Fan Fiction ❯ Harouka STOP SCROLLING AND READ THIS FREAKIN STORY ❯ Running Alone ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

dessesbosram: just so everyone knows…harouka iz 16 yrsold.


Ch: 2 Running Alone

Harouka looked down at her father lying on the ground, lifeless. She could not believe what she had done. What if her mother came home and saw him. She dropped the knife, which she had stabbed him with. Maybe she wouldn't get in trouble with the police. Maybe this was self-defense. No, she erased the thought from her head. Without thinking she put the knife into her pocket and ran out of the house (dessesbosram: I said w/o thinking because she was still covered in blood. People are gonna notice).

When Harouka noticed pedestrians staring, she remembered all of the blood on herself. The pain from her cut was growing, but she could not go to a hospital. They asked too many questions. She was still crying and the tears stung her wound.

A little girl looked at her, holding her mother's hand. "Look, mommy! That girl has a boo boo!" This drew more attention to Harouka. She spotted an alley. It looked empty, what she wanted.

When she walked down the narrow alley she saw a box. It was not small, either; but it was not big. Harouka squeezed in, to shield herself from the cold wind rushing by. The holes in it did not help, but her mind was elsewhere. She began to cry, and curled herself into a ball. "NO!" She thought out loud. She immediately wiped the tears. She had to be strong.

Harouka heard a growl. It was her stomach. She remembered that she had not eaten. The fight with her dad had started at about 10:00 am. What time was it now? She did not know. What she needed was food. But first, she needed to do something else.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….(dessesbodram: you know what this means)

Harouka woke up from her nap. It was getting dark. It was around 9:30pm. She sat up. "UNGH!" She had forgotten about her cut. Her fingers ran down her cheek slowly. All of the blood had dried, even on her body. Harouka's kimono was stuck to her. Her tongue still hurt, as well. She got an idea.

Harouka had gotten up and was looking for water. She needed to clean herself off. She noticed a rain gutter. It had rained two nights ago and the gutter was trapping some water inside. Harouka pulled out some leaves to let the water flow. It formed a small puddle, which was enough.

As soon as Harouka looked into the water she splashed it. Her ugliness disgusted her. How could that monster (her father) cut her up to look so hideous? She then, after calming a bit, began cutting strips off of her kimono and dipping them in the water. She washed her legs and hands first then the rest of her body. With the few remaining strips, she wrapped them around her face (the bottom, where the cut was) covering her mouth. It did not matter because she could not talk, anyways.

Now that she was wide-awake and not covered in blood, she decided to find some food. After, what seemed, a long walk Harouka sat down. She was so dizzy from not having any food. When she looked up she saw a 24-hour store. She was leaping with joy. (The dizziness had disappeared) The only problem was that she had no money. Which meant she'd have to steal.

When Harouka walked in she saw that the only other person, besides her, was a boy at the counter. He was about Harouka's age. Knowing that her only hope was to steal food, Harouka hid behind a shelf. The boy kept looking at her with these blue eyes, and Harouka could not help but to stare back. What was she gonna do? She could not steal with someone watching her.

Harouka began to pull small things off of the shelf, so she could hide them in her kimono. She suddenly remembered something. Looking up to check for cameras Harouka heard the boy say, "You can steal what you want. There are no cameras." Harouka felt embarrassed. She did not know what to do, so she did the first thing that came to mind. She walked out with the food, him still watching.

This became a routine. Every night Harouka would go to the same 24-hour store and he would let her take small things. What she didn't know was that he would secretly check, to see what she had bought, and pay for it. She figured he must feel bad for her. Harouka had not looked at herself since that day when she had splashed the water. It had been almost one week, so she hoped she looked better. Even though her cut had not been hurting as much, and probably looked better, Harouka kept the cloth around it.

It was Sunday, but Harouka did not know, and as usual went to the same 24-hour store. It was dark inside, when Harouka noticed the schedule on the outside wall. It read: Monday-Saturday-------24 hours; Sunday-------Closed after 10:00pm. Realizing that it must be Saturday and past 10 O'clock Harouka's heart sunk. She wanted to die, now that she had to go without food for a day.

"Psst!" Called somebody. "Psst!" Harouka turned around. It was the boy who worked inside the store. Harouka did know what he wanted, though. "Come here." He whispered, waving his hand toward himself. Harouka wondered why in the world he was whispering; there was no one around. Harouka found herself walking towards him.

From behind the corner he pulled out a bag of groceries. "I knew you would come. I got these without breaking the law." He smirked, holding up a receipt. Harouka wanted to jump up and down with joy, but held it all back. She peacefully nodded, because she could not say `thank you'. She then began to walk away.

With a swoop of his hand the boy turned her around. Harouka got defensive, and smacked him. "Owwww! What was that for? I just wanted to-" Harouka began to walk away again. "I give you food, and you run away?"

Harouka's pace grew quicker. She did not know why, but she was drawn to him. His light brown hair and sea blue eyes made her want more. On the other hand, she did not want to be fooled. Her father had been kind, sweet, handsome, caring, and more; when her mother had first met him. She did not want to become her mother. She did not want to take the chance that he might turn out like her dad.

Again he tried to turn her around. (dessesbosram: now they are in the alley Harouka lives in) This time Harouka turned around on her own, pulling out the knife, and pointing it at his head. Like she had her father. When the boy looked into her eyes he saw pure rage. He really thought that she was going to kill him. Surprised at her reflex, Harouka dropped the knife, her eyes open wide.

The boy slowly started to back away, breathing heavily. He was even more surprised when Harouka dropped to her knees and began to cry. She covered her eyes trying to hide it, but it was too obvious to miss. With his foot the boy slid the knife away from Harouka. Then, hoping she did not have another one, he walked over to her. As if she had been waiting for him, Harouka wrapped her arms around him, and sobbed into his shoulder. Surprised by this action he flinched, then surprised at himself he hugged her back.

Ignoring all of the pain in her cheek and tongue, Harouka said, "I'm sorry…" She was talking through her cloth and between sobs. "…I don't know…what came over me." The boy was surprised that she had actually spoken. "You talk?" He asked jokingly. As if they had been good friends for along time. Harouka shoved him jokingly, as well. She then smiled (he could not see it, though)

After a while of silence the boy said, "I'm Kito." Harouka just replied, "Harouka…"

****END OF CH. 2*****

dessesbosram: GIVE ME REVIEWS!!!!!!!! Thaz all I have to say…-_-;

p.s. sorry bout typin' mistakes. I make `em a lot…lol