Fan Fiction ❯ Born Again ❯ Chapter 3: Memories of the Past ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Born Again: The Journey

A.n: This chapter was supposed to dwell some into Keaira past but I could write it so now it's something else now. I'm going to go into her Past in the Second Book. ^^; (This will probably have 3 books to it, This is after all my most serious fic.)

I own that song down there! I wrote it specifically for this chapter and Fic, Steal it and I swear you'll die a horrible death, and if I can't kill you I'll make sure I embarrass you somehow!!! And besides that not even the full song (I had to leave a lot off but the whole song will be on here later on ^^)

/Blah, Blah, Blah/ Keaira talking to Ookami or some animal threw her mind.

Blah, Blah, Blah Flash back or Dream State is in First Person.

Blah, Blah, BlahSong Lyrics incase I use them.

**This whole chapter is in Keaira point of view!!!**


When day turns to night…

And all hope seems to go astray

I'll be there to show you the way

"Momma how are we… how am I to survive without you?" I whispered to the frail body of my mother, the doctors had said they didn't think she'd make it threw the night…

"Shhhh Keaira… Be strong love…" My mother whispered as she reached up with a bony looking hand and ruffled my hair slightly. I tried not to wince at the site of all the tubes stuck in her arms, I tried to be strong, but I was only 10, I was only a little child…

"Your father going to need your help Keaira, your going to have to be strong for him, be strong for yourself… don't cry… I'll always be there for you…"

`But she'd left, she'd left me and she wouldn't be coming back…'

When everyone and everything seems cold,

Like no love is left in the world,

I'll be there to help you warm the hearts of everyone,

"I have to get away from there…" I thought aloud to myself as I ran throw the woods behind my house. Branches from trees and bushes tore at my skin and clothes but I didn't care, my mind was set on getting away before my father got home good and drunk.

The night started to settle in and a wolf howled in the distance as the storm clouds started to move in. I stopped and glanced behind me as I took a deep breath, I was about an hour away from home.

I sat down underneath an old looking tree as it started to rain. I had always love the rain, it always seem so peaceful like it could wash away all your troubles and worries, all your emotions.

I heard a slight rustle in the grass and tired to make myself blend in with the tree fearing it might have been my father.

/Stupid Humans…/ A voice seem to say. I blinked and looked around me trying to find the owner.

/Why don't you open your eyes some Human… I am right in front of you/ I turned around from where I was standing doing as the voice told me and gasped, standing right in front of me was a beautiful snowy white wolf with gray blue eyes.

"… How can I hear you? Can you even understand me?" I questioned as I dropped down to my knees and reached out slowly to touch the creature, as if to make sure she was real.

/Yes, I can understand you Keaira… Kaze… and I cannot explain why you can hear me…/ She moved her head against my hand in a friendly gesture and I smile, she was my first true friend since Aiko had moved away from me.

"What's your name?"

/Ookami, but you may call me Kami/

When there no shoulders left to cry on,

No comfort left for you,

When the darkness seems to have taken over,

I'll be there to shine for you, to help comfort you,

"Daddy leave her alone please, please daddy" I cried tugging at my fathers sleeves, tears stinging my eyes and gently rolling down my face. My father looked down at me, he was at least 6'1 compared to my pitiful 5'2, I was only 15 at the time and my father had just found out about Ookami.

"Damn it Keaira let go of my arm now" He shouted angrily as he lifted me and his arm slightly, My head made impact with the wall as he threw me at it and I was vaguely aware of the new red streaks in my green and blue hair.

"DON'T HURT HER!!!!" I shouted as I jumped up with what strength I had left and jumped atop my father trying to save Kami life.

My father let out a yell of anger and pulled me off of him throwing me at the wall once again…

"Keaira… Keaira… Wake Up…" I sat up straight and brush my green hair from my eyes to see Orion Icy Blue eyes looking at me with concern.

"Are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep…"

"I'm fine…. I was… dreaming of the past" I told him as I rolled over and drifted off again.


Ya that sucked >< This has got to be the hardest chapter I've written, I couldn't think of what to do for her dreams so I finally decided on memories.

Schala glanced around at her surroundings seeming to search for anyone that could help her at the moment, when she saw some people up ahead, smiling slightly to herself she started towards the group of people and poked the first person she spotted.

"Um... Excuse me...