Fan Fiction ❯ Pimp my Beast ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry for the long update its just that I got so lazy that I stopped for awhile. I apologize. I wish I could make it up to you guys with a good chapter but I really don't think this chapter is that great. Maybe it's jus me. Anyway once again I do not own Teen Titans and apologies for spelling errors.

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It was a beautiful Saturday morning. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, all was great. But this Saturday would be no ordinary Saturday. Today will be the start of Operartion: Birdy and the Beast. Cyborg was especially enthusiastic about this mission. He always had a feeling that Beastboy liked Raven and after that time in Raven's head, he could see she had a bit of feelings for him too. He wanted to see these to guys get together, But there was no doubt that this would be very hard. These two were very different. Cyborg knew he had a lot of work ahead of him but he believed he could transform Beastboy into a guy every girl could want, especially Raven. It was 8:00 in the morning but Cyborg was ready to put his part of the plan into action. He walked towards the living room knowing that Beastboy would be there. Cyborg was right, Beastboy was there, watching t.v.

"Mornin' Beastboy" Cyborg said sitting next to Beastboy.

"Mornin'" Beastboy replied.

"So how's the liking Raven thing goin'" Cyborg asked.

"Its o- wait a minute, I didn't tell you, how did you know?!?!" Beastboy asked.

"Uh," Cyborg had to think of something, he couldn't rat Starfire out.

"Its not important how I know Beastboy, it's important that I do know." Cyborg said.

"What do you mean by that?" Beastboy asked.

"Well now that I know, I can help you get with her" Cyborg said.

"What do you know about hooking people up? All you do is sit around and play video games" Beastboy said.

"That's what you think" Cyborg said. "Do you know who told Ryan to pick Trista on the Bachelor?"

"Who?" Beastboy asked.

"I did." Cyborg said grinning in pride. "Who do you think convinced Nick Lachey to pop the question to Jessica Simpson?" Cyborg asked again.

"No way" Beastboy said in disbelief.

"Yes way, I did." Cyborg said. "Oh yeah and this" Cyborg said while pulling out a book from behind him. Beastboy took a look at it and read the front cover aloud.

"10 ways to get your woman written by…. Cyborg?!?!?!" Beast said.

"Yup, it was a best seller for a couple of weeks until the 5th Harry Potter book came out." Cyborg said.

"Hmm well I guess it couldn't hurt for you to try to hook me up with Raven." Beastboy said.

"Good, now here's what we'll do." Cyborg said.

"Well are you ready Star?" Robin asked. While putting a black mask on.

"Uh yea, can you just explain to me what we're doing again?" Starfire asked while putting on black gloves.

"Ok well Raven is on the roof meditating. She does this for approximately 2hrs. I believe she started at 7o'clock so that means we have an hour to search her room. Raven is someone who loves her privacy so don't expect this to be an easy mission. Now are you ready?" Robin asked again.

"Yes" Starfire said. The two of them, dressed in black clothes, gloves and a black mask sneaked down the hallway from Robin's room. Then the mission impossible theme started playing. They reached ravens door.

"Well here we are" Robin said.

"How will we get in without Raven's key" Starfire asked.

"Don't worry I got a master key" Robin said.

"You have a master key?" Starfire asked.

"Of course Star, I need access to every room in this house. I'm like the superintendent of this place, no wait, more like King of the Castle and this king has access to every room in this house and knows everything that goes on in here." Robin said triumphantly and with that he slid his card key in to slot. The door slid open to reveal…. another door, this time it was like a door to a bank vault.

"Did you know about that door King of the castle" Starfire asked grinning.

"Shut up" Robin said.

"Ok well first we have to change your appearance." Cyborg said to Beastboy while the two of them walked down the street.

"How are we gonna change my appearance" Beastboy asked.

"Well in all my years of research in relationships-"

"Years of research?" Beastboy asked cutting off Cyborg.

"Yes I took a college course on relationships and got a P.H.D." Cyborg said.

"You have got to be kidding me Cyborg."

"That's Dr. Cyborg to you, anyway as I was saying in all my years of research I have found that a woman cannot resist one type of guy." Cyborg said.

"And what is that?" Beastboy asked.

"A Gangsta." Cyborg said.

"Huh?" Beastboy asked.

"You know, a gangsta, a thug, a straight up P.I.M.P." Cyborg said while folding his arms.

