Fan Fiction ❯ Love Powers All: Love Choice? ❯ Incident Aftermaths ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Love Powers All

A/N- Thanks for all the reviews everyone. This is my third chapter today and I'll try to get more in today. I really want to get this done before school starts (Wednesday).

Disclaimer- It's the same as the last chapter.

Summary- A few weeks after the incident Lucy thought everything was normal, but then she was hit with another surprise.

Chapter 13- Incident Aftermaths

Lucy had just woken up and her head was in the toilet. She had been doing this every morning for the past 4 weeks and had an appointment with the doctor that day. Kevin was holding her hair back. It had also been 4 weeks since the 2 incidents with Jeremy and Jake.

"Lucy, I'm going to go to the doctor's with you." Lucy had just finished and was washing her face.

"No, it's ok, Kevin, you don't have to come."

"I'm coming, ok?"


Lucy headed to the closet and found clothes. She walked back to the bathroom, pushed Kevin out, closed the door, and took a shower.


Kevin headed for the kitchen and ran into Eric on his way, "Hi Kevin."


"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"How's Lucy?" When Eric asked the question he seemed to be suddenly curious.

"I think she's fine, we're going to the doctor today."

Then Kevin continued walking and got some food to eat for breakfast. The appointment would be in 45 minutes.


Lucy took out a third pregnancy test. She had taken 2 already that week and they all came out positive. She took one last one and once again it came out as positive.

Kevin had just walked into the room when Lucy stepped out, "Are you ready to go?" Kevin asked his worried wife.

"Yeah," The both headed out to the car and sat down.

Kevin looked at Lucy. She seemed a little upset. He decided to ask her, "What's wrong?"

Lucy looked up and shook her head, "Nothing's wrong." Then she looked down again and Kevin started driving to the doctor.

When they were about half way there Lucy looked up and broke the silence, but still talked quietly, "Kevin? I took 3 tests" She paused and looked to see if Kevin seemed upset, "and…they were all positive." She quickly looked down again.

"Lucy, they could be wrong, and if they aren't it's ok." Lucy looked up and was relieved that Kevin was ok with this, but she wasn't. She still had to a few years of school and Kevin and her couldn't raise a family in the garage apartment. It was too small and not only that, but the two had only been married for a month.


A few minutes later Lucy was in the doctor's office. She had asked Kevin In the lobby, which made him a little worried. Kevin she still loves you, she's just upset. He kept telling himself the same thing over and over again until Lucy went out to see Kevin. She kissed him and then sat down.

"So, how did everything go?"

"Good, I guess. The doctor's coming out in a few minutes." Lucy sighed. Kevin could clearly tell that she was upset, but before he could ask her, the doctor came out with the results.

"Lucy Kinkirk, you're pregnant." Lucy looked up looking even more upset than she already was.

"Thank you, Dr. Daniels."

The doctor left the room and Lucy started to sob as she hugged Kevin.

"Lucy, you should be happy."

"How can I be happy?" She exclaimed, "I'm pregnant and still have a few years of college, we can't raise a family in the garage apartment, and what if it's not your baby?!"

Kevin thought. Lucy was right. They couldn't raise a family and she had to finish college. They couldn't raise a child very easily, and Lucy had been raped 4 weeks ago, it could easily have been Jake's unless she was pregnant before then.

They walked to the car and drove home in silence. Both of them were thinking about the baby.

-Lucy's Thoughts-

I need to finish college. I promised Kevin I wouldn't quit after I started. How are we going to find a house? And what if it's Jake's baby? I don't' want to keep the baby of a man who raped me! I just hope it isn't his and it's Kevin's.

-Kevin's Thoughts-

I remember clearly, that I told Lucy never to quit college after she started, but she's pregnant. She can't raise a child and be a full or half-time student. I'm sure Lucy and I am thinking the same thing: I hope it's not Jake's baby.


At the Camden's house everyone was sitting around in the living room when Lucy and Kevin walked in. They quickly stood up and followed the two with their eyes. Lucy sat down and everyone noticed she was upset.

"Why are all of you in the room?" Lucy asked suspiciously.

"Your dad told us all that you and Kevin were going to the doctor and we wanted to know what he said."

"Great." Lucy mumbled.

Kevin sat down next to Lucy and hugged her, "It's going to be ok. We'll figure out something."

Lucy hugged Kevin back, noticing everyone staring at them, "So?"

Lucy looked up and sighed, "I…I'm pregnant."

They all hugged Kevin and Lucy while congratulating them, "Lucy?"


"I know you probably don't want me asking but…" She paused, "Who's baby is it?"

Lucy dropped herself on the couch as soon as Ruthie asked the question and bursts into tears, "We don't know. I think we're going to have to wait till the baby is born, unless there's a way to find out.

Everyone in the room was speechless. They all remembered what Jake had done, but then again it was something unforgettable.


After a few minutes Lucy and Kevin went back to the apartment. Lucy started studying, but she kept thinking about the baby. Kevin was taking a nap, but even in his sleep he thought about the baby.

The both knew that Lucy might have to quit school and start over when the baby was older, that they had to start looking for houses, and that life would never be the same for either of them whether the baby was Kevin's or not.

Lucy walked to the bed and decided she would take a nap too. If only she could figure it out, who's baby was the baby?

A/N- I hoped you liked this chapter. I hope I made it sound interesting. I'd like to thank seventhHeaven4ever for the idea of Lucy getting pregnant, I never exactly thought of that and I did think about Jeremy raping Lucy, but not Jake breaking out of jail and raping her again. So thanks again for your help! I have an hour and 10 minutes to write the next chapter and before Full House/7th Heaven come on.