Fan Fiction ❯ Sacred Pentacle ❯ Chapter 9

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Denra sat on one of the circular tables in the garden. She looked around… there weren't much people. There was a family of three eating happily by her left, a father and a mother with their cute son.
She remembered how happy she was before. When their only child was born… with his soft brown hair and golden yellow eyes. He was the most beautiful boy she had ever laid eyes upon.
Denra also noticed the two lovers sitting about four tables away. She watched as they enjoyed every second they shared together. Tears filled her eyes… It was real… Gekuren was no longer hers and he now belongs to her `better half'…
“Better half my ass…” she murmured as she wiped the tears in her eyes… She shifted her gaze to a nearby table with a group of six girls chatting with each other, laughing their hearts out about some funny story one of them related…
Denra laid her arms on the table and watched them. It was miserable being all alone right now with this terrible situation. How she wished her best friend were there to comfort her aching heart.
She sniffed and decided to rest awhile…
“Denra…” it was Ajine's voice…
“Huh?” She opened her eyes… “AJINE!!” She practically screamed at her…
All were looking at them.
“Just your common twins…” Ajine said to them.
“What're you doing?” Denra asked in an irritated manner. Why the heck are you here? “Go away… Leave me alone.” She shooed her away.
Ajine pulled a chair and sat next to Denra. “That's not what you want. You need a friend right now and I happen to be available as available can be…”
For a moment Denra softened because she was just yearning for a friend but - “You're not my friend. I don't need you… the one who stole the man I love,” she scowled.
“Aaah…” someone reacted and the attention was back to their table.
“The nerve…” another voice cried out from the table with the group of girls.
Ajine glared at them all then looked back at Denra. “I didn't steal him… You know he chose me…”
“What's your point?” the guy with his lover blurted out.
Ajine gritted her teeth. Why are the people here so noisy? “Let's just do this somewhere else.” She took Denra's arm and tried to pull her up the chair.
“No!” Denra detested. “You still took him away. You know how much I love him…”
“Yeah!” another `audience' member agreed.
“I do know because that's just exactly how much I love him too,” Ajine answered.
Only then did Denra realize that it is true. They love him both.
“I know it's hard to accept me as a friend but if it would have happened the other way around I won't want to be alone. I'd need someone too.” Ajine held Denra's hand.
Finally… tears rolled down Denra's eyes…
“Alright!!” People started clapping.
“Great!” Two girls high-fived.
“Okay now… Show's over… Time to go back to normal,” Ajine announced.
You're so nice to me while I - “
“Oh forget about that…” Ajine interrupted her.
“I… We weren't able to be Midori because I didn't want to be with you. I hated you because… because `he' chose you…” Denra reasoned.
Ajine nodded with understanding.
“Thank you… Ajine… Thank you…”
They hugged each other.
“Everything will be fine from now… I swear.”
And all of a sudden Ajine's yellow aura and Denra's reddish pink aura emanated from them. The `lights' grew brighter and soon came together to a shade of orange…
Yukari looked up to the direction of the doorway…
“Good…” they heard Aku-rei speak.
“Why are you here anyway Yukari? Aren't you supposed to be the best human sorceress to date? The sorceress this generation is so proud of to be their `defender',” Nekuri said sharply.
“Don't push it Nekuri…” Yukari warned. “I know better than to take the losing side. I'm human. I like to win more than lose.”
Yukari and Nekuri obviously didn't like one another.
“Naminori?” asked Enjin.
She faced his direction.
“Your Swordian Knight, how strong is he?”
Nekuri laughed, “As much as I hate to admit it, Ruen is weak. I think his sword has only morphed three times or so since the first generation.”
“Yes I've seen his sword but why would he be a chosen warrior if he is like you said?”
“I don't know either. Gods are strange…” It seemed Nekuri drifted for a second but instantly recovered.
Hirosa watched Gekuren as he entered their room.
Gekuren sat on one of the beds and buried his face in his hands.
“What happened? What happened? What happened??” Mizumeko bounced up and down behind Gekuren on the bed.
“Is there any harm done in kissing the girl you love?” He glanced at Hirosa, revealing a little of his miserable face.
“You mean Ajine?” Hirosa checked but there came no answer… “Not at all unless Denra saw you two.”
“And she did, didn't she? She did, didn't she??” Mizumeko was getting annoying again.
Gekuren grabbed Mizumeko's neck and shook him violently…
“I did…” a lady's voice said.
“Help…” Mizumeko squealed.
And there she stood, she was not Denra not even Ajine but…
“Midori…” Gekuren at once let Mizumeko free.
“But how… I thought…” Hirosa didn't continue.
“Somehow… but I'm glad to be back and complete again…” She seemed a bit different but still the same.
Mizumeko held his glasses, “Transformation successful. Good job.”
“How does it feel?” Hirosa asked.
“Strange actually… I actually saw myself kissing Ruen and getting angry because I wasn't the one he chose - it's totally weird!” Midori tried to explain but she found no appropriate words.
“I hope you're not - “
“No…” Midori cut Gekuren off. She reached and touched his cheek. “Gekuren, I need to meet Rida in Mekuri. He is waiting for me. You do remember him, right?”
Gekuren nodded silently.
“Who is he?” asked Hirosa.
“Mizumeko, would you be kind enough to take me there?” Midori faced him.
“No sweat.” Mizumeko stood up and walked to the door and chanted.
“I'll be back by tomorrow. Till then…” she said to Gekuren and she entered the door of light.
Midori found herself in the middle of the forest but she was not afraid. She knew that she was in the Sleeping Forest of Mekuri, the forest where her parents died during her original life as Midori Kurou. She was only thirteen when she was brought into the Sleeping Forest to be massacred with her parents. Her parents fought back so she was able to escape but after hearing several gunshots, she knew they had died. She had run deeper into the forest until she was found by Rida Kabane, the 45th Creilmaster who lived in that same forest. He was only twenty five then and at the prime of his life.
Midori smiled. She walked her way through the forest path and reminisced. Her life had been colorful and she would have loved to stay there if only she was not called to be a holy warrior. She spent six years in this haven. She made her way into the big clearing and found the old house still very much the same. She grew teary eyed.
Smoke was belching from the chimney. She ran inside hopeful but nobody was there. There was only firewood at its final flame as it slowly burned into ashes in the chimney. It looked as though it was left there days ago. Midori looked around and noticed that the place was clean. It was obvious that someone had been there and fixed the place. She visited every room of the old bungalow and recalled her youthful memories.
She wandered outside and found two graves near the furnace where her master forged swords including her own. She saw red roses and daises scattered by the graves. “Rida Kabane and Tomo Kabane.” She read solemnly. She closed her blue eyes and prayed for them.
“Midori…” someone called her with pure happiness.
She faced him and saw who she had waited for. He stood there as beautiful to her as he always was since the day that she first met him.
