Fan Fiction ❯ Pimp my Beast ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok everyone this is the first fic I've ever written. I just hope other people think its good. I don't own Teen Titans or any characters and anything else you can sue me for. Well that's all I have to say, enjoy. Oh and sry for any grammatical mistakes

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It was a normal day at the Titan Tower, Cyborg and Beast boy were playing video games Robin was training but was getting defeated by the punching bag. Starfire was looking at the window trying to figure out how clouds could take the shape of animals. Raven was reading a book while listening to depressing music. All was going well except in the mind for one titan…

"Dang Beastboy this is 26th time I beat you today" Cyborg said.

"Good job." Beastboy said unenthusiastically.

Cyborg looked at his friend curiously.

"What's wrong BB, I normally whoop your butt all the time but it didn't seem like you were even trying. Have you finally realized you can't beat my skills?"

"Number A" Beastboy said. "I can beat you any day and letter 2, it's not that"

"Then what is it man?" Cyborg asked with concern.

"Well something has been on my mind" Beastboy said.

"Really? What" Cyborg asked?

"Well not really something but someone" Beastboy said.

"Huh, what do you mean, no wait don't tell me, Grandpa Joe died. Nooooo not grandpa Joe, why? Why that sweet old man?" Cyborg wailed.

"No that's not it get a hold of yourself man" Beastboy said trying to calm Cyborg down.

"Then who are thinking about spit it out" Cyborg said getting annoyed.

"Well it's a girl," Beastboy said nervously.

Cyborg thankfully said a prayer for finding out that Beastboy was straight. (No offense to Beastboy but come on, Purple as part of your uniform?)

"OOOOOO Beastboy got a crush," Cyborg said tauntingly.

"Shhh keep it down man someone else might hear you" BeastBoy said.

"Ok OK OK, well who is it?" Cyborg asked eagerly.

"I'll tell you but you got to promise not to tell anyone" Beastboy said quietly.

"My lips are sealed" Cyborg said.

"Well I kind of like-" Before BeastBoy can finish he was interrupted by the alarms ringing through the Titan Tower.

All the titans knew what it meant. Trouble.

They all gathered in the living room and checked out the screen. The members of H.I.V.E. were out and causing trouble. Causing destruction and havoc everywhere there went.

"Looks like H.I.V.E. broke out of jail" Raven said.

"We all Know what to do" Robin Said. "TITANS GO!"

"We're gonna teach this town respect for H.I.V.E." Jinx said.

"Got that right, then maybe Slade will take us back." Gizmo said.

"I don't really care as long as I get to destroy something," Mammoth said.

"Don't you dimwits see the big picture, if we pull this off we wont need Slade, we can run this town" Jinx said.

"I like the sound of that" Mammoth said. Gizmo nodded.

"Good boys but there's only one thing standing in our way.

"What's that?" the two boys asked in unison.

As if right on cue a green blast shot out from right in front them. They looked to see where it came from and they saw the Teen Titans.

"Them." Jinx said angrily. "Let's go get em"

Robin and Starfire took on gizmo, Cyborg went head to head with Mammoth and Raven and Beastboy fought jinx.

Jinx sent out psychic waves towards Raven. She protected her self from the attack in a black bubble but it didn't seem like it would hold for long.

"Raven needs my help" Beastboy thought to himself.

"Don't worry Raven I'll save you" Beast boy said heroically.

He quickly changed into an ape and charged towards Jinx. He knocked her over and she coward at his feet.

"Beastboy you saved me" Raven said.

Beastboy transformed into his normal self.

"I'd do anything for you Raven." Beastboy said coolly.

"What ever can I do to repay you Beastboy" Raven said with awe.

"The fact that you are alive and well is thanks enough for me." Beastboy said and flashed her smile and it twinkled in the light.

"Take me now Beastboy" Raven said

They both ran up to each other and shared a passionate kiss. Beastboy was shaken from his daydream by the blasts coming from the impact jinx's attack had on Raven's bubble. Beastboy Began to act out his daydream.

"Don't worry Raven I'll save you" BeastBoy said heroically.

He quickly changed into an ape and charged towards Jinx.

"This is my chance to impress her," He thought.

As he was going to save her, he tripped over his feet rolled up into a ball and slammed into the wall. Jinx couldn't help but laugh.

"Man with heroes like that this city will be ours in no time." She said in between fits of laughter. She was laughing to hard she didn't have time to see the black aura surrounding her until it was too late. She was slammed against the wall by Raven's psychic powers. She was clearly knocked out. Raven walked over to Beastboy.

"Are you ok Beastboy?" she asked.

"What's a Beastboy" Beastboy asked with a dazed look on his face. He shook himself out of his trance.

"I mean yeah I'm fine." He said.

"Uh, thanks for the um distraction" Raven said holding back laughter.

"Huh?" Beastboy asked. Then he got it. "Oh yea that well you now I always come in when I'm needed."

"Uh huh well we should catch up with the others" Raven said. As Raven walked away he could've sworn he heard her chuckle. (I know what you're thinking. Raven chuckling?!?! Well she ain't all that dark and gloomy in my story.)

"Man she thinks I'm an idiot, I'll never get with her," Beastboy said to himself. When Beastboy went back to the others they had successfully taken down the other members of H.I.V.E.

"We shall send them back to where they came from." Starfire said gleefully.

"Yea whatever." Beastboy said as he walked away from the others.

"What is the matter with Beastboy" Starfire asked. "We have just defeated a villain, shouldn't we eat out and talk loudly with our mouths full and have joyous looks on our faces."

