Fan Fiction ❯ From Heaven or Hell ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

* Oh my gosh! Forget what I said about the last chapter. This one, although short, is awesome! I did really well with the detail here…and I know that is where I usually need work. ^_^ Thanks so much to my friends for helping me out with this. Even if you don't read this, I know they are. And that's all that really matters to me. ^_^… But I would absolutely love a review or two…


I ran my hand over the worn cover; the memories this book held, was I ready to relive them? I sighed and placed the journal in my lap. Turning to my left I looked out the window. The sun shown bright outside, the wind blew lightly through the trees, and the lake in the distance was calm and peaceful. Sadness feel upon me; `Peace is false.' I told myself, `The silence is only an appearance of peace. It is a mask.' I stifled a yawn and, closing my eyes, lay back onto the bed. Slowly, I drifted back into the realm of dreams; the only place no one could touch or destroy.


I walk slowly down the grassy hill, a slight limp in my step. After almost a month my wound has almost completely healed, and although I was told not to walk around, I must remind myself that I was never one to listen to anything I was told. So here I find myself, a small bag thrown over my shoulder, and a blanket over my arm, searching for a comfortable place to sit. I come upon the perfect spot underneath an old oak tree, and throwing down my things, I take in the sight before me. One again the weather is beautiful, as is the view. The lake below leads to gorgeous snow-caped mountains; small, feathery clouds make their way across the sky as a light wind blows through the tall grasses. `Perfect' is the one thought going through my mind right now. Taking a seat on the soft ground, I pull my bag closer to me. Emptying its contents, I smile when my eyes meet the worn our journal, `Here we go again.'

I place the book in my lap and a pad of paper next to me. I ready myself for a journey into my past, much of it long forgotten. Pencil in hand I open the journal to its first entry, seven years ago today. I read slowly, taking in every detail, and with the memories flooding back my hand races across the paper. The telling of our tale has started.

You are about to travel with us, and see things no one else has. Look through my eyes into a world of flight that before now was never known to exist.

And so our story begins…