It was early evening. Hirosa was sleeping in her own room while Mizumeko was busy tinkering on his laptop. Gekuren stood by the window and stared in space. He was very lost in thought.
“You worry about Midori and her master, Rida…” said Mizumeko and he closed his laptop.
“Can't I keep my thoughts to myself ever again?” Gekuren frowned facing him. He hated the idea that Mizumeko could read his mind whenever he wanted.
“Well, you were practically shouting it out that I can't help but hear.” Mizumeko replied and he crashed on the white sofa.
Gekuren sighed. He was correct. He could not forget that Rida showed strong emotion for Midori, both with Ajine and Denra. He remembered how worried Ajine became when he ran off leaving her uncertain and how Denra cried herself to the limit. Rida loves her but does she love him?
“Yes. She has feelings for him. Even time could not take away that love but I think you should just trust her on this.”
“Exactly. I fear that…”
“She might choose him.” Mizumeko finished for him. All of a sudden, he was laughing.
Gekuren glared at him.
“How ironic that just days ago Midori had her own dilemma of whether or not you'd choose Ajine or Denra. Now you are placed in the same spot.” Mizumeko just had to say it.
Did you wait long?” Rida asked as he threw more firewood into the chimney.
Midori shook her head, her blond mane swaying with her head. They were in the small living room. She sat herself on one of the old bamboo chairs. “No…” she whispered. To her, everything was nostalgic.
“Dad had talked me into coming home against my will but I owe him a lot. He has done and continues to do so much for me…” he settled on another chair to Midori's right, much nearer to the heating flames.
Silence. They both just stared at the smoldering coal.
“I'm glad you came and that you are complete now.” He began and took his green eyes off the pyre. He faced her with a little smile.
“Yes…” Midori replied with a smile. As she looked into his green eyes, everything seemed to feel alright. She sighed. She had hesitation. “Master…” her voice trailed off. She realized that this may not be how he wanted to be addressed.
“Old habits die hard.” He paused. “It's very ironic that I tried to convince you to call me Master for years as Ajine but you refused vigorously.”
Midori giggled. This was correct. Even though Rida was the one who introduced her to sword fighting this generation, she never agreed to call him `master'.
“You can please call me Rida from now on.” He said graciously.
“Rida… what did happen?” she asked finally.
He took a deep breath and spoke, “After you left to pursue your purpose, nothing became the same again. It was just lonely without you that I grew ill. I guess I lived as ordinarily as I could for six more months until that fated day came. The whole town of Irika was overrun by demons and they soon found their way here into the Sleeping Forest. I fought them off all I can but in the end I was defeated. I'm sorry; I could not wait for you…”
“What became of Tomo?”
“I believe they ended her life. You know when you left she got even worse. She always thought of you as her own daughter. She refused to get out of bed. She rarely talked even to me. She loved you as did I…”
Midori didn't hold her tears back. Tomo was Rida's wife who met an ill-fated accident even before Midori came into their lives. Her lower extremities were crushed after falling from a cliff. In the early years of Midori's stay with the Kabane's, Tomo took the role of being her mother but as the years passed the complications of her condition bounded her to bed and affected her sanity.
“Thank you.” Midori whispered. “Rida, I must tell you that back then I ran away without a goodbye because I loved you, more than a father. I wanted you to be my lover. I…” she had to tell him this. They had a bad parting. She left in the middle of the night with only a note saying that she must fulfill her mission as a chosen warrior. Rida had awoken and gone after her but when she asked him if he loved her. He replied yes but as a daughter. She left instantly.
“I know.”
She looked at him with surprised eyes.
“I knew. I felt it Midori… because I felt the same way. I could never tell you for I tried my best not to let it be real. I loved Tomo and I was bound to her for life. She was holding onto us, her family, as her only source of strength. I couldn't bear to leave her.” He paused to see tears rain down Midori's eyes. “I wanted to follow you that night. To leave everything behind me and just be with you… but I didn't. I just hoped that someday you would come back to me.”
“But I came too late. All I found were your tombstones.” Midori stopped crying. It was a shame that things in the past could no longer be changed no matter how much you want them to.
“I know I have no place in your heart now. Zento-sama has told me of your love for Ruen that has surpassed generations. I don't think I can compete with that.” He said. He stood up and looked outside.
She nodded. “You will always be special to me, Rida Kabane and you can hold onto that.” Midori stood up too.
Rida smiled widely.
She was happy to see him smile his happy smile again.
“Come now 46th Creilmaster, it is time for your final lesson.” He offered his hand.
Midori nodded and took his hand.
They both went outside to the cold and dark night.
What would you do if I died?” Yukari surprisingly inquired. She was sitting up a huge branch of the tree while Enjin leaned on the trunk…
He just looked at her.
“I know this may not come soon but I won't live forever… only gods and a chosen few shall, what would you do then?”
“What kind of death do you have in mind?”
“Well… the tragic and melodramatic death, I guess…”
“I won't let that happen…”
“But what if I do?” she insisted.
“I'll have to die trying to save you…” He looked at her with those loving eyes.
Yukari couldn't help but smile… “Do you mean that?” She looked away.
“Do I mean that???” He seemed annoyed.
“I'm the one asking here…”
Enjin jumped up the branch and sat next to her. “Of course I mean that. I said it, didn't I?”
“Alright. We'll see if you're telling the truth when the right time comes,” she said.
“In the meantime, let's enjoy this night together.” A kiss, before the huge full moon was shared.
* * *
What is this final lesson?” Midori was intrigued. Her Creil appeared on her right hand. They stood several meters apart and were facing each other.
“This is the true form of the Creil.” Rida raised his own sword to the level of his chest. It looked similar to Midori's own Creil but Rida's had two crossed rings, made of ebony and ivory, enclosing the golden diamond that adjoined the blade and the black hilt. Two light blue spheres attached with red ribbons dangling as gravity directed it, levitated near the rings. “There are three incredibly powerful attacks that only this form can make. These are Rusty Cutter, Calamity Blast and Soul Section.” He explained on.
“How can I attain that form?”
“By defeating me…” he said sharply.
“That won't be so hard now…” Midori made an offensive stance.
“Would it be? I have to tell you that I've always been holding back in all of our duels. I loved you too much to let you lose.” He made an offensive stance as well.
“Liar.” She barked with a smile. “As if I'd believe that.”
“Believe what you want.” He smiled too. It was like their past duels. He quickly advanced towards her. “And Midori this is a duel to the death.” He attacked her jumping high and slashing vertically downward.
“Death!” she echoed with disbelief as she leaped away after successfully stopping that attack by holding her Creil horizontally.
“That's right. There can only be one owner of the true Creil at a given time. There are still many swords forged from the sacrosanct metal bequeathed upon us by the Champion god, Creil but only the Creilmaster will ever know its true power. After you defeat me, you will be a true Creilmaster and I believe the last as well.” He told her and he was moving to another attack stance.
“I can't do it.” Midori declared, making her own Creil vanish. “I will not be the hand to take away your life.”
