Fan Fiction ❯ Circus Summer ❯ New Faces ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I really hate writing these things. That having been said, I don't own any of these characters, and never will, but that doesn't stop me from writing this stuff. Also, if anyone has any complaints about the way I handle this….complain in a review or something. Fair warning, but this is a copy and paste disclaimer to save me time.
A/N: And just for fun, and to tease a fried on mine, CloudsHalo, I present to you a little spoof of one of his more infamous moments in his fanfic.
One of the thoughts going through young Garfield Logan's mind was that there's nothing like a romantic night under the big top. He was sitting in the stands again, in the same spot he'd shared with his friends, but now with a slightly thin girl with long blonde hair, and warm blue eyes. She was his one big weakness…other than TV, anyway. Her name was Terra Markov, and she was currently munching on a big mouthful of popcorn, a pair of goggles resting on her forehead. That was one of her foibles…she loved wearing those things, as she was something of a skilled swimmer.
“So,'s the popcorn?” he asked, nervously tugging at his shirt collar for a moment, smiling shyly, as was his wont with Terra. She blinked a little, then giggled and lightly punched him in the arm.
“It's good, y'dork…” she teased, giving him an elbow nudge and a wink, before going back to her loud munching. Gar sighed in relief, and wondered why it was so hard to talk to her. A few rows up, unbeknownst to him, were Victor Stone, and Arthur O'Malley, watching the pair and making comments, occasionally putting words in their mouths.
“Oh, Gar…you're such a dweeb…”Artie said, in a really high-pitched voice, causing Vic to crack up, and put a hand over his mouth.
“Man...that was funny,” he wiped a tear away from his eyes. “A classic…”
Artie nodded, and sipped on his soda, whistling a little and bobbing his head up and down. “You know, he's kinda weird around her, isn't he?”
“Remember the box of meat? I'm STILL getting the smell out of my baby…” Artie just sniggered a little, and went back to sticking words in Gar and Terra's mouths.

Gar's ears were twitching and burning a little, but he pushed that out of his mind, and nervously went for his drink, his hand accidentally brushing against Terra's. They both went red for a moment and the blonde girl gave him a little smile, and squeezed his hand gently, and then grabbed his drink and sucked on the straw cutely. “Hey, my soda…!”
What was unusual for tonight was that Dick wasn't in his leotards for the show, but brooding in his trailer, the shades drawn, and the door and windows all locked. His had his legs drawn up to his face, his chin resting firmly on his knees, and his eyes shut tightly, taking slow, even breaths. Then he heard a small knock, and a voice say, “Oh well, he is not here…may we go now sister?”
“Jeeze, little sister…give me some credit…” an older voice replied, in a tone that implied annoyance, and then there was a rattling sound and a click as the door unlocked, and a tall girl with the same orange tint as Kori, but with long dark black hair instead of red, poked her head inside, and when she saw Dick, she wore a predatory smile. “Oh my…he IS a cute one.”
“Sorry…I was just stating the obvious, Star…”
“Why do you persist on calling me by that childish nickname?”
“Because it suits you.”

Dick watched all this, wearing an amused smile, and unfolded himself, stretching a little and standing up. He was wearing a torn and abused looking dark shirt, and a pair of ratty jeans. He ran his fingers through his messy hair, and looked over at the two girls. “And you two are in my place why?”
“Uhm…well, I was wondering why you were not in the show tonight, then my sister suggested we see if you were in here, but I told her no, but she wouldn't listen…” the redhead started, her face almost turning blue as she spoke hurriedly.
Dick blinked, then shrugged, and waved for them to come in as he sat down at the small table built into the wall, and crossed her arms over his chest. The black-aired one sat down, slouching back in the chair, while Kori sat with her arms over her chest, her cheeks burning a little.
“And that's why you broke into my trailer?” he raised an eyebrow, watching the sisters carefully for a moment, and then chuckling softly. “Well, I have to say, this is the first time this has happened to me.”
Raven was sitting in her trailer, a stupid look on her face. Mostly she was trying to remember what she had been doing all night. Other than stay up and complain about Dick to Malchior. Which, in retrospect, hadn't been that good an idea. She still cared about him, but seeing him with someone else literally clinging to him had made her fairly mad. So maybe she was justified, and maybe not. Right now, however, she felt fairly bad about it.
So she got up, and stuck her head back in her freezer, then stripped down to her underwear and climbed into bed, pulling the blankets over her head and groaning in frustration, her head throbbing with a migraine. And when one has two sets of eyes…migraines are a real bother. She whimpered a little, and finally started rubbing her forehead, careful not to poke herself somewhere important like her eyes and yawned loudly. Her eyes fluttered for a moment, then she settled down into a peaceful slumber, at least for the next five hours.
That's what she intended, anyway.

After about an hour or two she woke up again, feeling hot and sweaty, though her headache was gone. She took a few deep breaths, and sat up, keeping her blankets close to her chest.
`Ugh, was that a bad idea….I feel like I was run over by a bus….' She lay back, looking up at the trailer's roof, a small, humorless smile on her face. She ran her fingers through her hair, and laughed a little, and folded her arms back behind her head, closing her eyes again and trying to get back to sleep, though she spent much of her time tossing and turning, her sleep fitful.
“So, I'm supposed to wake up a girl that works in the freak show?”
“Yeah, exactly.”
This exchange was between a slightly overweight man, and a sixteen year old with average looks, brown hair that was long enough to go over his eyes, and a penchant for wearing dark clothing. The older man was chewing on a sandwich, and sitting down outside the freak show. He was one of the many extra workers that had been hired from the city proper, and the boy was one of the volunteers.
“How do I know it's her?”
“She has four eyes.”
The boy sighed, and with one hand on the back of his neck, started walking in the general direction he was pointed in, mumbling about being more careful were he ended up working during his summers from now on. When he got to the trailer in question, her started knocking loudly.

