Fan Fiction ❯ Horny Juice ❯ Chapter VI ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*Horny Juice*~

~*Chapter 6*~

A/N Sorry to take so long with this chapter, explanation is after this chapter.

Angelina woke up slowly as she lay in her bed. Thinking that she had to get up for breakfast then her Wednesday morning classes, most of which she shared with Fred … .. She had to talk to Fred, she told herself that she had to get up because she was going to be late for breakfast but she just couldn't get out of bed. The warm, cosy and soft bed felt too good to leave. But she forced herself out non the less.

She ran down the halls of Hogwarts after getting washed, dress and preparing her class work, also after finding out she was 45 minutes late! They had an hour's breakfast before class so she only had 15 minutes to get to the main hall find some thing to eat.

As she sat down she saw Fred at the opposite end of the table, as she made eye contact with him she saw bags under his eyes, like he hadn't been sleeping properly. He also looked depressed, come to think about it, she had NEVER seen him anything less than happy and cheerful. And only being about 4 foot away from him magnified how sad he must be feeling.

Angelina looked about the table to find some fast food. She saw a few slices of bread, she got them and put some butter on them, then she found a couple rashers of bacon, which she placed in between the bread and got the brown sauce and coated all the bacon till the sauce was dripping out the "bacon buttie", `This looks so tasty right now'. And she loved it. `This will have to be a new breakfast snack from now then.' The bell for the 1st class of the morning rang and Angelina had just finished.

She got up picked her class work and left the table but waited at the hall door. She was waiting for Fred.

Fred slowly got up and made his way to the door, "Hey," Said Angelina.

Fred looked at her like he just woke up. "Hmm, Hey?"

"Fred we need to talk." Angelina said. Looking at his sorry state.

"What, later on tonight, in the common room?"

"No, our second class, Potions. `Cus I got Care Of Magical Creatures now and you got Divination." She hugged him and gave him a kiss on the check then ran to her class.

When she was looking at him and talking to him she couldn't help but hug him, then when she did she felt like she couldn't let got till she kissed him. `I love him so much, I just wish everything will work out just right."

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A/N: Next we follow Fred in his Divination class and Trelawney has a fun time predicting Fred's life. And maybe I might start from when he woke up this morning. . . ?

Sorry it took so long to get this tiny chapter typed out, but mum had time of work and she was getting married and we had a shit load of shopping to do! Not to mention I've had my hair braided that took 10 hours with 3 people working on my hair (I'd like to think I look like Angelina now! Haha). And I've not been very well.

Thanx to all those that reviewed my last chapter:

Phoenix-Angel (Yep it's the beginning YAY!)

wheezes (Hey girl! Here's your chapter, and I'm waiting for chapter 8 of Unexpected with the old sparks flying!)

Ashliegh (Fighting does seem the Fred/Angelina thing to do, maybe next chapter!)

princess17 (Here's chapter 6 and please review this one ^_^)

Draco-luver (Hey no prob, don't mention it!)

KnightHunter (Hey, I try to appeal to the hentai side of everyone with the title! I have quite a bit in store for them!)