“You fool. How do you expect to defeat the greatest evil if you can't do this simple task?” He shouted at her with anger.
Midori's Creil appeared on the ground before her. She was shocked to see it emerge.
“Kill me or die!” he came running at her.
Their blades crossed. Midori held onto her Creil fiercely as Rida tried to overpower her. She now believed him when he said that he was holding back before. He was much stronger now and more determined to beat her.
“Now that's more like it!” he smiled with content. “Show me your power, chosen one. Were the gods wrong to choose you?”
Midori narrowed her eyes. She didn't want to kill him but for the sake of everyone. “Chaaa!” she screamed, pushing her Creil forward with all her might. She was able to force Rida to jump away.
“Good. Give me all you got. You don't have all day.” He said, attacking her with potent blows from all directions.
They dueled robustly. Attack and counterattacks were everywhere but there is always an end to everything. Exhaustion took its hold on both but only one would prevail over it.
“Midori, Finish it for everyone!” he shouted out refusing to falter.
I have no other choice. She ran to him and gave all the strength she had left. She struck him: left, right, right, up, down, right, left, left, down, up. That was a 10-hit combo that her master created himself. It was the first skill he ever taught her before he decided to make her his apprentice and the next Creilmaster.
Rida went flying into the air, screaming. The memory flashed back vividly into his mind.
“Are you telling me that you've mastered it already?” He was in his armory and making a boomerang. He could not accept it for she had only been practicing for two weeks while he perfected that skill for two months excluding the time he made it up. “You are saying that you can do it the way I do it?”
“Yes!” the thirteen year old Midori exclaimed. Her hair was short and only reached her ears.
“Let us see it then.” He stood up and summoned his Creil. They wentto the wide open area of the yard, exactly where they fought now.
“Get ready!” she shouted cheerfully. She raised the first sword she ever handled. It was a simple short sword made especially for her. It had her name clearly engraved on the blade. He had made it for her.
He shook his head in disbelief but he shifted to a defensive stance. If what she told him was true then he had no doubt found his apprentice.
“Free Lancer!” she yelled out beginning her attack.
He was surprised that she named that attack after herself, whom he referred before as a free lancer. He was in perfect awe as she did the technique flawlessly and almost effortlessly but still with power. He could not believe his eyes when she was able to break his guard on the last blow and send his Creil flying upwards.
“Free Lancer…” Rida laid on his back in the bare soil. He bore a thin diagonal gash on his chest. His shirt was practically shredded to pieces.
Midori came to his aid. She plunged her Creil into the earth. “Are you okay?”
“Finish the battle.”
“I'm sorry I just can't. Even if this means I won't be able to use the Creil at its full power. If I have to work extra hard to defeat evil then it is fine.” She confessed.
“Midori!” he yelled out angrily as he struggled to sit up.
“No!” She turned her back and stood up. “Goodbye.” She summoned her Creil and was about to leave when she screamed. The sword that appeared on her hand was the true form of the Creil.
“I was not wrong to choose you.” Rida spoke again but this time his tone was happy.
Midori faced him and saw that he was sitting up and looking at her with a smile. His wound wasn't bleeding anymore. It wasn't as deep as it looked.
“I told you before, that the Champion god, Creil doesn't choose his disciples by power or strength. He chooses them by judging their hearts.” He informed.
“Master Rida!” She dropped her Creil and embraced him. “You tricked me!”
He laughed. “My master did that to me too and you were always the gullible one.”
* * *
Are you two listening?” Mizumeko shouted angrily.
But Gekuren and Midori ignored them as they stood from a distance, holding each other as if the whole world was theirs alone.
“STOOOPPP!!” Mizumeko burst into the romantic scene. “This is no time for romance,” he yelled out.
The two didn't seem to hear him at all.
“Leave them alone. I don't think your plan is as perfect as you say…”
“What do you mean? …”
“It's better to wait for a few more days before we charge them… you said it yourself they need us…”
“You don't know anything, do you?”
“WHAT?” Hirosa reacted.
“Look at this… By my holy name show me the island of Yutarra…” Suddenly the white wall became a gruesome scene of death and chaos.
People were running away as Aracles came and snatched them from the sky. He tore their heads off. Flame fired up brightly…
Yukari was laughing and laughing as she sent small energy balls to destroy everything.
“They are trying to lure us to them now,” Midori spoke.
Mizumeko slowly nodded.
“Then we must get there as soon as possible… all those people,” Gekuren's voice trailed off…
“If we leave now… we can get there by dawn,” said Mizumeko.
“Let's get outta here.”
So what happened with Rida?” came a question from Gekuren. He had wanted to ask her ever since she arrived that morning.
They were on another of Mizumeko's planes. Mizumeko was gazing soundlessly while Hirosa slept deeply in a far corner by the back. Midori and Gekuren were huddled together.
“We talked about things in the past that were left hanging. Those things are all settled now. More importantly, I achieved the true form of the Creil.” She related her story.
“I see.”
“What is it?” she looked into his eyes and found them distressed.
“Midori, you have feelings for him, don't you?”
She smiled. She understood his anxiety. “Yes, Ruen. I do but do not get me wrong. I will admit that in the past I had wanted to be with him but that was until I met you. Never doubt that I do love you…” she said her blue eyes gazing truthfully at Gekuren's purple eyes.
He sighed in relief. “I love you too Midori… for all eternity.”
* * *
Oh my gosh!” Hirosa reacted as they walked to their destination. They were already in Suraita and everything was severely destroyed. The four warriors trekked the city by foot. Small kindles still flamed by the buildings and road.
Gekuren kicked a hip of metal out of his way. There were lots of bloody objects, scattered body parts. They even saw just one complete corpse, a teenager perhaps just a few years younger than them…
This shot a shiver down Hirosa's spine. “You know I could die today and I won't even remember how close I came to being a holy warrior of the Sacred Pentacle.”
Midori looked at her with sympathetic eyes, “I don't want to lose you so easily Hirosa but when your time comes I'll never forget you and I'm pretty sure Ukyo is very proud to have had a life with a sister and successor like you.”
Midori gave Gekuren a meaningful glance…
“What can I say… well in case I die early some generation I hope I'd have someone who can replace me. Someone as excellent as you…” Gekuren gave her a thumbs up.
“Well… when you die I'll see you in the heavens and expect to be greatly rewarded. You may even have the pleasure of seeing the highest god… God himself…”
“Really.” Hirosa's eyes brightened.
“Just an assumption.” Mizumeko paused to see how Hirosa grew irritated. “But I can assure you one thing. We've decided to let you remember every detail about the life you lived.”
Hirosa instantly hugged Mizumeko.
Midori and Gekuren grinned.
“We're getting nearer. Let's get going…” Mizumeko marched with Hirosa still holding onto him.
They are here…” Naminori announced. They were waiting inside the house.
“Like finally… I've waited too long.” Yukari stood up from her chair.
