Fan Fiction ❯ From Heaven or Hell ❯ The Beginning of the End [Part 3] ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*I'm working on the spelling and grammar. I know it needs a little work. Matt is pointing all that out for me. ^_^ THANKS MATT!!! Now read on….please….

The Beginning of the End [Part 3]

We had been flying for several hours now, how many I wasn't sure. I was tired, my leg throbbed, and my breathing was labored. I was still loosing blood from the wound in my leg. A solitary tear made its way down my cheek, I felt so lost. For the first time in three months I had time to think about the events that changed us forever. My heart ached for my lost loved ones; I had no time to grieve for them before. I choked a sob, trying to push back my tears. I felt Ian come up along side me.

"Come on Diana. It's not much further." His voice was soothing, encouraging, but laced with worry. `Why does he care for me so?' I thought, `I don't deserve it.'


Yells and moans were all that I could hear. The smell and crackle of burning flesh assaulted my senses. Blood covered my body and the sword I carried. I heard his hurried footsteps behind me, followed by the sound of his blade as it made its way toward my neck. I spun around, dropping low to the ground. Pushing my heels into the ground I jabbed the sword in his gut. He grunted, his eyes open in shock. He took in a short breath as he sank to the earth. `Derrick', was all that ran through my head. Derrick, Ian's brother, was no older than me. He did not deserve this fate, no one did. He looked into my eyes as I did his. A silent plea came from them. I pulled my blade from him and he dropped to the ground, motionless. I looked to the sky and screamed my torment to the heavens.

~~End Flashback~~

`I had killed his brother, his only family. Does he not know; does he not care?' I closed my eyes, squeezing out the last of the tears; this was not the time. I wrapped my arms around myself, attempting to retain some body heat.

The wind pulled at my clothing, the temperature continued to fall, and I felt the first few drops of rain hit my face. I wiped away the moisture and looked around. It was still very dark, but I could see the lights from the town below us. `We should be there soon. I know this town.' Trying to provide my own encouragement, I pushed onward.

We continued to fly for what seemed to be forever. I wondered continuously if we had passed it in the dark of night, being unable to see it. The rain had begun to intensify and my cloths were soaked through. Although the sky ahead showed promise for us, the clouds there were breaking up and I could see the morning light shining through. With the first of the morning rays I saw the safe house for the first time in two years. I couldn't tell if it was worse or better than I last remembered seeing it. It was burned out, only the supports were left, and the rest lay in ruin. The only thing different was the fact that time had erased the blood that had once seemed to color the ground around the house, turning it a brilliant red.

Such atrocities and lose of life surround us. Was there ever a time of peace? I am constantly plagued with this question and these thoughts.

I slowed my pace and began to drift downward. I felt disoriented; the world around me was getting darker, even with the rising sun. Closing my eyes, I felt myself begin fall; and all was quiet.

I squeezed my eyes shut tight; trying to hide them from the light I covered them with my hands. I was in a small bed with clean, crisp sheets covering me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ian's sleeping form at the end of the bed. He sat in a chair, his head resting on his arms. I sat up slowly hissing at the pain that shot up my leg. The sheets, I realized, were there for good reason. Someone had discarded my shirt and pants and left me with very little on. I lifted the sheet to find my wound cleaned and bandaged. Ian took a deep breath and I pulled the sheet up quickly to keep whatever dignity I had left.

Blinking his eyes a few times he looked up at me. He smiled and sat up with a yawn. I smiled back; I could feel the blush rising in my face. How I wished they had left me with some decent clothing. "How are you feeling?" he asked me. "My head is killing me and my leg still hurts a little. Beyond that I'm fine." I replied. He stood and walked over so he was standing right next to me. I turned and before I could react he had pulled me into his embrace. I stiffened for a moment, but soon relaxed in his arms. `Why are you doing this?' I asked him through my telepathy. [Because I love you.] He answered. I inhaled sharply; I didn't know how to respond. I loved him and had loved him for a long time, but I did not believe the feelings were mutual, not in this way. I held him close, "I love you too." He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead before letting go. He smiled softly and I could see the twinkle in his electric blue eyes. "We have things to discuss, Diana." I nodded; there was a lot to discuss. More than what we could talk about in just one day.

"Lets just start with the biggest thing, it will lead to everything else in any case." He took a breath and continued on, "Devin said you were the key to all this and while you were out I had time to think on that." I looked at his skeptically, "Had time?" I asked, "How long was I out?" He smirked, "A week, but let me finish." I sat patiently and waited for him to continue.

"We have to find a way to reach all people right? Not just the people at the top of the scale but everyone. People of all ages, races, religions, and what-not." He moved his hand in gesturing that the list went on without him needing to say it. "Now I think I have figured out how, and how you are the key in accomplishing it." He seemed to swell with pride at his discovery. "You can write about it. What better way to tell them everything than a book? A biography of sorts." I laughed, "Me? Write a book?" "Sure, why not?" he responded defensively.

"Ian, I've written children's books before, but this is a lot different. Its fact, not my imagination."

"Yes, but you wrote a journal, did you not? You could use that. Just tell it how it is. It can't possibly be that difficult." He looked at me, full of determination.

I sighed, "The journal is gone Ian. It was destroyed in the fires." He grinned and reached behind him, pulling out my green journal. My jaw dropped as he handed it to me, "I rescued it before the fires reached your hall. I still don't know why, but it was a good read."

"IAN!!!!" I yelled, hitting over the head with the hard-back journal, "THAT'S MY PERSONAL JOURNAL!!! IT'S NOT FOR YOU TO READ!!! JERK!"

He laughed, holding his head where I hit him. "I must be on a role, that's the second time you called me that in your two days of consciousness with me."

"I can add to that if you want." I scowled at him. He just leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on my lips, sending shivers through me. "Just think about it." He smirked and walked out the door of the small room I was in. I growled and looked down at the worn journal, "Is it really that ridicules of an idea? I could write about it I guess, using this…"

*hehehehe. It's a cliffy! Not a very big one, but it sets the stage for what is to come. One more chapter and the story will officially start. *grins* I hope you like it. I'm happy with it so far.