Fan Fiction ❯ LJ's ❯ Robin ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

LJ post by: BoyWonder
[1] First grade teacher's name:
Ms. Sinclair…not the nicest teacher I've ever had.
[2] Last words you said: Fine, if you want to fix it on your own, go ahead.
[3] Last song you sang: I don't sing.
[4] Last person you hugged: Star after I tickled her.
[5] Last thing you laughed at: Star when she was laughing.
[6] Last time you said I dont remember: Don't remember.
[7] Last time you cried: I don't cry.

[8] What are you listening to right now:
Not listening to music.
[9] What color socks are you wearing: Black.
[10] What's under your bed: My traing bostaff.
[11] What time did you wake up today: Seven to prepare for practice
[12] Current taste: Coke.
[13] Current hair: Spiked.
[14] Current clothes: Uniform.
[15] Current annoyance: Beast Boy and Raven. How are they suppose to fight crimewhen they're fighting each other?
[16] Current boyfriend/girlfriend:  Don't date. It could interfer with the crime fighting.  
[17] Current desktop picture: the team.
[18] Current worry: Slade.
[19] Current hate: Fighting amoungst the team.
[20] Current favorite article of clothing: My masks. I like the mask.
[21] Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: Big green eyes.
[22] Last CD that you listened to: CD Cyborg made.
[23] Favorite place to be: Training room. Helps release some of the anxiety and pain.
[24] Least favorite place: Proms.
[25] Time you wake up in the morning: Seven am.
[26] If you could play an instrument, what would you play: I can already play the piano. Bruce insisted.
[27] Favorite color: Red.
[28] Do you believe in after life? Don't take time to think about it.
[29] How tall are you: 5'6” I hope that changes soon. I hate looking up to Star.
[30] Current favorite word/saying: Titans, go!
[31] Favorite book: Bruce's judo moves book.
[32] Favorite season: All seasons are good for crime fighting.
[33] One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: My parents.

          & nbsp;           &nbs p;            & nbsp;           &nbs p;
35] Where do you want to go: I wish I could visit Gotham more often.
[36] What is your career going to be like: Never going to stop the superhero buisnes.
[37] How many kids do you want: Don't want kids.
[38] What kind of car will you have: Ha, motercycle.
[40] Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: Well I've yelled at BB while he's been in those forms.
[41] Been to New York: With the circus.
[42] Been to Florida: With the circus.
[43] Been to California: With the circus.
[44] Been to Hawaii: With the circus and we are NOT going there. Who'd watch after the city? And don't tell me Titans East, they're busy enough on their own I don't care what Bee says.
[45] Been to Mexico: With the circus.
[46] Been to China: Once with Bruce.
[47] Been to Canada: With the circus.
[48] Danced naked: I don't dance.
[49] Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: I don't dream.
[50] Wanted to be the opposite sex: No.
[51] Had an imaginary friend: No.
[52] Do you have a crush on someone: A leader shouldn't have a crush on Star.
[53] What book are you reading now?: A leaders guide to teamwork.
[54] What is the worst feeling? Losing.
[55] What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: Where's Slade?
[56] How many rings before you answer: One. We have to be effective.
[57] Future daughter's name: Don't plan on kids.
[58] Future son's name: Again, don't plan on kids.
[59] Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: No. No weakness
[60] If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: ... I wish I could be a writer.
[61] Wish you were here: Back in Gotham
[62] College plans: Princeton, where Bruce went, if he and the team can spare me.
[63] Piercings: Three in my right ear, two in my left and an eyebrow piercing. Usually only have a small bar in there to make sure they don't close up…I don't want the team to get piercings, could interfer with their fighting.
[65] Do you smoke: Only when I'm stressed…so about 3 packs a day.
[66] Who are your best friends: Can't afford best friends. The team.
[67] What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: Herbal Essence.
[68] What are you most scared of: Slade winning.
[69] What clothes do you sleep in: boxers. Once again, the team needs to sleep in their uniforms. I can wake up and dress quickly enough not too.
[70] Who is the last person that called you: Ltnt. Johnson.
[71] Where do you want to get married: Don't plan on it.
[72] If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: Iin better shape…and could better express my feelings.
[73] Who do you really hate: Slade.
[74] Been In Love: No. Too dangerous.
[75] Are You Timely Or Always Late: Always on time. Can't afford to be late.
[76] Do You Have A Job: I am a superhero. Always will be.
[77] Do You Like Being Around People: I prefer to do research on my own.
[78] Best feeling in the world: Winning.
[79] Are you for world peace: Yes and one day I will achieve it.
[80] Are you a health freak: Yes, we all need to be in top condition.
[81] Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: I've only been after one girl.
[82] Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: I wish Star and I were just normal kids.
[83] Are You Lonely Right Now: Yes. But a superhero can't worry about being lonely. Bruce said we never think about that.
[84] Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: Yes.
[85] Do You Want To Get Married: I want too. But I can't.
[86] Do You Want Kids: Once again. I can't.

IN THE LAST 48 HRS HAVE U...      
[87] Cried: No don't cry. Unless you count right now.
[88] Bought Something: A ring. Just in case.
[89] Gotten Sick: Feel sick to my stomach right now.
[90] Sang: No. Well a little.
[91] Said I Love You: I should. I should tell her.
[92] Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: Yes. Would everything really fall apart if we tried?
[93] Met Someone New: No don't want too.
[94] Moved On: Can't. Just can't think about it.
[95] Talked To Someone: Yes. I've talked to her.
[96] Had A Serious Talk: No, but we should. We should talk.
[97] Missed Someone: I miss her right now. I should go ask her. We could at least try.
[98] Hugged Someone: Her.
[99] Kissed Someone: No. Can't. Can't try. Bruce said…
[100] Fought With Your Parents: They're gone.
[101] Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: Can't be with her. It's stupid.
[102] Had a lot of sleep: Don't have time for sleep. Don't have time for anything.