“This mansion isn't suited as a battlefield.” Enjin started to walk out the house to welcome their long awaited foes.
Yukari followed him.
“Bring Midori to my shrine.” Nekuri remembered what Aku-rei told her.
The sun had only began to rise when they all met in the garden…
Here in Fuyure Mansion, they fought their very first real battle this generation and now the warriors will fight a closing battle that isn't hopefully their last.
And so we meet again…” Yukari began when they all stood face to face across the spacious pastures.
“Naminori, how could you betray us…?” Midori blurted out.
“Hah! You're all idiots thinking everything is alright when nothing is!!” Nekuri laughed.
Mizumeko narrowed his eyes under his glasses. “Let's go sorceress!” He suddenly attacked Yukari with energy bolts but Yukari evaded them all instantly. They moved to the right side to battle.
Enjin kept silent and uncloaked his magnificent sword.
Gekuren understood and did as well.
They walked sideways to the left not taking their eyes off each other.
“Go to Aku-rei now Midori. Just walk straight ahead,” Nekuri instructed.
“And why would she?” Hirosa jeered.
“But how could you defeat Aku-rei without battling him…” was Nekuri's simple answer.
Midori just nodded and headed south to face Aku-rei.
Hirosa and Nekuri were left to battle.
Let me introduce myself… I go by the name Enjin… Yon,” he began, as they remained meters apart.
“Yon…” Gekuren echoed.
“You know of my ancestry, I see.” Enjin seemed happy.
“Jutan Yon, banished and ostracized Swordian Knight, so it's true that he did breed a band of killers… like himself.”
“Watch your tongue boy. Jutan was a great Swordian Knight all the others were just jealous of his talent that they accused him of things that never happened but revenge is truly sweet. The Yon Knights were born to rival and defeat all Swordian Knights…” Enjin finished talking.
“That explains why there are lesser and lesser Swordian Knights.”
“I've already killed three Swordian Knights as of now. I'm looking forward to making it four.” Enjin meant something.
“With a sword like that, I believe that you sure are powerful,” Gekuren pointed out. Enjin's sword was huge and almost two thirds his height. Its blade seemed like the claws of a crab closing in to crush the enemy. The handle was lavishly decorated in lustrous gray metal. A brown gem furnished the end of the hilt.
“But of course…” Enjin raised his sword. “This sword has been molded by three generations to perfection, from my father's father to my father and to me.” He slid his hand on the shiny blade.
Gekuren glanced at his own sword and stared at the purple gem. Help me, Luceus…
Enjin's laughter was heard.
Gekuren looked at him.
“What are you doing? Praying to your Swordian Spirit?” he croaked.
Gekuren got annoyed though he also wondered if Enjin actually knew that, that was exactly what he just did.
“Well enough laughs. Get ready to die!” Enjin made a defensive stance, which was holding up his weapon horizontally forward.
“I won't lose…” He gripped his sword.
“And you won't win either…”
Another energy bolt went after Yukari and instead of running away from it she just stood there. “The strength of the most rigid and impenetrable barrier and the force of a great return… Mirror Wall!”
Mizumeko's energy bolt hit the barrier but right away flipped it back to Mizumeko who was caught by surprise but it missed him yet caught his eyeglasses.
Mizumeko remained wide-eyed, if he moved even just a little it wouldn't have been his glasses alone.
“You're pretty brave to challenge me, Seitsuko. That's your name right?” Yukari wanted to be sure.
Mizumeko gave her a devilish smile. “I'm stronger than I appear to be.”
“Indeed you are,” she agreed. “I'm actually looking forward to a great battle. I mean after all, All you chosen ones are supposed to be powerful.”
Mizumeko nodded, “You won't at all get disappointed,” he said with full confidence.
Come on!” Enjin invited Gekuren to attack. Their swords clashed as they tried to over power each other but Gekuren knew his own strength.
Gekuren jumped in mid-air, “Swordian Knight Technique: Thousand blows…”
Enjin smiled, “Swordian Knight Technique: Propeller…” Enjin's sword spun rapidly upwards blocking every one of those blows.
When Gekuren landed they both attacked each other.
“Swordian Knight Technique: Jagged Edge.”
“Swordian Knight Technique: Zig Zag…”
And their swords clashed again… both techniques countered each other.
Enjin and Gekuren jumped apart.
“So it seems you've mastered every sword technique there is.” Enjin sounded pleased. “I guess the only differences we have are our Swordian Spirits. Mine is a spirit of the woods and yours from the sub terrain.”
“How did you know that?” asked Gekuren.
“Nekuri told me all about all of you, helpful isn't she? Well my advice to you is get ready because just by looking at my sword you could expect nothing but defeat…” Enjin informed.
Gekuren knew it but he had to fight on.
Midori hurried as fast as she could. She then found herself before two huge trees and a dark entrance. She tried hard to see the inside but the little light the early morning sun gave off wasn't at all enough. Midori did notice the prism of Cyrus hovering above the dark entrance between the big trees.
“Midori…” came a loud voice.
Midori narrowed her eyes, readied herself, and made her Creil appear.
Black vapor emerged from the entrance…
“Aku-rei…” She need not see his physical form to recognize who it was.
“It's nice to see your countenance again…”
“I don't need to hear all your gibberish. You won't get to me and if you will I'll conquer myself again like before.”
“Confident… That's good but you forget that even the gods were afraid you might not be able to contain yourself any further or have you forgotten the reason why you were - shall we say dismembered.” He laughed.
She bit her lip.
“How can you possibly think that you can defeat me by yourself, aren't you people so amusing?” He kept on talking.
Midori gathered her strength. She will defeat this world-runner-wannabe no matter what. Faint orange light began to glow from her.
“I'll make it easy for you Midori. Serve me now…” he suggested.
“In your dreams… Blazing Strike!” And she attacked him instantly with a flaming sword but he vaporized even before she got the chance to plunge her sword to him.
I call upon my Swordian Spirit. Dragon Thrust...” And the luminescent figure of a dragon came for Enjin.
Enjin flashed a disappointed face. “Damn you Ruen! Can't you do anything better than this?” Enjin said and effortlessly halved the dragon's face.
Gekuren's eyes widened. Enjin didn't even use any special technique he just sliced it into two.
“That maybe effective on your other enemies but that's nothing to a high level sword like mine,” Enjin informed.
Gekuren gritted his teeth.
“I'll be fair to you, my pathetic friend. I won't summon my spirit just yet for I don't want to kill you quickly. I think a popular person deserves a long and grand death.”
“Don't underestimate me!” Gekuren held up his sword, “Swordian Spirit give me power…” Purple light shone from the sword again. “Wind Canon!” And from the jewel of the sword a powerful circular white force shot towards Enjin.
