Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden Love: The Snape Story ❯ Chapter two.. the other one was part of the prologue too ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
.Chapter Two.

Sunday Morning, 6:00 AM

I hadn't slept a wink all night. I never could, the night before I left for Hogwarts was always stressful on me. I was due in Diagon Alley in six hours. Six long hours.

The sun was just beginning to rise as it painted the morning clouds the color of a raging fire on the horizon. The crescent moon was still visible. I could barely see a moving object flying in my direction. I could only hope it was a response from Justin, one of my best friends from schoo.

The bird flew closer yet, and I opened my window, letting a cold whisp of crisp morning air in. Finally, the snowy white owl landed with a crash onto my open, but empty trunk. Thank God this one didn't make any screeches. My father would have been in here to shoot the poor thing.

I fell to my knees next to the trunk and gently lifted out the tousle-feathered owl. It was indeed from Justin. He always had blue parchment. The owl hooted shyly and opened its big, green eyes towards me. He held out his leg and I untied the letter.

"Good morning, Pippin. NIce to see you back intime!" I said, petting my owl behind his wings. It nipped my hand affectionately, then flew and perched in his cage. Pippin then tucked his head under his left wing.

"Don't get too cozy... I hate to leave soon." I replied, unrolling the parchment.

"Cel- wow! That's odd.. expecially since Snape hates us! You won't be on the train then, I suppose? I'll just see you in the Great Hall then. I'm sure Sirius and I will have fun playing a million (and one) rounds of Snaps! Heh, we'll miss you though. Justin."

It's been tradition since our first year to play Snaps on the Hogwarts Express. Cedric would always beat us. I guess one of us would have to be the new champion some time or another, whether Ced was playing or not.

I laid the letter on my oak desk. It was cluttered with different colors of parchment letters I receive over the years. I never threw memories away.

Now I needed to force myself to pack.

"Hmm. Whot do I need?" I asked, looking over ant the sleeping Pippin. I rummaged though my unorganized dresser ad pulled out all the clothes I owned. I folded each peice of garment before lying them gently in one open trunk. I never understood why students couldn't leave somethings other than bedding at Hogwarts.

I continued packing: spell books I had picked up a week before, new robes, broom, parchment, quills, ink bottles, Pippin's owl treats. Too bad I don't own a Remembrall, I thought. Then I wouldn't forget anything like usual!

By the time I had finished packing, two alarm clocks had gone off, the yellow ball of sun was one hundred percent visible in the crystal blue sky and the scent of breakfast crepes slowly made it's way into my now mostly empty room.

I streched with a wide yawn and decided I was actually pretty hungry - or nervous. As I opened the door, I was immediately hit by the thunderous sound of my angry father's voice.

" I DON'T WANT HIM TAKING MY DAUTGHTER TO SCHOOL! It's NOT going to happen! I will take her to Platform 9 3/4 whether that >beep< is supposed to escort her or not! You see my reasoning, don't you? Bloody hell! That imbicile..." My father boomed.

"Great." I groaned as I headed down the dimly lit hallway. then quietly slipped down the stairs. My father hated Snape, and with a passion. You see, I was named after my fathers ex girlfriend, Celestia. My dad had a grudge against Snape because Celestia left him for Snape. They ended up getting amrried and Celestia carried Snape's child. Then, she was murdered by Lord Voldemort the same night the Potters were. He thought if Celestia married him, she wouldn't havebeen murdered.

"Morning Mum, morning Dad." I said sitting in between them at the square dining room table. The scent of crepes waws stronger and tastier when up close.

"Morning, Star. Did you sleep well last night? Oh, and we'll be leaving at half past eleven, so you only have about two hours sweetie. Here. Help yourself to some breakfast! Quite a busy day to go hungry for!" My mum said, passing an armload of crepe toppings over to me.

"I slept wonderfly. But bloody hell dad! Why did you have to yell like that? Professor Snape isn't that bad." I lied. If they knew I was losing sleep, they'd put me back on the sleeping pills. I've only been off the bloody buggers for two weeks. Ever since... ever since...

"Yes there is a reason to yell, Celestia Marie Tenjou! You'll be played right into Voldemort's hand of cards, you will! I don't want you to end up dead like Cedric! You know how hard that was for us. He was like the sun we never had." My fater replied, smacking the table with his white-knuckled fists. I quickly looked down, feeling the urge to cry.

"And it was hard o me too! It wasn't Snape's fault! He left Voldemort as you should know, better than me! You're just jealous, still. Really you are!" I aid. Dad always did this to me. Said it wasn't bad for me to lose some one once in a while. But to say that and blame an innocent person for a murder really pissed me off. I started to put chocolate spread on my think crepe as my parents went on and on about how evil the school was becoming even though my mum isn't a witch! She's never even been there... or met teh professors. They were both teh most close minded people I'd ever met, next to any of the families in the Slytherin house. After about a half h our of raised voices and shaking glasses, the subject was changed.

"Well well! No need in wasting time jabbering! Might as well get read!" Mum interrupted, suddenly feeling the urge to clear teh table faster than normal. My dad rushed me up the stairs and told me to pack everything ( "I did, Dad!") Then he shut himself up in his room.

I stumbled into the bathroom and turned the shower on. As I slowly undressed, I couldn't help but wonder why things turned out the way they did. Why did famous Harry Potter always come out on top? Don't get me wrong, Harry's a really nice guy and everything. But why couldn't he fail, just this once? And as the hot water hit my body, I realized that there was more than just water streaming down my cheeks.