Fan Fiction ❯ Swordress and the Knight ❯ Chapter three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Swordress and the Knight
By: Ka-chan


Ginga ran down the stairs of the mansion in her typical outfit after hearing some noise down there. Her hair was tied back into two pigtails. She looked at the souce of the noise. Her friend and information provider Naru had just arrived.

"Naru-san why are you here!?!" Ginga basically shook the brunette who was alittle shorter then her.

"Prince Hidako Said that you might want company and that since you and I are friends that I should come here." Ginga froze for a moment and then decided that she should say something.

"Naru-San. Why is it that he said I needed company?" Ginga looked curious and flicked one of her pigtails behind her back.

"He was afraid that you would start talking to yourself." Naru seemed pleased with her answer.

"He has so much faith in my sanity doesn't he?" Ginga said. The whole statment was dripping with sarcasm.

"Well he still wants me to stay here so you don't drive yourself insane trying to go against that one boy."

"Now why would he think that I would go insane trying to go against the boy?" Ginga tried her best to look clueless

"Because Prince Hidako knows how much you concintrate on fighting and that if you don't do something else other then concintrate on battles you can drive yourself insane." Naru stated this as if it was a fact.

"I see..." Ginga tapped her finger on the lower part of her lip

"Anyways what room am I supposed to stay in Ginga-chan?" Naru grabbed her suitcases.

"Ginga-chan? Are you really sure that we know eachother well enough to use chan Naru?"

"Well we have been friends for about two maybe three years so I would say so. Plus you've always been too formal when it comes to people so this would be a nice break for you! Now can ya tell me where my rooms at?" Ginga smiled.

"well I haven't had time to really prepare a room but you can stay in the one at the top of the stairs to the left if you'd like." Naru Picked up her bags and litterly ran up there and put her Clothes and other things where they belonged as fast as she could, then went back down stairs to talk to Ginga.

Ginga sat in the Living room drinking a cup of hot chocolate when she heard Naru come down the stairs again.

"What do you think of the room Naru?"

"It's really nice." Ginga took another sip of her hot chocolate.

"I still can't believe the Prince doesn't have faith in my sanity." Ginga sighed. "I don't concintrate that much on battles and fighting do I Naru?"

"ummmm Ginga-chan I hate to say it but you sometimes do give your full attention to fighting." Ginga looked suprised.

"That's strange then when id do I don't notice it. Probably because I focus on it so much I don't notice it when I do. oh well though. I'm bored. Nothing to do even with you here unless..." Ginga got an evil look on her face.

"Ginga wat are you thinking about or shold I say plotting I know that look on your face. HELP ME!" Ginga Had run upstairs while Naru was talking and got her make-up then backed Naru in a corner.

"What's so bad about alittle make-up Naru?" Ginga smiled evilly again as she pinned the girl Down by twisting her arm behind her back and started to apply the fondation.

"Princess The girl named Ginga defeated me in battle last night." He kneeled in front of the princess' throne as he usually did when he was reporting the news of what had happened the night before.

"How is it that she beat you? You told me she was much to agressive to defeat you." The Princess twirled some of her redish hair around her finger.

"She must have trained in order to." Hoshi started to look alittle nervous. "Princess I Swear it won't happen again."

"Hoshi it better not. We can't have our kingdom defeated by that scum!" Hoshi saw a light flicker in The princess' eyes and was scared. Not very often that happened with the Princess only when battle arose it did and Hoshi Never notced it until now.

"As you wish Princess."

"You may leave now Hoshi." She made a shooing gesture with her hand.

He hated how she treated him like a dog that would obey the owner. He akways wanted freedom from his job, but wasn't allowed it unless she banished him or he was sentenced to death.


About an hour after Ginga had put as much make-up on Naru as possible and Naru washed it off they were sitting in te living room. Ginga was sitting on the couch and seemed to be staring or maybe thinking about something because she was unsually quiet.

"Ginga-chan what's the matter?" Naru looked at Ginga questionally

"No nothings wrong Naru-chan. Why do you think something is?" Ginga was curious. It was obvious to anyone that she was too.

"Nothing... it just looke like you were thinking about something or someone." Ginga looked suprised.

"I wasn't Naru." Before Naru had said anything Ginga had actually been thinking of someone...