He shook his head, “I'll show you real POWER.” He held out his own sword, “Swordian Spirit Aracles. Show your real power.” Now brown light came from Enjin's sword specifically the jewel at the bottom end. “Living Barrier!” A strange plant suddenly grew beside him and just in time before the force drew close to Enjin, hundreds of roots rose up to become a barrier receiving Gekuren's assault.
Spirits of Zorndyke arise.” And two ghostly figures materialized and went after Hirosa.
Hirosa kept on teleporting away but the spirits were chasing her. She paused by the concrete wall and appeared to be trapped. The collision of the spirits to the concrete made smoke…
Nekuri's face remained the same. She knew it wasn't over yet.
Hirosa surprisingly appeared before her and tried to punch her.
Nekuri received a small cut on the cheek even though Hirosa's fist barely touched her. She touched the cut and leaped away.
“Oops… Sorry… I didn't mean to ruin your pretty face, after all Zento-sama said he'd come,” Hirosa spoke.
“What!!” She was shocked.
“He came to us and told us what to do.”
Nekuri seemed confused but she immediately made them into rage… “I summon the soul of the great and powerful warrior, Benerus… grant me the power of your severe death blows…” Her hands began to glow an eerie kind of glow… like small ghostly flames.
“I don't like this…” whispered Hirosa.
Nekuri began to attack her relentlessly with her glowing hands.
Hirosa was able to escape though…
“How long do you think you can keep running away from me?” said Nekuri “Come forth my magnificent Cresuike, lend me your `gift' of controlling time to conquer the obstacle before me…”
Gekuren couldn't believe his eyes. His last try was more powerful than - it's the most powerful attack he has been able to come up with just yet - the other one. How could Enjin have stopped it easily?
All of a sudden roots from the ground took hold of Gekuren and bound him. He tried to use his sword but he couldn't even move his hands at all.
The plant wall of Enjin was gone. All that was left was Enjin and the strange plant… He held out his sword, “Swordian Spirit… Bird Song…” And deafening sound vibrations began to spread from Enjin's sword.
Even the earth rattled because of its intensity.
It was pure agony for Gekuren who could not even escape. The roots firmly holding him as he tried to struggle…
When it was over, Gekuren couldn't open his eyes. His whole body was hurting.
“Don't die yet. I still got another powerful attack…” Gekuren heard Enjin speak… “Swordian Spirit... Cyclone...” And a major tornado took Gekuren for a circular ride.
Ice and fire raged against each other but both seemed equal. They stopped the attack to catch their breath.
“I'm surprised,” Yukari spoke.
“I'm not.”
Yukari frowned, annoyed. “Unseen yet powerful… soothing yet destructive… Wind Crane!” The air came together and formed a bird-like figure.
Mizumeko didn't look amazed. “Earth Towers…” Heaps of rocks and boulders rose before him and went for the crane. The crane vanished, defeated but rocks continued rising around Yukari and below her.
She went off balance and got hit by the fast rising boulders. Yukari swiped the blood from her mouth… “Not bad…”
Mizumeko just stared at her.
“I guess it's time to get serious.” She stood up straight. She raised her right hand, her pointer finger pointed to the sky and she closed her eyes.
The wind began to circle around Yukari taking small rocks and dirt with it. A small sphere emerged above her.
Midori slashed and slashed and slashed with her fiery sword but Aku-rei kept on escaping and escaping by vaporizing…
He laughed heinously…
She was already heaving. Sweat broke through her skin.
“Have you had enough already?”
“What do you mean? You kept avoiding my assaults… you coward!” Midori yelled out.
Aku-rei smiled, “You want me to fight back?” he asked with sarcasm.
She didn't answer…
“Alright then as you wish. Dark Matter…” And a small black ball of energy went for Midori.
She decided to use her fiery sword to slash it into two but when her sword hit the black ball it was rock solid, she was suddenly electrocuted, and then two more black balls of energy hit her from the right and from the left.
Midori screamed for the excruciating pain. She then fell to the ground.
Gekuren opened his eyes. Darkness. “Am I dead?” he asked.
A clawed foot of a dragon stepped on his body. “Not just yet…” came a low loud voice.
He looked up and saw the familiar face of Luceus, his Swordian Spirit.
“Luceus…” he said, amazed.
“Are you ready to die now, Ruen?”
“I - I'm not sure. I've failed.” was Gekuren's sad reply.
“Do you want to die now?”
“I must deserve to after - “
“DO YOU WANT TO DIE NOW!” he repeated, pushing him harder to the floor.
“Aaah… Stop… stop!!!”
Luceus lifted his claw a bit.
“Hey that hurt!!” he protested.
“I could kill you if you want.” he suggested. His dragon's face was drawing nearer Gekuren. His huge white teeth struck terror into Gekuren's heart.
“I don't want to die. I need to finish my battle with Yon - “
“Yon…” Luceus echoed.
“You know him?”
“We are not stupid creatures Ruen. We are gods and we communicate with each other. I know of his kind…” His sharp teeth showing when he speaks…
“You do then how come you gods let the knights kill the other Swordian Knights?” came a question from Gekuren.
“Life gets boring without challenges. We help the Swordian Knights and its fun to watch them grow stronger. Fights serve as a test of power. It's nice to battle with each other once in a while, friendly competition.” was the explanation.
… “Well he can already summon his Swordian Spirit while I can't…”
“He must be skilled to have brought his sword to such a level,” Luceus assumed.
“He said his sword has been passed on for three generations…”
“While you who have lived for generations and generations and still can't call upon me…” Luceus stated the obvious…
“When I was chosen I didn't have much time to train to develop my own sword.” Excuses, excuses…
“I'll forgive you this time but not again. I'll give you three more generations to develop your own sword. If you don't you would never be able to use my magic again.” He removed his claw from Gekuren.
“Thank you but I still can't beat him right now…” Gekuren pointed out.
“That's right. Today, this one battle I shall grant you my presence but only for this battle alone. After all, I won't want you to lose. I don't want to lose. I was chosen because you were chosen. You'll win. We'll both win. Now call upon me…” Those were the last words Gekuren heard before he found himself in their battlefield again…
“I thought you'd never - what the!” Enjin was shocked.
Gekuren followed his eyes and was shocked as well… His sword has morphed into a form much like that of Enjin's sword. It had morphed into a huge long and curved sword that had black metal magnificently decorating the hilt. The purple jewel was no longer in the middle but instead it was at the bottom like Enjin's…
Nekuri attacked Hirosa but she easily escaped… “You know I've seen your brother.”
“Huh!” She was alarmed.
Nekuri smiled and an oversized eye opened on her forehead.
Everything froze.
She walked to Hirosa who still bore her surprised reaction. Her hands still had that mysterious yet powerful glow. Nekuri attacked Hirosa severely with multiple blows on the face and body.
Everything went back to normal when the third eye closed in unison with Nekuri's first blow.
Hirosa fell to the floor. She stared at Nekuri in horror. One minute she was just saying something about Hitei and next thing she knew Nekuri was already beating her up. She didn't even see her coming.
Nekuri laughed at Hirosa's scared expression.
