Fan Fiction ❯ Swordress and the Knight ❯ Chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The swordress and the knight
By: Ka-chan


Ginga laid on a couch in the living room of the mansion.

"How could I lose to such a weak person!?!" She jumped up off the couch. "Ho is it possible I'm one of the best fighters and I lost to a boy that probably doesn't know as much as me about sword fighting!" She kept replaying the battle in her head trying to find out what she did wrong that cost her the chance to win.

"I don't see anything that I did wrong!" She flopped back onto the couch and looked out a window the was nearby noticing it was night. She grabbed her sword and ran to the clearing.

"I was expecting you Ginga-san." Ginga jumped alittle in suprise when she heard Hoshi's voice.

"Why were you expecting me?" she said after she composed herself

"You weren't coming here it was easy to see you where plotting something." Thhe wind made his bangs blow gently across his face and then went back to being half way in his eyes.

"I might as well suprise you by saying I wasn't." She stated this as if it was a fact

"you mean you came here for no reason?" Hoshi seemed alittle confused

"No I came here for a reason and it was to defeat you." She drew her sword just like she did the first time they met.

"Why do you fight against me all the time?" He also drew his sword.

"Because the Prince tells me too so I will!" she slashed at hoshi "And I won't give up until I do!" He blocked her attack.

"but why do you always follow his orders?" He swiped at her with his sword.

"because I have to I am his head knight! If I don't it will dishonor me and the Prince!" A rain began to fall. Hoshi seemed suprised at Ginga saying she was Prince Hidako's head knight. While He stood there Ginga attacked him from behind leaving a deep cut in his leg.

"there now it's fair. You defeated me once and now I have defeated you." Her hair had fallen out of the loose braid and was clinging her clothes which were clinging to her skin showing off the curves on her body. Hoshi was on the ground tieing his shirt around the cut. Ginga watched wondering why he wasn't reacting to what she said.

"were you even listening to me!?!" Hoshi lifted his head up.

"yeah I was. But I still don't get why your fighting for prince Hidako and against the Kingdom I work for." Ginga looked comfused but then answered.

"It was my orders to come here and defeat the Hikuri Kingdom and I plan to carry them out!" She looked at him and noticed that he was staring at her. "Why are you doing that!?!"

"What am I doing?" He started to smile alittle

"You know what your doing your staring at me and I want to know what you find so fasinating about me!"

"nothing that you would understand swordress." He smirked at the name he just called her.

"go ahead and think that knight but I will come back and I'll defeat you again!" With that She walked off into the rain.