"P.I.M.P.? Isn't that a song by quarter cent?" Beastboy asked.

"I see we have a long way to go, good thing I'm taking you to a friend of mine who can fix that." Cuborg said.

"Who?" Beastboy asked.

"His name is J" Cyborg said.

"J isn't a name" Beastboy said.

"Well he cant use his real name or the cops will get him." Cyborg said.

"What did he do?" Beastboy asked.

"Nobody knows" Cyborg said.

They kept on walking until the reached an apartment building. They walked up two floors and reached a door. Cyborg began tapping on the door in a strange pattern. After a few minutes a voice emerged from behind the door.

"Password?" A deep voice asked from behind the door.

"Roses are red" Cyborg said

"Voilets are blue" The voice answered back.

"A Girl is sweet"

"But not"

"As sweet"

"As two" The voice finished. The door unlocked to reveal a man who looked to be about in his mid twenties. He was wearing a Sixers jersey with a black T-Shirt underneath. He had on baggy black Rock a wear jeans with a pair or Jordans and his hair was in waves.

"Yo what up Cy" The man said.

"Nothin much J" Cyborg said while shaking his hand.

"Who's your friend?" J asked.

"This is Beastboy, don't worry he's cool" Cyborg said.

"So what brings you by here" J said while letting them into his apartment.

"Well my friend Beastboy likes this girl and"

"Say no more" J said cutting off Cyborg. "He wants to become a P.I.M.P doesn't he?" J asked.

"Yes and I knew you could help him" Cyborg said.

"Of course, I'm an expert at it." J said with pride.

"Ok well see you two later" Cyborg said walking out the door.

"Wait a minute" Beastboy said running over to Cyborg. "You're gonna leave me here, with him, I barely know him."

"Don't worry you'll be fine." Cyborg said and then he left.

"Ok" J said. "Lets see what we can do"

After 15 minutes, Robin finally unlocked the six doors leading to Raven's room.

"Alright time to enter Raven's room" Starfire said as she began to enter.

"No wait" Robin said holding back Starfire. Robin took out a spray from his utility belt and began to spray around the entrance to Raven's room. Sure enough, there were little red laser lines there to detect if an intruder was there. (You know, the kinds if you go through them an alarm goes off.)

"Geez what does Raven think this is, Fort Knox?" Robin said in frustration.

"Well how do we get past it?" Starfire asked.

"Well there has to be a way to take if off" Robin said. The lasers suddenly turned off.

"What just happened?" Starfire asked.

"I guess it must be voice activated" Robin said.

"Alright, time to enter Raven's room" Starfire said again.

They both went into Raven's room. Like they expected it was a dark room. With black sheets, black curtains, black walls, black uh, black. Basically everything was in black.

"What exactly are we looking for Robin?" Starfire asked.

"Anything that would give us of clue of who Raven likes or what kind of guy she likes." Robin said searching the room.

"Like a diary?" Starfire asked.

"Yeah right Star, like Raven would have a diary" Robin said.

"So I'm guessing that this book labeled diary isnt Raven's diary." Starfire said holding up a book in her hand that indeed said diary.

"I guess all girls have a diary" Robin said while taking the book from Starfire.

"Now lets see what it says" Robin said opening book. He flipped from page to page to see if Raven had any secrets there.

"Hmm here's something" Robin said. Robin read through the entire page. (I'm too lazy to write out what it said in the diary.)

"What does it say?" Starfire asked in curiousity.

"It basically says that Raven has a little bit of feelings for Beastboy since the day that he and Cyborg entered in her mind.

"This is excellent news." Starfire said.

"Now, all we have to do is get those feelings that Raven has for Beastboy to increase." Robin said.

"Great then they will finally be together" Starfire said happily.

"Uh about getting together, I kinda want to ask you something Star" Robin said nervously.

"What is Robin?" Starfire asked.

"Well we've been close friends for awhile and I've kinda began to fall-" Robin was cut off from the sudden beeping of his watch.

"Whats going on Robin" Starfire asked.

"Its almost time for Raven to come back we'll finish talking later" Robin said. Then they both left Raven's room.

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Well there ya go. That was chapter 2. Will Beastboy's change go succesfully? If so, will Raven notice? What more mysteries does Cyborg have? What does Robin want to tell Starfire? Find out in Chapter 3.