“How… how?” Hirosa questioned her.
“And why would I tell you? Find out for yourself!”
“Were you… telling the truth when you said you've spoken to Hitei…” Hirosa asked.
Nekuri's face showed a sincere expression, “I talked to him. He just came to me, all of a sudden and like all of you. He demanded an explanation for what I've become…” She glanced at Hirosa, “I even asked him to lend me his powers sometime but he rejected me and told me that I was insane!!”
“Your power… You borrow the abilities of the dead.” She realized.
“After all the days I've spent with you… I can't believe you found out just now that that's my power.” Nekuri was amazed with the stupidity of her opponent.
“I thought you were conjuring spells like Mizumeko…”
“But I spoke of souls and spirits!!”
“I thought you were calling your spells odd names…” (⌂)
Nekuri grew frustrated with all Hirosa's idiotic answers… She took a deep breath. “No matter. Instead of being all stupid, I advice you to be keen…”
This baffled Hirosa… What does she mean?
The ball of energy hovering above Yukari's hand was much bigger now.
Mizumeko threw several energy bolts towards Yukari but when the smoke subsided she was still there smiling and waiting for her attack to be completed…
Mizumeko watched her in boredom as he eat, slept and read the newspaper as he waited for her to finish… “How long do you plan to do that?” he asked.
No answer.
This time he played with his Game boy for a while.
“It's time!!” she announced with joy but Mizumeko ignored her. “I said it's TIME!!!” she shouted out.
“Oh… okay,” was all Mizumeko said. He put the Game boy away.
“This is my best spell yet; I call this one Power Sniper…” She smiled with pride.
“What does it do?” Mizumeko asked dryly.
“I'll show you. Target locked.” Yukari aimed at Mizumeko and the sphere gave off bright light and from the sphere lots and lots of lasers shoot towards Mizumeko.
He quickly tried to run the beams only missed him by an inch and then another hit his ankle… and Mizumeko's hesitation gave him away. Hundreds more laser beams came for him.
Yukari laughed at her victory…
How the heck did your sword morph so easily?” Enjin blurted out. His gray eyes were astonished.
“I actually got to chat with my Swordian Spirit and now he granted me this…” Gekuren said proudly.
“What!!” He couldn't believe this.
Gekuren stood up and had a smile on his face, “I call upon my Swordian Spirit…” he began and purple light shone once again. “Awaken and come forth… Luceus.” And in the middle of the sword a purple eye suddenly opened and out of the sky he came, the mighty dragon by the name Luceus.
Enjin looked overjoyed. “Finally a formidable opponent,” he whispered. “I summon my Spirit…” Now brown light came, “Come now my Swordian Spirit… Aracles…” This time the brown eye opened in Enjin's sword.
From the heavens as well came the familiar monstrous bird Gekuren had seen before.
Midori lay on the ground unconscious.
“Awaken now. Once again… Evil Midori!” Aku-rei's voice roared.
Black vapor covered Midori.
He laughed and laughed even more.
She opened her eyes and found herself in that situation again. “Not this again.” She stood and took her sword and started slashing the smoke over and over.
“You can't stop me!”
She heard him say from nearby.
Suddenly the smoke entered her body through her mouth…
She stood there in stillness, eyes closed.
Aku-rei smiled, “Open your eyes…” he instructed.
Midori quickly opened her eyes and she instantly tried to attack Aku-rei but before she got near enough she stopped.
He stared at her.
She blinked and her eyes changed… the shape much like a cat's and a darker shade of blue unlike before.
Midori smiled an evil smile.
Hirosa had been beaten up badly. She did figure out that Nekuri was using a third eye to freeze time but she didn't know how to defend herself from it.
Once more Nekuri made her way towards her. The third eye opened and all ceased. “Time to die, Hirosa…” she said and was about to slice Hirosa's head off with her glowing hands, when a voice called and stopped her.
“Don't kill her. Give her to me…” none other than Aku-rei.
Nekuri lowered her arm and the glow extinguished. The third eye closed.
Hirosa was startled to see Nekuri so close to her but she remained unharmed.
Up high in the sky…
Gekuren now rode his dragon a mile away from Enjin who rode his own spirit.
“We can do this either the easy way or the hard way…” Luceus spoke.
“What do you mean?” asked Gekuren -
“So it's Luceus. No wonder this Swordian was chosen as a holy warrior,” said Aracles.
“Explain!” Enjin told him.
“Luceus is the strongest and most powerful dragon spirit and dragons are the strongest Swordian Spirits.” -
“You mean I won't lose!!” Gekuren never thought it would be this easy. -
“You fought an undeveloped sword then Enjin while yours was already fully morphed. Now his sword too is fully morphed despite that I'm proud of you and your clan for bringing so much glee to me…” Aracles said.
“You're already giving up!!” Enjin got angry.
“Hah… I would rather die than give up but I'm immortal dear Swordian while you are not. Even if Luceus defeats us now I will only rest to wait for my next knight while you shall die.”
“I don't care. I'd rather die trying than just giving up,” Enjin said with confidence.
Yukari looked closely as the dust and smoke began to settle and subside. She was sure he would be dead by now. No human could have escaped her brilliant attack.
“You're right no human could have escaped your attack,” a voice said and Mizumeko stood there alive. His clothes were torn and he had numerous cuts and bruises but no severe damages.
She stepped back. “How did you survive?”
“I'm unlike all those you've battled. I'm special.” He brushed some dirt off his torn clothes.
Yukari got even angrier. “This time you'll be finished!!” This time a black ball formed before her, “Give me the strength to harness enough power… Darkness… Absence of everything… Absence of power… Energy Vacuum!” she screamed.
Come…” Aku-rei instructed.
“I'm not your servant. You won't have me.” The true Midori struggled to surface. “Be quiet!” she said…
All the voices were just from inside her. Midori held her head. She stood there with instability, and then she fell to the grass.
Inside her a battle was about to begin.
“I've defeated you before,” the real Midori said.
“Defeated me! You never did! You just forced me out but I'm here again but then we are here once again… you are truly weak!” Evil Midori said. They were mirror images of each other.
Midori called her sword and so did her opponent.
“This time I'll succeed!”
“Don't be so sure!” Midori told her.
“But don't forget that the gods separated you which means that you're not as reliable as you think,” she retorted.
“The gods also allowed my `coming together' so they know I can handle you.”
Evil Midori snorted, “Enough talk. Battle time!” She ran towards Midori.
She attacked her likewise.
Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!” Hirosa cried out. She had her hands on her ears. She didn't want to hear anymore…
“Don't fight it Hirosa. It's true. It's your fault Hitei died that day. He saved you… You should have been the one who died not Hitei but you! You! Everything is your fault. Look now how badly this team needs your brother but you were too selfish. You killed him. You killed Hitei and trying to save everyone in need will never atone to your mistake. Saving other people doesn't bring him back. You can never bring him back because he's dead because you killed him!!”
