Fan Fiction ❯ Love Powers All: Love Choice? ❯ Weding, Ready or Not Here We Come ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Love Powers All

A/N- This is the last chapter I'm typing for today. I think chapter 11 will definitely be the last chapter plus the Epilogue. So I hope you all enjoyed the fanfic!

Next Fanfictions- Painful Love- From Inuyasha, a fanfic that has me and 3 of my friends in it (I'm going to make sure I put George Stults in it XD), and then I'll be writing another 7th Heaven fanfic after the other 2 are finished.

Disclaimer- The chapter was written by me, but the wedding idea was from seventhHeaven34ever. I also used some things that happened on Lucy and Kevin's wedding day on the episode.

Setting- This chapter takes place a few months after Kevin asked Lucy to marry him and the day before the wedding!

Summary- Jake and Jeremy work out their plan and Lucy and Kevin get married…or will they?

BTW- I don't exactly know what the minister has to say, but I'll try my best.

Chapter 10-Wedding, Ready or Not Here WeCome

"Alright, so we have everything planned." Jake said to Jeremy.


The two had recently found out that the next day would be Lucy and Kevin's wedding and they had started making their plan better. All the needed was hope and faith that it would work.


I can't wait till Kevin and I are finally married! Lucy thought to herself as she looked at her wedding dress that was to be worn the next day. Everyone was here a day early to make sure they weren't late for the wedding, so Lucy was sure everyone would be there and nothing would ruin it…or so she thought.

"Mom," Lucy yelled as she walked down the stairs.

Annie looked at her 21 year old daughter for a minute. Her daughter was actually getting married.


Annie watched her daughter as she was holding her when she was a baby.

Lucy was in the kitchen helping her mother cook cookies. Annie passed her the pan full of cookie dough and helped her daughter put it into the oven.

-Flashback Ends-

"Mom?" Annie came back to the real word, "What sweetie?"

"I just wanted to say thank you for all the help you gave me for the wedding."

"It was no problem. I'm glad I could."

Lucy ran back upstairs. It was now ten o'clock, so she went right to bed. She couldn't wait for her big day, but she had a hard time sleeping. After a few hours of rolling around in her bed she finally managed to close her eyes.


Kevin was in his bed dreaming. He couldn't wait till him and Lucy were married and on their honey.


"Do you, Kevin, take Lucy to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"Do you, Lucy, take Kevin to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the pride." Kevin and Lucy kissed.

-Dreaming Ends-


The next day was a big day for everyone, especially Lucy.

Lucy had just finished putting curlers in her hair and her make-up on when her dad had walked in her room.


Eric was watching his daughter as she slept.

He was putting a banding on a crying Lucy.

-Flashback Ends-

"Hi." Lucy said to her dad standing up.

"Huh? Oh. Hi."

Lucy hugged Eric, "Thanks for marrying Kevin and me."

"You're welcome." Eric smiled at his now grown up daughter.


Kevin was on the couch watching TV when Lucy walked into the room.

"Why aren't you getting ready?"

"I'm going to get dressed before the wedding, which is why I'm wearing my pajamas still."

"Ok, well Mom and I are going to the church to get ready."

"Alright, bye,"


Later that night Lucy was ready for the wedding. Like at most weddings, she had her white gown to wear. Like Kevin, she couldn't wait for the honeymoon, but then something came to mind.

"Mom, what if I'm not ready?"

Annie sat her daughter down at a seat near by, "Lucy, if you love Kevin I think you should marry him. You're there for each other when you need it and I think you're ready."



Lucy smiled and got ready to go down the aisle of the church.


Jake and Jeremy were almost at the church. They got out of Jake's apartment late on purpose, that way they wouldn't have to sit in a church they could just run into it like they hadn't planned it, which they had.


Lucy and Kevin were now holding hands and facing each other.

"We are brought here today to celebrate the love these two have."

"But first does anyone reject this couple's marriage?"

Suddenly the door of the church swung open and two men came running, "WE REJECT."

Everyone looked back. Lucy noticed who the two were and put her head in Kevin's chest. A few tears rolled down her cheek.

Lucy and Kevin looked at Eric, who was frowning, "Lucy, you're going to have to choose someone."

She looked up at Kevin and then back at Jeremy and Jake. Then she walked over to Jeremy. Kevin looked at Lucy with a pinch of jealousy, fright, and pain in his face.

"Jeremy, I'm sorry, but I can't choose you. I don't love you and when I thought I did, it didn't work out."

Then Lucy walked up to Jake and made sure she said what she said loud enough for everyone to here, "Why should I be the one for you? So you can rape me again?! You don't deserve anyone!" Everyone looked at each other and then back at Lucy who was starting to cry about what he had done.

Finally she walked up to Kevin and hugged him, "I love you, Kevin. If didn't I wouldn't be here in a wedding dress."

Kevin smiled at his soon-to-be-wife, "I love you too."

The wedding went on now that Lucy had picked Kevin and came the part they had been waiting for, for the past few months.

"Kevin, do you take Lucy to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Kevin slipped the ring on Lucy's finger.

"Lucy, do you take Kevin to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Lucy slipped the ring on Kevin's finger.

"You may now kiss the pride." Eric smiled at his daughter and his son-in-law.

The two kissed and handed out of the church.


"Well, that plan went well."

"Tell me about it." Jake mumbled.

The two were now at the Promenade and were both, obviously upset about losing Lucy. They didn't notice, but Detective Michael's was walking towards them.

"Jake Anderson?"

"Yeah?" Jake said turning around. He looked shocked when he saw Detective Michael's, "Hi…"

"You're coming with me." Jake followed Detective Michael's and he also knew what was going on. He wanted to run away, but didn't since he didn't want things getting worse.

Jeremy sat there wondering what was going on when he realized why Jake was being taken to the police.


Why should I be the one for you? So you can rape me again?! You don't deserve anyone!"

-Flashback Ends-


Kevin and Lucy had just left for their honeymoon after their reception and everyone was headed off to bed, since the next day everyone who came to visit would be leaving. They were all happy that Lucy and Kevin were finally married.

"I'm glad you decided to marry them."

"I am too. Lucy was right. I'm not a regular dad."

Annie smiled at her husband and then turned out the lights to go to sleep, "Goodnight."


Kevin and Lucy cuddled in their bed. Like everyone else the two were happy to be finally married. It was a dream for both of them and it came true.

-Lucy's Thoughts-

I'm finally married and I'm glad Jeremy and Jake finally realized I love Kevin. I think besides the incident, the wedding was great. I'm happy that we were able to get married today.

-Kevin's Thoughts-

Lucy chose me over her two ex-boyfriends and like her I'm happy that the wedding went on. Jeremy and Jake ruined it for that part, but it seemed to get better by the minute. I'm surprise they watched the rest though…

A/N- In my opinion that was a bad ending to a chapter. Well I'm not going to be updating Chapter 11 and the epilogue till Monday. I started writing this last night and I'm lucky I could finish it now. I'm not sure if there's going to be another chapter. I think it's just the epilogue because I was going to have Lucy and Kevin redo the wedding in the next chapter, but they continued it.

In The Review- In the review I was wondering if you could tell me what you thought of the fanfic, if I should make a sequel (if I do it's not till I finish the 2 fanfics before the next 7th Heaven one), and other stuff like that. Thanks for reading and R&R please.