Inside said trailer, said four-eyed girl got up with a start, and with her eyes wide open. `Damn damn damn!!! I forgot I had work today!'
Hurriedly she changed her underwear, and put a bra on, both items happening to be made of black silk lace, and then grabbed a white bathrobe, tying it loosely around herself and rushed for the door. She yanked it open, practically off its hinges, and panted a little. “Y-yes?” she asked, out of breath, her robe slipping open, as her tying wasn't all that good.
He stared at her. She blinked back, then tilted her head to the side.
“Uh…is there something wrong?” she blinked again, and felt herself starting to flush. THEN she looked down, and made a yelping sound, closing the robe with her hands. That was when the door, which had a spring closing system, swung back and hit her across the rear, sending her practically flying into the boy's arms. There passed an awkward moment between the two, as they just stood there, his arms going around her on instinct, to steady her. “Uhm…hooo boy…”
He blinked finally, then made a small strangled sound as he let her go, his face almost as red as hers naturally was. “Uhm…sorry…?” In his mind, however… `The lace. Black lace. Black silk lace. Lacey lacey lace.'

Raven nodded, hand groping back for the door handle, missing it a few times before she found it. Then she ducked inside, and came out five minutes later, wearing a white t-shirt and a short skirt, and the same pair of sneakers she always wore. “Eh…let me guess…you're supposed to get me, right?”
He nodded, still thinking about her previous state of attire, and the way she felt in his arms. She ran a hand through her shoulder-length hair, then put on two pairs of sunglasses, the second pair resting awkwardly on the first. Then she grumbled, and instead grabbed a baseball cap and jammed that down over her head, covering her higher set of eyes. “Well, come on then….” She rolled her eyes a little, trying her best not to laugh loudly.
Dick was still sitting down, his eyes occasionally straying down to the older girl's long legs, which were prominently displayed by the pair of light shorts she was wearing. She flicked some of her black hair over her right shoulder, and smiled like dark silk. “So, little sister Kori tells me she likes you…”
It was now the older girl's turn to go red a little. “Did you have to use mother's pet name for me….?”
“You used mine.”
“Yes, I know, but…”
Dick held a hand up, cutting them both off. “Look, while this is interesting and all….what exactly do you two want?”
“Well, Kori here was wondering if you'd like to join us tonight…”
“Us, sister?”
“Yes, us.”
“ I…see.”

Dick made a face at the exchange, but started thinking. `Well…it's not like I had any other plans least after what happened yesterday…'
“Okay, sure.”

The dark-haired girl clapped her hands together, and laughed, a sound that was like velvet. “Wonderful! How about eight-ish?” Dick nodded, and slouched back a little, looking over at his clock and seeing that it was 2:30 now.
`Raven would be helping out with the freak show, and the animals by now….'
“So new kid…you got a name?” the girl asked as she moved the broom back and forth, cleaning out the floor of the freak show. Yes, it had a floor…it was a necessity after the rainy days turned all the earth into a mucky soup. The boy blinked a little, and looked at her, leaning on his broom a little.

”It's…Kale. Kale Riley.”
“Well, Mr. Riley….you're not doing that good a job.” She nodded, finishing with her part of the sweeping, and going over to watch him, an amused smirk on her face.
“Look, let me show you…” she walked over, and moved behind him, taking hold of his hands, and spreading them along the broomstick. Then she started moving him side to side, sweeping slowly, but correctly. His face was a light pink, but he nodded, his hair falling around his eyes as he looked down and watched. “There, see? Do it like'll get more done so you can go home or whatever.”
He blinked a little, and looked at her curiously. “And what about you?”
“Well….now I have to go check the animals…”
“Why can't I help with that?”

She blinked, and felt a bit shy. Here was another boy who must be interested in her; the animals were practically a gauntlet, and one that not many people could handle. Maybe the four eyes were a turn-on to some people. That, or the red skin. She paused for a moment, and smiled a little. “Okay…if you want.”
“Cool…” Then he stopped as well, and started gathering his courage. Sure he only met her today, but there was just something about her…. “Say…would you...maybe…like to go catch a movie, or do some dancing, or something tonight?” he asked quietly, eyes looking down at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
Raven paused again, her eyes wide. `Oh wow…that was unexpected…'
“Uhm…okay, I guess…” Past her cool exterior, her stomach was doing somersaults.

Terra looked over at Gar as they walked out, and gave him a little smile. “Well, even though not all the acts were there, that was pretty fun.”
“Uh, really?” he blinked, not used to talking about this kinda thing in a serious fashion. And with Terra he didn't want to look like a dork or anything.
“Mmhmm. We should do this more often.”
He felt like fainting, and then…
“HAHAHA!! Lookit his face!”
“I give it a four.”
He turned, looking sour, and saw Artie and Vic watching them, amused smiles on their faces. “Hey Gar,” they waved, laughing a little.
“What? You know we love coming out here, and we were gonna do it with or without you,” Artie finished off his soda, but held onto the cup, at least until he found a trash bin.
“You two need a lift?” Vic asked, whistling and smiling broadly. “I feel like a chaperone..” Terra giggled, and Gar slumped noticeably. “Ah, don't worry little buddy….its just so you don't get your butt kicked by her brother again…”

Gar paled a little, and nodded.
“A ride sounds good.”