“Stop! You're driving me insane!!” Hirosa screamed. She tried to run away but Nekuri held her arm firmly.
“But all I've said are true. Everything is your doing. EVERYTHING!!!” Nekuri told her.
“No… no… no… no…” Hirosa shook her head as tears rain down her cheeks. “That's not true… It's - “
“It is! If you weren't in that car do you think Hitei would have come back there to die? He won't have. Look at him now, he's dead!” Nekuri rubbed it in even more.
“Please… please stop… please,” she pleaded as she lay on the ground, confused and weary.
… “I can't… I need you and the only way to get you is to drive you crazy…” Nekuri confessed slowly, with sympathy mixed with her tone.
You really mean that!!” Gekuren wasn't quite sure.
“I am the most powerful spirit. No other lesser gods can defeat me in my full form,” Luceus informed. “Aracles is most powerful among birds but - “
“We have no time to discuss the hierarchy of the gods now.” Aracles' voice was suddenly heard.
“Time to battle Gekuren,” Enjin spoke.
“Are you sure of your decision, Aracles? Your knight might get in trouble…” Luceus asked.
“He knows what he wants,” was the answer.
“Let's finish this fast. Give me your strongest attack,” Enjin told Gekuren.
“Fine with me!!”
Purple and Brown lights brightened the morning sky.
“Swordian Spirit…” Enjin and Gekuren said in unison.
“Sound - “ Aracles' beak opened and a white sphere was lighting up inside it.
“Fire - “ and Luceus began to push dark smoke out of its nostrils…
A huge white beam came out of Aracles' beak while the dragon breathed monstrous flames.
For a while the attacks canceled each other but soon the victory for one became clear.
Mizumeko fell to the earth. All of his remaining power sucked into Yukari's powerful vacuum.
Suddenly out of the sky, Enjin plummeted on the wall near Yukari.
Yukari immediately went to him, “Enjin… how?” She didn't know what to do.
His head was bleeding severely and he was truly badly hurt.
“I'm alright… Don't worry.” He sat up.
“I can't heal - “
Someone suddenly laughed.
They turned to see it was Mizumeko standing there with a bright smile.
“What the! - “ Yukari glanced at the `vacuum' and it was still there continuously sucking up Mizumeko's power.
“You would have defeated me if I were human but I ain't. Your spell can't contain all the power I possess.” He channeled his energy into the vacuum and it grew rapidly.
“Oh my god!” reacted Yukari.
“That's right… god!” and the vacuum grew even bigger.
“Yukari…” Enjin enveloped her in his arms.
“We're gonna die here if we don't go now,” she answered.
But there was no easy escape. She'd already used up most of her energy.
The vacuum continued to grow…
“I still have enough power for a simple escape spell. I'll send you as far away as possible…”
“I won't leave you… I told you I'd rather die with you than let you die alone…”
“Enjin…” She touched his cheek, “I call the wind of North, East, South and West…”
“Yukari what are you doing?”
“You've already proven yourself… Now go… Take my love to the safest place and let him live with my loving memory…”
“Yukari! Don't do this!” He grabbed her arm.
“I love you…” was all she answered.
And he was gone.
The energy vacuum exploded because of excessive power.
My hair…” evil Midori cried out as the left side of her hair was cut into half.
Midori smiled.
She immediately attacked Midori and their swords clashed. She suddenly kicked Midori's foot and slashed her.
Midori now had a long horizontal cut on her stomach, “You want to play dirty…” She attacked her from above and Evil Midori put her sword before her and instead of using her sword, Midori suddenly went to the ground and kicked her off balance, then elbowed her stomach and then an uppercut.
Evil Midori coughed out blood.
“You'll never get this body…” Midori said.
“I'm not giving up!” She attacked again.
The Creil's true power… Rusty Cutter.”
Midori's sword went through her, “You do have my determination… Goodbye…”
Evil was finally vanquished.
Nekuri looked towards the source of the powerful blast. It was too powerful to have been created by any human.
The smoke reached even them.
A shadow began to emerge and then walked beyond the smoked land.
Nekuri looked closely… Could it be? Could it really be?
And there he was walking towards her and their eyes met.
Her eyes were filled with terror. She began to back away. Nekuri tripped on Hirosa who was still on the floor. Nekuri hastily came back to her feet and continued to walk backward.
“Hirosa… stand up,” he spoke his unearthly voice.
And immediately Hirosa did so. She was back to her sane self again as if Nekuri was not almost able to succeed. “Zento-sama…” she said as she looked at his glorious face.
“Ruen is there to the right. Wake him and go to Midori and help her...”
Hirosa only stared.
He smiled knowing why.
She went back to her senses finally, “What about Nekuri?”
“Leave her to me,” was the answer.
Hirosa left.
That sudden explosion of immense power distracted Aku-rei.
“Aerial Blade…” The prism of Cyrus shattered into pieces.
Aku-rei glared at Midori.
She was back. “Now you can't complete your resurrection at all.” Midori smiled.
“You'll die for what you've done. Dark Matter...” And black balls started heading towards Midori.
She jumped up and escaped most of it but they all kept coming for her.
“You won't escape them all Midori!” Aku-rei said.
Next thing Midori knew four dark balls heading for her already cornered her.
Suddenly Hirosa appeared beside her and took her away.
“Thanks.” Midori was so relieved.
“Don't thank me just yet.” Hirosa pulled her once more for a teleporting ride.'
Aku-rei was now making attacks in rapid succession.
“Aah…” Hirosa got hit.
“Swordian Spirit…” Gekuren came suddenly before the two. “Fire Furnace…” but nothing happened.
“Your sword is still too weak for such an attack.” Luceus' voice was heard.
Gekuren noticed that his sword came back to its past state. “O well… run!”
Get away from me…” Nekuri's back hit a tree.
“Why are you so afraid of me suddenly?” he asked her continued to walk to her.
“Why are you here?” she asked another question.
Zento-sama shook her head, “I've always been here.”
She immediately realized, “You mean?” She remembered Mizumeko's familiarity.
“I've always been the 5th warrior since the start,” he said simply.
“I never suspected anything.” Nekuri sat down.
“I am a god. I'm good at everything I do,” he reminded as he sat beside her.
Nekuri closed her eyes, “Everything's my fault. Everything that has happened the last generation - last time we battled Aku-rei.”
“That's not true Naminori. Things went wrong and I know you could have prevented it if you could.” He leaned on the tree.
She opened her eyes, “But I was in charge of everybody… I've always been the sort-of leader.”
“You are the destined leader.”
“Exactly, so everybody's my responsibility and what happened to Midori - “
“Stop alright…” he said loudly and faced her. His face remained beautiful and solemn. “Nobody knew that would happen, only He did. He lets things like that happen so people can learn from mistakes and become stronger. Not to make more mistakes and go insane,” he lectured.
She looked away. That was exactly what she did.
