Fan Fiction ❯ The Fun of Jealously ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author Note: This chapter has a lot of information about what is going on, mostly in Kairi's head.


Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or any of the Final Fantasy characters involved.

Chapter Four



After sleeping for a couple hours in his new home Sora woke up in troubled mood.


There is a reason I'm here.


Groaning at his thought he rolls over and grabs his cell phone to look at the time, 10:15 am. Putting the cell phone back down he slowly started to push himself off the bed and plop his feet onto the soft carpeted floor.


Walking over and opening his bedroom door, he popped his head out into the hallway and looked around. Hearing noises down stairs, he decided to go and see what was going on. Stepping lightly, to sneak up on the person, he moves to the kitchen only to see Kairi pulling out a chair and sitting down with a cold drink in her hand.


AH! Just the girl I wanted to see…


Going from behind, he grabbed Kairi shoulders and yelled "Boo!"


Kairi screamed as she jumped out of her chair, spilling her glass of water all over herself and the



"HAHA!!" Sora starts to crack up laughing at the look on her face and her dripping wet clothing.


"SORA!" She yelled at him, her face red with anger, but then something went off in her head and she yells his name again, but in a much more gleeful tone.


"SORA! You finally woke up!" She had a big smile on her face, "I have so much to tell you, but right after I go change…" she said as she ran up the stairs to her bedroom.


Looking around at the mess he had just caused, he felt a bit guilty so he decided to clean it up. After looking around a little he finds a roll of paper towels on the counter near the sink and takes a handful of them and rips it off the roll before heading over to the water.


After cleaning up the water on the floor and chair, Sora scanned the kitchen for the trashcan; he walks around it a few times only to hear Kairi inform his about something.


"It's under the sink." She says walking back into the kitchen as she adjusted her shirt.


"What is?" Sora questioned her, not really sure of what she is talking about.


"The garbage can silly, unless you want to hold that wet paper." Sora glared as she replied. Sora slowly walked over to the sink and opened up the cabinets underneath it. After spotting the trashcan he thru away the wet paper towels, then turned around and sat down at the table.


Kairi sat herself down next to him, before starting up the conversation.


"It's great of you to come. You really don't understand how much I need you to be here." She says

her blue eyes locked with his.


"Yeah, now what was so important that I needed to move all the way out here for?" Sora asks with a raised eyebrow and a pout on his lips.


"Well, remember how you once said you would do anything for me?" Kairi started off, Sora nodded,

signaling her to continue.


"Um, well, I need you to help me with my friend. Well, actually I need you to help my friend, which I said I would help." She mumbles on, getting confused with her own words.


"Ok, so I'm helping your friend, whom you said, that you would help?" Sora repeats her trying to understand.


"YUP! You got it!" she says smiling.


"Alright…" he trails off, biting his bottom lip, nodding his head slightly with a confused look. "So, what am I suppose to help your friend with?"


"Well, his name is Leon right. And well he and his boyfriend broke up about a month ago. So then all of a sudden his ex-boyfriend, Cloud, starts to go out with his friend Riku." Kairi starts to go on but is interrupted by Sora.


"Wait, Riku? As in the silver hair boy I use to hang out with, Riku?" Sora questioned curiously.


"Yeah, that guy." She answered before going back to her explanation.


"I didn't know he swung that way…" Sora said to himself, causing Kairi to roll her eyes.


"Well any ways, they start going out, leaving Leon like totally heart broken. So I told him I would help him get Cloud jealous. That, my dear cousin, is where you come in." She pauses and looks at him with a serious face.


"You are going to flirt, do anything and everything to make Cloud think that Leon has forgotten all about him. That will kill Cloud, and Riku I might add. Then finally Cloud will go back to Leon and everything will be normal!" She finished, ending with a happy little clap.


Sora stares her at for a couple seconds, before finally saying something. "Right… sooo… what's the real reason why I'm here?"


"Gah, I'm serious Sora, that's the reason!" Kairi's tone held no laughter or joking nature at all.


