Fan Fiction ❯ Mocking Mary ❯ Shot On Sight ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the Rings, I merely own copies of the book. I also don't own Mary Sue, who'd want to? Any resemblance to decent writing is purely coincidental.


Mary Sue, having splatted into the ground like a pancake, peeled herself up off of the ground cartoon-style. Once she was no longer flat, her perfect eyes went wide as she looked at the beautiful scenery. She wandered around, singing with her perfect voice, until she heard people coming. She did not think to hide, because who could harm someone as perfect as herself? After a few minutes, a group of nine people came out of the forest. They stopped when they saw her, and Mary assumed it was because they were stunned by her perfect-ness. She took the opportunity to flirt with the gorgeous man with the pointed ears. They looked at her for a moment until one of them, not the pretty one, to her disappointment, stepped forward.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" She shouldn't have been able to understand his language, but because she didn't know this she could understand him perfectly.

"I am Mary Sue. I fell here." They looked at each other dubiously. One of the little people spoke up.

"I think she's a spy of Sauron." The man who spoke first nodded.

"We can't risk her telling anyone she's seen us. Legolas?" He nodded to the gorgeous guy she had been flirting with-completely without success-and he pointed an arrow at her. Before Mary realized what had happened, she had been shot through the heart by the Elf. The company moved on, leaving the perfect girl perfectly dead.


You have to wonder, why would people guarding the most Evil thing on Middle Earth trust a stranger with no credentials and no knowledge of Middle Earth? They are far more likely to shoot her on sight. So they did. Hah.

If anyone has a suggestion, or a scenario involving a Sue of any type that they would like to see played out, leave it in a review and I will do my best. Or worst, if you'd prefer. : P

Review Responses:

Me - Stay tuned for the next chapter! Thanks for the suggestion!

Blue Mountains - To tell you the truth, so do I. Thanks for the reviewing!

Dazed, Confused, and happy - I do not intend to mock anyone in particular, I am just having fun with some of the well known cliches surrounding Mary Sues. Almost everyone has written a Sue at one time or another, I'm guilty of it myself. I am sorry if you were offended.

Alice-Elizabeth - Thank you! Yes, it's a real epidemic, isn't it? It's to the point where I won't read LotR romance cause it's all the same. A Sue doing a Wile E. Coyote impression from 30,000 feet is a nice image, isn't it? Well, it's not a one shot but... *looks around* Potential? Where? @.@