Fan Fiction ❯ Senken ❯ Now Im Alone ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Now what we must remember about the history of the world is that although numerous nations claim for power through nuclear might. Now unknown to the rest of the world we of this island have constantly played and advanced these cultures as we see fit. To the native Americans we gave little of our spiritual beliefs . To the Europeans we gave the basic concept of culture. to the outside world we are the sunken city of Atlantis and to keep this islands secret's safe we have to kill anyone who enters this island." The tutor began to point to the map of the world.

"Jamuzu Wake Up" an elbow accompanied the voice arousing the slumber.

"Ooow" Jamuzu yelled as he fell from his seated position attempting to sit up from the fall "Why did you do that Tanmaru" He quickly shot a scowl in her general direction before realising he was being watched.

"So Sleeping in class Jamuzu?" The tutor crossed his arms. "See me afterwards."

"Thanks a lot" He scowled at Tanmaru. The only reply was a wink and a stuck out tongue in his direction before the class resumed.


Chapter Two: Now I'm Alone

"" Spoken

`' Thoughts

"This isn't about your work although quite simply it is slipping." The tutor sighed and removed his hands from his side. "I just got news from the elders." A brief pause came between the two

"Yes what is it" Jamuzu jumped at the news

"Sorry" The tutor spoke "They found his body four hours after he left. I'm afraid he's dead."

Jamuzu stood still as the tutor left the room. The door closed with a thud the shadows shuddered and chanted amongst themselves enjoying the news.

"Hey what's up with him?" Tanmaru Whispered to the male figure beside her. "He's Been like that all day." She gave a nudge to the left. " Hey Dante." She poked him in the side of his ear.

Dante Jumped suddenly at the intruder in his ear. "Tanmaru… What the hell was that for." He yelled in her direction waving his arms about in random directions.

"Ssssh" Tanmaru moved her index finger to her mouth in a wordless plea for silence. "you don't want to Attract attention now"

The elders each sat around a oak table the patterns engraved on the side depicted a battle between to different clans of samurai. Etched around the top curved outline multiple swirls of fire covered the shined oak finished.

The head elder slowly placed his hands flat upon the table placing one above the other. He turned his head over from one side of the elders to the other. "Do you think that now with the father gone there is nothing to protect the child."

"What do you mean?" Another elder asked "The child is as safe as he always was."

"I believe he means mentally" Another added

"Yes" The head elder spoke. "With the father gone what is to stop the parents withdrawing the children from him."

"Should that happen" The elder sitting opposite the head spoke what everyone was thinking.

The sentence withered in silence.

Flashback 5 Years ago

Flames linger in the background of burning wood in as the shape of a house the roof crumbles on a small side . At the front of the fires inferno a small child around the age of 6 panting heavily on his hands and knees. The eyes are vacant and each lingering breath turns to ice as it hits the floor. A small ring of earth spins around the child rising around 2 inches from the rest of the ground.

A wall of ice rises and melts within seconds behind the child as the risen earth spreads out from under the child and rises to the height of the crowd watching in horror. Removing the child from view small sparks of light shoot through striking two bystanders in the chest. The Earth retreats and the child comes back into view flat on the floor in a curled up position. Chanting two sentences over and over again.

"I never wanted this" A small tear freezes halfway down the child's face. "What is wrong with me?"