"I don't know what's wrong with him, he seemed kind of bummed out lately." Robin said.

"But Beastboy is not a bum" Starfire said.

Robin chuckled.

"No Starfire by that I mean he's been really depressed lately." Robin said.


"He's your friend Cyborg, what's up with him?" Raven asked in her usual dead voice.

Cyborg knew he had to keep his secret. He couldn't tell anyone that Beastboy was thinking about a girl and that he had a crush on someone.

"What do you mean, Why would I know, stop looking at me like that. I said I don't know anything would you leave me alone already!" Cyborg yelled. The Titans looked at him weirdly.

"Were only asking you a question, Cyborg." Robin said.

"Would you stop already I said I don't know, jeez." Cyborg yelled angrily and he stormed off, muttering something about nosy people.

"Well, that was… weird" Raven said.

"Well I will find out what is troubling Beastboy." Starfire said.

She flew off towards Beastboy's direction.

"Well Rae, lets put these losers in jail." Robin said turning towards Raven's direction but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Aww crap, I always get stuck with jailing the villans." Robin said sadly to himself.

Raven was already halfway to the Titan Tower. She has escaped while Robin was staring at Starfire's retreating figure. It was obvious Robin had a crush on Starfire and Raven had successfully used it to her advantage. She escaped jail duty.

"Hehe, well you snooze you lose Boy Wonder" she thought to herself.

She thought about the battle they previously fought. She smiled when she remebered Beastboy's little "heroic deed". Beastboy always made her laugh.

"Even though he probably did that unintentionally." She thought to herself.

She had only pretended she thought it was Beastboy distracting the enemy to make him feel better. It didn't seem to work judging by the way Beastboy left after the battle they had battle. Raven had always thought Beastboy was kind of cute. Even though she didn't allow herself to feel any emotions she wouldn't lie to herself. She had a bit of feelings for Beastboy but nothing big. She finally arrived at the tower and decided to meditate.

Beastboy kicked another stone as he walked sadly along the sidewalk.

"I had a chance to show her I was hero and I screwed it up," Beastboy said to himself. As he continued walking he saw a puddle of water in the street. When he looked into it he saw Raven's face.

"Why can't I get her out of my head?!?!" he yelled loudly.

"Is there someone stuck inside your head Beastboy?" A voice asked behind him.

He turned around and saw Starfire.

"Oh its you and no, there's no one in my head it's just an expression for uh never mind" Beastboy said.

"Please tell me friend Beastboy, I wish to know what troubles you" Starfire pleaded.

"Well I kind of have a crush on" Beastboy began but was interrupted by Starfire's worried cries.

"You are crushed Beastboy?!?! Who has done this to you, but you do not look harmed." Starfire said.

"No I don't mean that way, I'm trying to say I have a crush on Raven." Beastboy said.

"What do you mean?" Starfire asked.

"That means I like her." Beastboy said.

"But don't you like us all Beastboy." Starfire asked.

"Yea but I like Raven in a different way." Beastboy replied.

"How is the way you like Raven different?" The redheaded alien asked again.

"Its like she's on my mind 24/7 and whenever she's near I get nervous and there's butterflies in my stomach and when she smiles which is very, very, very rare I can't help but smile too." Beastboy said.

"Hmm kind of familiar" Starfire said to herself.

"You mean kind of like love?" Starfire asked.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that." Beastboy said.

"This is so great, you're in love with Raven" Starfire said while she tightly hugged Beastboy.

"Starfire…I can't… breathe." Beastboy wheezed. Starfire stopped hugging Beastboy.

"Sorry I guess I got as you would say carried away." Starfire said apologetically.

"Its ok but you have to promise not to tell anyone." Beastboy said.

"Ok Beastboy" Starfire said.

"I mean it, you can NEVER EVER tell anyone about this." Beastboy said.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone"

"You won't believe what I just heard" Starfire said to Cyborg and Robin.

"What is it Star?" Robin asked.

"Beastboy has a uh "crush" on raven." Starfire said. Robin thankfully said a prayer for finding out that Beastboy was straight.

"So that's who he likes" Cyborg said.

"No wonder he's been acting strange he's in love with Rae" Robin said.

"Well we know what to do guys" Cyborg said.

"What's that?" Starfire and Robin said in Unison. Cyborg pulls a table out of now where from behind his back, the room turns dark and all you can see is Cyborg, Starfire, Robin and the table. They all now have army helmets on. Cyborg rolls out a paper with a picture of Beastboy on it and puts it on the table.

"Troops here's our briefing" Cyborg said in a military tone.

"Here's subject A, name Beastboy, currently suffering from love-sickness at the hands of Subject B."

Cyborg rolls out another paper, this time with a picture of Raven and puts it on the table. "Here we have Subject B, Name Raven, currently oblivious to the fact that Beastboy has the hots for her." Cyborg continued. "Our mission fix up Beastboy to get Raven to like him and help Raven fall in love with Beastboy so he can get some hot tender loving. I will take care of the Beastboy situation. Raven on the other hand is a tough one. She's gonna need two people to break her, which will be you two. We start at 1200 hours, right after Saturday morning cartoons. Are there any questions?" Cyborg asked.

"What if we aren't able to complete the mission, Sir!!" Starfire said.

"Well soldier, that's not an option. Did I make my self clear?" Cyborg said.

"Sir, yes, sir" Robin and Starfire shouted.

"Good. Soldiers dismissed!!!" Cyborg said.

OK That's it. I hope every one likes it so far. Depending on the reviews I get I'll see if I update. Be gentle.