Fan Fiction ❯ Love Powers All: Life or Death? ❯ The Rescue ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Love Powers All: Life or Death?

A/N- How do you like the fic so far? I hope you like it as much as I enjoy typing it. I was wondering if you guys would like it better if I made the fanfic a happy ending or a good one…so far all my fanfics came out good…well Doomsday Journey didn't have a happy ending, but the epilogue was happy….so how would you like it if this FF turned out to be sad? Just a thought….I'm trying to figure out a way to make it more interesting. Please tell me your opinions on that thought in your next review! Thanks.

Disclaimer- I own the fanfic, the plot, idea (the only idea I don't own is the idea that Babs567 gave me which is going to be used in this chapter, which means this chapter was typed by me, but the idea was hers…so 50% of it is hers), and four of the characters. So I don't own anything else, unless I'm forgetting something.

Summary- Everyone arrives in Buffalo, New York, but will they find Samantha?

Chapter 8- The Rescue

The family was now off the plane and had rented a few cars to share. They were now starting the search. Kevin had gotten Melanie Anderson's address when he was tracking the phone number and was now driving there while everyone else followed him.

`Do you think she's there?" Lucy asked.

"Hopefully we will."

"If we don't…"

"Luce, don't worry about the ifs." Lucy sighed and looked out her window. She recognized the house as they inched closer to it. As Kevin turned into the driveway Lucy noticed something was wrong.

"Kevin…where's the car?" She said as she got out heading towards the house as Mary, Ben, Mrs. Kinkirk, Matt, and Sarah got out of their cars as well.

"I don't know, but you, Sarah, Mary, and Mom should all check everything inside, while Ben, Matt, and I check everything outside." She nodded and went inside with her sister, sister-in-law, and mother-in-law.

Mary and Mrs. Kinkirk looked downstairs while Lucy and Sarah went upstairs to look around. With Mrs. Kinkirk, Mary looked through the kitchen, living room, a bathroom, closets, and the dining room before returning outside.

The kitchen was small. There was an island in the middle with bowls of fruits. Against the wall, there were wooden cabinets and a counter. Built into the counter was a sink, stove, and dishwasher. There was also a black microwave on the sink and in the counter there were many drawers with silverware and other things. The two found nothing that looked suspicious.

Mary proceeded into the living room as Mrs. Kinkirk looked in the bathroom and the many closets. There was a wide screen TV against the wall. In the middle of the room there was a couch. In front of it was a glass topped coffee table. Along each side of the coffee table, was a chair that matched the couch. There were pictures of family members hanging in the room.

Mrs. Kinkirk went into the dining room. She saw a wooden cabinet that was the size of a bookshelf. The doors of try the cabinet were made of glass and the frames were made of resilient cherry colored wood. The cabinet was filled with plates and glasses. In the middle of the room was a large table with flowers to decorate it. On the ceiling there was a chandelier.

Mary and Mrs. Kinkirk hadn't found anything suspicious and headed outside to join the men that were searching for suspicious things outside.


Sarah went to check the bathroom and bedroom while Lucy went to check the other bedroom and attic.

The bathroom looked like a regular bathroom. There was a bathtub, towels were hanging, and there was a sink with a cabinet on top of it against the wall. The cabinet didn't contain anything, but toothbrushes, toothpaste, and vitamins.

Next was the bedroom. Against the wall in the middle of the room, was a king sized bed. There was a TV against the opposite wall. On each side of the bed was a nightstand with a lamp on it. Sarah was about to go to the bathroom when she saw someone lying on the bed in a puddle of blood. She rushed over.

"Lucy! Get in here!"


Lucy ran into the next bedroom and to the crib that was against a wall. She quickly ran towards it and looked over the edge.

"Samantha!" She picked up a sheet realizing that Samantha wasn't in the bed. She started to look around the room for anything that looked unusual when she heard a voice from the room closet to her.

"Lucy! Get in here!" It was Sarah.

She ran over to the next room and saw a horrific site, "Oh, my gosh!" She quickly went over to the bed, "Melanie! What happened? Sarah call the hospital!" Sarah picked up the phone that was on the nightstand and dialed 9-1-1.

"There's someone here, can you please send an ambulance...the address it 546 Spring Water Road, Buffalo, New York…thank you." She hung up and looked at Melanie, "What happened?"

Melanie lay silently for a second before speaking, "It was Thomas…"

"You mean your boyfriend Thomas?" Melanie nodded.

"Why did he do this to you?" Sarah asked.

Melanie slowly explained everything. She explained everything from the day Thomas came home, to the Samantha Kinkirk Kidnapping, to that day when Sarah had found her. Just as she finished a few people came into the room with a stretcher. They carefully put Melanie into the stretcher and followed by Lucy and Sarah, they took her to the ambulance.


A few minutes later Sarah and Matt got into their car and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

"What happened?" Ben questioned Lucy.

Lucy explained the story, "Oh…and Melanie said he ran off."

"We didn't find anything out here. Did she say anything about where you'd find him?" Lucy shook her head as she and Kevin got into the car.

Before Kevin closed the door he said one last thing, "Let's each go our separate direction…we might find her more easily."


Mary and Ben got out of the driveway and started to go towards the direction they came from. After they turned to a new road they started looking around. They stopped at every place they came across and looked inside buildings, apartments, stores, and even dumpsters, but they had no luck. They continued to do this until they got a call.

Ben looked at his cell phone and noticed that it was Kevin. He picked it up.