Pentagram slash.” And Midori made five slashes to form a star, which eventually became a shield.
“That won't do!!!” Aku-rei's attacks seemed unending.
“We can't hold him much longer,” Hirosa said.
“I'll try the best I can.” Midori still held onto her Creil.
“Where's Zento-sama?” asked Gekuren.
“I'm not sure. He must be having a hard time with Nekuri.” Hirosa replied.
“Let's go!” Midori ran to Aku-rei.
“You cannot harm me…” he said triumphantly.
“Creil, Champion god, grant me you power…”
“What? That can't be!”
“Soul Section!” Midori slashed horizontally and even though it just went right through him like before this time he screamed of pain.
Aku-rei reeled backwards. “This isn't possible! I will not be defeated!” he screamed out loud and he transformed into a hideous red Minotaur. “You will all die!”
I know I'm partially responsible for your actions.” He looked towards the horizon. Daylight still wasn't enough to rival his godly glow.
“What?” She faced him.
“Before this generation came, He talked to me and told me that I was to inhumane, playing with humans especially you so He ordered me to fix it myself.” He paused, “I guess - “
“Wait… you said to me before that you're never sorry about anything you've done.”
“I remember that but everything changes. Even gods, I suppose. I'm sorry, Naminori… I really am…” They looked into each other's eyes.
The wind blew hard making the leaves of trees rustle. It even blew off Zento-sama's cream and silver-line head cap.
His long silver hair was flowing freely behind him. Somehow his glow was decreased but he remained faintly illuminated. “Before you say anything more I need to explain - “
“Explain?!” Nekuri was once again baffled.
“I know I've never explained anything to you before but I will now. When I started breaking promises and lying about things I did it because I was afraid…” his voice trailed off.
“Afraid of whom? What?” she wanted to know.
“Of falling in love with you. I was growing too fond of you. I have showed myself to other humans before but there was something so special about you far too special. I knew I needed to get as far away as possible to you that I couldn't manage to do until that day you last saw me to say goodbye. It hurt me as much as it hurt you.”
Nekuri could not believe her eyes. She had never seen him so depressed like this before. Never did she expect to see human emotion befall on this beautiful face.
He looked at her with his sad eyes. “Human emotion,” he said. “Does it suit me?”
Nekuri smiled.
“It's good to see you smile again,” he mentioned.
She couldn't help it anymore. Tears rolled down her eyes as she embraced him. “If you could have told me, things would have been different,” she murmured.
“I have my pride and honor… it wasn't very easy to be done.”
… “This moment is so unreal. In the arms of a real god, it doesn't seem to be even possible,” she said.
“Believe it while it lasts…” He held her face and kissed her.
* * *
Calamity Blast!” Midori made multiple, quick and powerful stabs at Aku-rei.
The Minotaur bellowed in pain. It already bled profusely but still it would not falter.
Hirosa and Gekuren attacked it in succession but they were instantly flung to the ground.
Midori began to conjure another technique, she swiftly plunged her sword in the soil. “Shadow of Incapacitation.” From Midori's sword, blackness creeped to Aku-rei.
He was paralyzed.
“Awesome!” Hirosa remarked.
“You can't hold me down like this for long.” He tried all his might to get free, but suddenly he transformed to his human form. “What?”
“You're finally right about something, Aku-rei.” It was Zento-sama with Nekuri.
“What took you two so long?” Gekuren was very glad.
“A… god…” Aku-rei narrowed his eyes.
“Hard to believe but it's impossible for us to get beaten with a god and all…” Hirosa had to say it.
They surrounded him.
“In the name of the five holy warriors of the Sacred Pentacle…” A pentacle lit from the ground shooting high to the sky.
“This is not the end!” Aku-rei stammered and struggled to escape.
“Oh… but it is…” Zento-sama grinned. “Seal and annihilate…” And even more tremendous light bestowed upon all…
And like a magically fairytale ending the whole Suraita came back to normal. Everything destroyed regained… all those that died, revived. People everywhere were going about their daily routines as if nothing happened at all.
Back in Surra Island…
Gekuren hurriedly got off the motorbike and went in the Yuwakawa Restaurant. Then he noticed a familiar face by a table at the corner drinking beer in a glass.
“Enjin…” Gekuren murmured walking to him.
He stared at him blankly. He no longer had that vibrant killer's aura. He looked every sad and depressed. “I don't want to fight you anymore…” He looked at his glass and swirled it.
“What are your plans now?” Gekuren asked.
“What plans? There's no point in battling.”
“Can you help me then?”
“Help you… you kill - “
“I didn't kill her. She let herself get killed for you to go on…” Gekuren told him. “I need you to help me train. I need to morph my sword to higher levels…”
No answer.
“I honestly believe I can learn from you. You're far better than me.”
He stood up and looked into Gekuren's eyes. “This won't be easy…” He left.
“Yes!!!” …
I still can't believe I'm a completely different person now…” Midori said as she sat by the counter drinking her soda.
“What do you mean?” Gekuren asked by the other side of the counter.
“Well, I'm now Sora Reiyo, complete with all new memories about all my relatives, friends and everything,” Midori explained.
“Wow!” Hirosa reacted.
“There's more. The Yuwakawa's who own this place never had a child named Denra at all and when I told Mizumeko to check on the Bisanei's `my' grandparents did have a grandchild named Ajine but she died five years ago. Weird!” Midori added.
“Totally,” Hirosa remarked.
“Hey,” Midori greeted Nekuri who just arrived.
“Hey,” She replied in return.
“Well that explains why all of Denra's stuff is gone when I came back,” Gekuren mentioned.
“Where's Mizumeko?” wondered Nekuri.
“I have no idea!” answered Hirosa.
“It's like I never existed as Denra or Ajine,” Midori pointed out.
“Guess you never did. Such wonders that only gods can do,” said Hirosa.
“Hey! You already out number all of us in the number of lives you've lived after all this generation you lived three!” Gekuren said.
“It must be real great, dating a god,” Midori spoke and she faced Nekuri.
“Hey… hey… hey!” Gekuren warned.
Nekuri turned pink.
“Stop teasing her. See, you're making the manager blush,” Hirosa teased even more.
“Aren't you all a happy bunch of people.” It was Mizumeko in his old dark blue school uniform.
“We were just talking about Nekuri's immortal boyfriend,” Midori pushed.
“Oh that `all-of-a-sudden instant helper',” Mizumeko mocked as he sat beside Midori to her left.
“Hey! Don't bad mouth him.”
“He's a god. He can hear you and you'll get in big trouble,” Midori and Hirosa said in succession.
“He helped you defeat Yukari remember?” Gekuren reminded.
“I could have done it myself. I didn't need his intervention,” Mizumeko replied.
“Yeah right. Well wherever he is we're all very grateful for all he has done,” said Midori.
“Don't worry I'm pretty sure he knows that,” Mizumeko reacted and smiled.
So the ultimate secret remains unknown.
The End
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