Fan Fiction ❯ Senken ❯ Seven Elements ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The flames at the front dimmed and returned to the cracks that had given them birth. The ice melted returning to a water state returning the cracked and dried sand back to normal. The shadows that danced and lunged in a desperate escape from the body begun to recede.

"Tanmaru" He Whispered to himself. The sand that encased Dante begun to disappear and the sounds of a dying wind echoed around as he stared at the person gripping onto his arm.


Chapter Four : The Seven elements.

"" Spoken

`' Thoughts

A shadow covered figure pulled out the chair at the head of the table and sat down moving a hand steadily forward it covered the top of the candle a small spark sprung to life as he twisted his wrist slightly. Candles all over the table suddenly did the same added by match's or the similar hand movements.

"His powers awakened again. five days ago fortunately the sixth element was not present." The figure three seats left of the head spoke his face coming into view. The withered aged face of the combat tutor sat there his arms and fingers crossed over in an odd sharpened upside down V. "I was personally shocked anyone would take action against him." He sighed "But for the sanctity for the exam I had to pretend that there was anaesthetics on the tips of those swords. Needless to say the two students behind the plot have been excluded from this year. It's a good thing Another decided to interfere otherwise we might have a fatality on our hands."

"It wouldn't be a problem if he was born with power over one of the four Natural elements as well as the basic fifth ." The elder at the head of the table had begun to adopt the pose of the others moving his hands into the trademark upside down V. "But they boy had to be uniquely born with all 7 elements. This could possibly make him the greatest warrior for this village but unfortunately the powers seem to be uncontrollable and might leave him unstable. However it seems the presence of another can bring stability so it might not be a lost cause."

A loud sigh arose from the table and lingered in the air until eventually one spoke up. "Every time we meet up all we seem to talk about is… Him." A mild hatred came from the last word. "Can we at least talk about something else." A round of agreement echoed in the small candle lit room.

" Ok SO…" a mild silence as they all awaited the rest of the sentence "What does everyone want for lunch."

`The flames from the ground seemed so natural.' The scene replayed in his head focusing on each lingering jump of flame from the bigger inferno. The chill of the ice wall on his back repeated itself as the scene hairs raising up on his back. `Tanmaru' The realisation of what happened finally hit. `Was she defending Dante or protecting me.' The thought bounced around the corners of his mind.

An aggravated growl echoed amongst the unfeeling walls.

Familiar streets beckoned again as he left the seemingly wounded house. Living by himself had led the house to fall into disrepair. He hung his head down low as he begun the standard walk.

An empty bento box lay in front of each chair of the table as each of the village elders tried to suck in their gut. (Note: Bento is basically a Japanese packed lunch box to put it in simple terms.)

"Just how many of the elemental powers does he possess?" Another question came from the now littered table.

The head elder sighed deeply. "He seems to have control over all seven elements. Like all children of this island he has control over the basic spirit element as well as the four commonly believed fire, water, wind and earth." The elder sighed again. "He also seems to possess some degree of power over light and the shadow. Most over countries would encourage him to mix these powers but they never had to experience The Incident. We here he has currently made ice its vital we teach him control before he mix's all seven in a single burst."

"What happens if all seven are mixed?" several of the elders around the table stood up and slammed there first down simultaneously asking the question.

"No one really knows." The elder took out a file thick as his hand from under the table. "Here is a report on current theories about the elements and what might happen. The worst being the destruction of all life possessing power over an element others claim the planet's magnetic fields would go AWOL sending the earth further or into the sun the most concerning of them is the belief that he could be god. A being if infinite energy."

A gasp arose from the table before each of the elderly men left each into a different direction from a different door out of the room.

White lines begun connecting and joining together to form the basic sentences that marked the history of the island as Jamuzu's eyes struggled against gravity. The sounds of a chair moving slightly and a female sigh entered his ears. Resting his head on the tip of his arms his mouth automatically begun to form a yawn.

"Jamuzu.. Jamuzu." Hands tightly gripped the back of his shoulders indicating the immediate violent shaking. A small Groan escaped his lips as he struck the desk in front of him for the fifth time. His eyes struggled themselves open as his eyes locked onto his assailant .

"Tanmaru." He whispered brushing some of her blue shoulder length hair away from his face.

"What is it?" he yawned.

"I've found something I want you to see." She happily exclaimed

Jamuzu released another groan.