Fan Fiction ❯ Catch22 ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Fire and Ice: A Prince Zuko and Sokka Fansite...Catch-22...

Same stuff applies
“Tomorrow, an attack on the Fire Lord, Zuko, and his husband, Sokka, will be
unleashed, here to discuss the matters are the Lord and Highness themselves,
Zuko and Sokka,” said a random fire bender on a podium over a few hundred
firebender warriors. Zuko stepped up and cleared his throat.
“Hello. Tomorrow, you will be put into war with several hundred fighters. Sokka,
having personal experience with nearly all but the betraying firebenders will
give you the information you need,” Zuko said and stepped down letting Sokka go
up on the podium.
“Ok, obviously you will be fighting the Avatar, his name is Aang. He has
mastered the four elements and also has a flying bison by the name of Appa; he
could be dangerous and difficult to take down. The only waterbender, other then
myself and Aang, in the war will be Aang’s girlfriend, her name is Katara. She
is my sister from the South Pole and fairly skilled in waterbending as witnesses
report. Next is King Bumi of Omashu, a very skilled earthbender. He will use out
of the ordinary strategies and, as Aang says, he’s a mad genius. Next is a large
group of approximately 200 earthbenders. They are lead by a boy, about our age,
named Haru and his father, both skilled earthbenders. The final group that will
be arriving for the Avatar’s aid is the warrior girls of Kyoshi Island. Not
particularly skilled in the earthbending art, except a girl named Suki, leader
of them, but they have a sufficient fighting technique, I learned it a couple of
years back,” Sokka said and stepped down from the podium to walk with Zuko.
“Inspiring speech Highness Sokka,” said a firebender whom was joining in the
loud applause.
“All I said was who the people were, but ok,” Sokka said. Zuko smiled and
wrapped an arm around Sokka as they walked on.
“Omashu, I have heard of their ruler, they say he has inhaled a few too many
fumes,” Zuko said as they walked past the training room, firebenders readying up
for the fight to come.
“Yeah, he’s a whack job. Aang, Katara, and I were in Omashu and the guy knows he
is the Avatar, who he was friends with one hundred years ago, but he decides to
crystallize me and Katara until Aang figures out who we are… then they hugged
and I personally wouldn’t have just been all, cute joke with the guy,” Sokka
Zuko raised an eyebrow as if to question the sanity of the Earthbending king,
but before he said anything, Sokka had walked them to their bedroom.
“This is our last night before the final battle,” Sokka said as he walked into
the room. Zuko smiled and walked in, shutting and locking the doors.
“Katara, what’s up?” Aang asked worried as Katara stared out into the distance,
where she knew the Lord’s castle was,”
“When we were at the North Pole, I heard that Ozai died of disease and Iroh was
chosen as Lord of the Fire Nation… but when we were in Omashu (1) I heard that
if the Prince wed then he would be Lord,” Katara said.
Aang looked at her questioningly.
“Then when we are on that Fire Nation Island, I heard one of them say that the
Fire Nation was now under the control of Lord ZUKO and his highness,” Katara
said then looked up at Aang.
“oh.. Oh… OH! You mean Sokka---“ Aang said. Katara looked up at the stars.
“Logically, I mean, we haven’t seen him since that one time we visited,” Katara
“Hey Katara, Aang” Sokka said and hugged his sister. Aang nodded his head in
“How’d you get here?” Sokka asked.
“Appa found you, but we are close to the North Pole and we could be there for a
month or so, it could be difficult to see you,” Aang said.
Sokka sighed and looked down.
“I’ll be fine, just let me know if one of you dies,” Sokka said.
Him and Katara caught up for a few moments before Zuko said they had to go.
Sokka waved goodbye and good luck before leaving with his boyfriend.
(End Flashback)
“Even if he is… Queen… of the Fire Nation, he is still Sokka and wouldn’t try to
hurt us, just don’t expect him to try and stop the war or help us in any shape
of form,” Aang said and looked up at the stars with her.
“HEY AANG!” Suki yelled from the ship below. Aang airbended down to her ship.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“We are due to arrive a bit past sunrise, you and Katara need your sleep, your
our vital players,” Suki said.
“I have had plenty,” Aang said and looked at the horizon line of the sea.
“Where is Sokka by the way?” Suki asked.
Aang looked at her.
“Let’s just say that you shouldn’t be surprised if you fight him or a very
vengeful Zuko,” Aang said.
“Sokka’s in the Fire Nation? Is he a bender? What’s Zuko gotta do with
anything?” Suki asked, obviously confused.
“Sokka apparently became a master waterbender when he joined the Fire Nation,
the reason he did so was so that he could be with his boyfriend, or now husband,
Zuko…” Aang said.
Suki looked shocked for a moment.
“Perhaps I could give him another dress, so I can call him Queen Sokka,” she
said. Aang and Suki laughed.
“I gotta go, later Suk’” Aang said and flew back up to Appa.
“Hey Haru! Bumi!” Suki said to the other two on her boat, the lead boat.
“Yeah?” they asked in unison.
“Wonder why Sokka ain’t here?” she asked. They looked at eachother and nodded.
“He’s Queen of the Fire Nation, don’t ask me how, but I just got the news,” Suki
said. Haru looked like he was contemplating how Sokka became a “Queen” and “of
the Fire Nation,” while Bumi went into hysterics.
(1) When Aang went to learn how to earthbend, I though, who better to teach him
then and old friend like Bumi?
Iras: The War Begins next chapter peeps!
Next Chapter