Kevin turned right from the driveway and drove straight. There were a few houses, but after a few minutes all Lucy and Kevin could see were fields of grass or forest. He continued driving and the two noticed that there was no where to turn, but to continue going to straight.

"Kevin, maybe we should turn around." Lucy said doubtfully.

"No, Luce. I'm a police officer and if a criminal ran away, he'd probably go somewhere where someone wouldn't think of looking and I think this is it."

"At least you brought your police things with you."

"Yeah," He continued driving in silence.


Kevin was about ready to give up when he saw a building. It looked like an apartment and it also looked like it had been evacuated. It looked as if it were about to crumble down any minute now. The parking lot was empty, except for one car was there.

"Kevin, there's only one car there…that's odd." Kevin looked at the car and then turned into the parking lot next to the car. He got out and checked inside. There was a car seat.

Kevin quickly opened the door of the passenger's seat and pulled Lucy out. He then took out a gun from his bag and then put it on his belt that held his cell phone.

"What's going on?" Lucy asked running after Kevin.

"Just follow me, we have to check the building…if they're not here they're near." He continued to run until he opened the door of the building and looked inside.

"I doubt they're in here…who's they're?"

"Samantha and Thomas,"


Kevin walked around the main floor of the building. It was a wreck. The floors were cracking and you had to be careful with your steps or else you would fall through them. The walls had holes and cracks all over…the building itself looked like it would cave in from the inside.

Shortly after the search Kevin and Lucy left the building. Lucy was about to go into the car when Kevin continued to walk, "Where are you going?"

"They can't be far, if they left the car here." Lucy nodded in agreement and walked side by side with Kevin.


Thomas heard footsteps from behind him; he quickly looked back and then started to run. He knew who they were and he didn't want them to catch him. He looked back again as he was running with the baby in his arms, who he wasn't holding very carefully. The child looked like she was getting smaller. Thomas had refused to feed her even though she was just a baby.

Kevin noticed a figure and watched as it got faster. He grabbed Lucy's arm and starting running while taking the gun out with his other arm, once he got close enough to the man he let go of Lucy and continued running. Lucy started to run after him realized that something had been dropped from the figures arm. There was a small scream before it landed on the hard, cold, ground.

"Kevin! That was Samantha! He dropped Samantha!" Lucy screamed and started to run faster. She got to where Samantha was. She looked smaller than Lucy had remembered and pale. A tear ran down her cheek as she remembered her dream.


Lucy and Kevin ran towards Samantha while the police took care of the kidnapper. Lucy bent down to pick her daughter up, but something wasn't right. Her skin was pale and the look in her eyes looked lifeless. A few moments later the paramedics showed up. They looked at the baby girl with a sigh.

"I'm afraid that your daughter is dead." The couple that was in front of the man was horrified and speechless. All they could do was look down at their dead daughter.

"She's....she's dead." Lucy cried into Kevin's chest once again. He rested his head on hers and a tear rolled down his cheek.

-Flashback Ends-

This is almost exactly how it happened. Lucy got her cell phone out and quickly called both the police and the hospital.

Shortly after she called Kevin came back towards her holding his gun on Thomas Hendricks back. He came to Lucy's side and looked down at Samantha and then looked back at Thomas.

"It looks like you'll definitely be joining Jake Anderson Mr. Hendricks." Kevin said, "We'll be holding a court date…you starved and dropped our child! You'll be lucky if you didn't commit murder!" He was angry now and Lucy was crying.

Sirens could be heard from the distance as police cars and an ambulance pulled over. Some police officers rushed towards where Kevin was.

"What do you think you're doing to this man?" A police officer asked Kevin as he kept the gun on Thomas's back.

"I'm a police officer for the Glen Oak Police Department and this man, Thomas Hendricks, kidnapped Samantha Kinkirk, Lucy's and my daughter, dropped and starved her, and also abused Melanie Anderson."

"Kevin Kinkirk? So you were the guy that called are police station asking for help." The police officer took over for Kevin as he bent down next to Lucy and pulled her close to him as she cried even more.

The paramedics came over a few moments after the police had taken care of Thomas and looked at Samantha. One of the men picked up the baby and started walking towards the ambulance.

"Is she ok?" Lucy's voice quivered.

"I'm not sure, Miss, she looks like she won't survive." A fresh river of tears came down Lucy's already tear-stained face.

As Lucy went into the ambulance Kevin quickly called his brother.


"Kevin, is everything ok?"

"Get to the hospital quickly…we found Samantha."


Ben hung up the phone and headed towards the hospital, "What's going on?" Mary asked with a questioning look in her eyes.

"They found Samantha, but we have to go to the hospital right now."

"Is something wrong?"

"I don't know.

The rest of their ride was silent. Neither of them knew what was going on, nor did they want to know, because they both knew it was bad and that it had to do with Samantha.


Matt was at the payphone and was just about to call Lucy and Kevin when he saw the couple running into the hospital. Lucy was still crying like it was the end of the world and Kevin looked as scared as he had ever been in his life. Matt quickly hung up the phone and ran over to the waiting room seats where Lucy and Kevin sat down next to Sarah.

"What's wrong?"

"Samantha…" Lucy couldn't finish all she knew how to do that moment was cry and have faith that their daughter would live even if it was doubtful.

A/N- This is the longest chapter in this fanfic so far! It's over 2000 words and 7 pages on Microsoft Word! Woot! I'm really happy that I finally finished before I have to go for the night. I spent hours on this chapter…since I had dinner and listened to music and did a few other stuff in between. I hope you all liked this chapter. Please R&R and tell me what you think, and again, don't think that this is anywhere close to over.