreen wore away, two rather large missiles were sent crashing into the side of the Gun Sniper, causing it to fall over on its side and the combat system to freeze.

"Ah darn!" Leena said, angry that she only had the opportunity to use a quarter of her ammo.

Van was fighting incredibly, dashing through rows of zoids and destroying them with ease, but the small bits of damage began to get worse and worse with every blow. The Blade Liger was slowly loosing power and was starting to slow down. Bit ejected the armor that the Liger Zero wore and dashed back into the Hover Cargo, leaving Brad, and the damaged Blade Liger to fight a fleet of zoids.