Fan Fiction ❯ Phoenix's Rise ❯ Finding an Airhead part 2 ( Chapter 22 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 22

Finding an Airhead part II

The Guardians were walking down the street, taking their sweet time, and discussing the various arguments that had taken place the night before. Each agreed that the others were rightly worried, but had acted harshly.

“They aren’t the only ones who doubt me.” Phoenix stated simply. “I don’t think that I should be dragging you guys out here with me.”

“Well, too bad . . . we’re here, and sticking with you.” Terra grinned, and hooked an arm over her cousin’s shoulder.

“How, may I ask, do you know where to go?” Aqualad asked.

“Easy . . . I just follow my necklace. Terra, can you manage the transportation?” Phoenix asked as they came to the edge of the city.

“Yah, that won’t be a problem.” Terra grinned, lifted a section of stone that was about the size of a small car, and jumped on the back.

“Okay, we’ve got a ride. What about your necklace? What does it do?” Aqualad questioned.

“Just watch.” Phoenix got on the front of the raised slab, and surrounded her pendant with fire. “Find the Air-Guardian.” She whispered.

Immediately, as if the pendant took control, the rock seemed to take on a life of its own, and began to glide towards the desert. Aqualad rushed to get on, and seated himself between the two girls. Gradually, the stone began to speed up until it was going about 70 mph.

Phoenix, not taking her mind off of her search, put up a firewall to prevent the wind and sand from blowing into their eyes.

“Hey, cousin, I need to take a break.” Terra groaned. The size of the stone, and the distance they had gone was starting to take its toll on the Earth-Guardian’s energy.

“Hold on. We’re almost to a cave . . . there, you can let go now.” Phoenix said, as she released her mind from the pendant.

Inside of the cave, the travelers found a surprise. A boy with sandy-brown hair, who couldn’t have been more than ten, sat next to a small fire. “Who are you? What are you doing in my cave?” He asked in a small, scared voice.

“We’re sorry . . . we didn’t know that this was your cave.” Phoenix apologized. “We’re really tired . . . would you mind if we rest here for a few minutes?”

“No, I don’t mind. I was just surprised to see the three of you . . . there aren’t a lot of people who come out here.” The boy replied.

“Then may I ask why you’re out here?” Terra asked kindly, offering the kid a candy bar.

“It’s so I don’t hurt anyone . . . I’ve got these powers . . . and I can’t really control them . . . never mind, you wouldn’t understand.”

“You’d be surprised at what we know about having powers.” Aqualad chuckled as he took a drink of water from the canteen he’d brought. “Watch this.” He threw some of the liquid into the air, and formed it into circles, squares, and triangles.

“Wow! That’s cool! Can you two do that also?”

Phoenix closed her eyes and hung her head in mock shame. “No, we can’t . . . we can do a lot better.” The girl giggled as she let a few highlights of her hair ignite. “See this twenty dollar bill?” Phoenix asked, and then dropped it into the campfire.

ARE YOU NUTS?!” The kid shrieked.

“Nah . . . not entirely at least.” Phoenix grinned, reached her hand into the fire, and pulled out the bill, totally unharmed.

“Showoff.” Aqualad muttered bitterly.

“I don’t like the view . . .” Terra sighed. With a slight groan, she lifted the cave, and turned it 180 degrees. “Nope, that’s even worse.” And then the cave was returned to its normal position.

“I have air powers . . . this big sandstorm is all my fault.” The boy admitted quietly. “Since I don’t have a clue about how to use my powers . . . I call myself ‘Airhead’.”

Phoenix silently charged the crystal on her necklace again. Find the Air-Guardian. The orange stone shot forwards, and pointed to Airhead. “How would you like to come with us? We can help you with your powers . . . and you’ve got a job that you’re destined to do.” Phoenix stated seriously.

“What are you talking about? What am I destined to do?” Airhead asked worriedly.

“The four of us have elemental powers for a reason. We’re Element Guardians. The goddess of nature, Demeter, chose us all. I’m the leader. This sword unites our powers, and will make us stronger when we work together.” Phoenix explained. “If you come with us, then we’ll have four of the six elements. We think that there’s going to be a huge natural disaster, and we’ll be needed to stop it.”

“Is she telling the truth?” Airhead whimpered.

“We aren’t sure yet about what’s going to happen . . . but we’re almost certain that something is going to happen.” Aqualad backed up Phoenix’s claim.

“That’s why we would like you to come with us . . . we can’t stop anything if we aren’t all together by the time the disaster happens.” Terra agreed.

After a moment’s thought, Airhead nodded. “Okay, I’ll help.”