"Wait; hold up, you want me, to flirt with this kid, just to make his ex-boyfriend jealous?" Sora said

slowly so that he could fully understands what she was asking of him.


"Yeah, well… I was kind of hoping that you would… you know… go out with him…" she ended unsurely because of the look on Sora's face.


Sora was rubbing his temples as she talked to him, his eyes were closed and his jaw tight.


"You are ridiculous; you want me to go out with a guy that I've never even met before. Now why couldn't you ask someone else?" Sora asks forcefully, trying to keep his temper.


"You don't understand. It has to be you." Kairi says heatedly, then trying to reason with him she says, "I need to get both people in the relationship jealous! Cloud wants Leon, and Riku wants you! The two people that they want will be together. It will be pure misery for them, to see you two happily together, especially when they both really want the other."


"…It seems like I'm going to be doing this for you after all. God Kairi, all you had to say was you

wanted to hurt them and I would have done it." Sora said with a shrug.


Then after a few second he looked back at her and said, "What do you mean Riku wants me? I haven't been on this Island in years. I'd be surprised if he even remembered me."


"Oh but he has wanted you since you left, you are his desire, and I will have to correct you. You were actually on this island three weeks ago and all over Leon." Kairi said in a matter of fact tone.


"No, three weeks ago I was on a cruise with Baralai." Sora told her slowly.


"Baralai?! Who's that?!" Kairi inquired curiously.


"No one important, he turned out to be a total asshole." Sora said with an unreadable expression.


"Well anyway, I had to make it so you already knew Leon, so I told everyone you met 3 weeks ago, oh and the look on their faces… something I will never forget." Kairi said waving off the other conversation and goes back to explaining the situation even more.



"Ok hold on, back up a few steps. How do you know all of this, what if Cloud actually likes Riku and doesn't really care about Leon anymore, and Riku likes Cloud and not me?" Sora asks the informative girl.


"Sora, if only I could tell you how I know my information. That will be saved for another time, but

trust me it will all work out if you agree to this." Kairi assures him before seeing him stand up.


"Yeah, yeah." Sora said, stretching and waving his hand in a dismissing motion. "Leon's my crush and I have to flirt with him every chance I get right? He better not be ugly or I swear Kairi you will have to be paying me for this." Sora stated dangerously as he walked away, "I'm gonna to take a shower."


He wasn't in the shower long, maybe 15 minutes. He looked at the clock as he dried himself off and pulled on a pair of faded blue jean shorts that were a little too big for him so they hung low on his hips.


Only 11:25, I wonder what we are going to do today.


Walking into the kitchen he saw that Kairi was now eating a plate of bacon and eggs that she must have made herself while he was in the shower.


He still has the towel in his hand drying his damp hair as he stated looking at the plate "Umm, looks

good. Made some for me right?"


Before she could say anything there was a knock on the door, Kairi was going to stand up but Sora was already was moving towards the front door.


"I got it!" he yelled back at her as he opens to the door, to his surprise, a pretty girl.


She was shorter then him probably about 5'4", he is 5'10". Her hair was a pretty light brown with natural highlights that flipped up above the shoulder, going perfectly with her bright green eyes. She was wearing a revealing yellow jumper that clung to her, showing off her beautifully shaped body.


Sora notices that the girl was staring at him so he decides to speak first.


"Hello." He says in the same tone he used on the phone to her.


"Heh, hi. Is Kairi there?" she asks shyly, snapping out of her daze.


"Yeah, sure. Come on in." Sora responses with a small smile on his face, he opened the door wider for her to walk through.


Walking into the kitchen he heard Kairi squeal.


"Selphie!" she squeaked and attacked the girl with a hug.


Oh, so that's Selphie.


The girl responses in the same way after screaming his

cousins name.


They were going to kill each other. He thought amusingly.


"Selphie this is my cousin Sora, Sora this is my best friend Selphie." Sora hears Kairi say to her friend, he extends out a hand to her, which she shook.


After they pulled their hands away he heard her say, "So, your Leon's boyfriend!" the girl said excitedly, but also a bit questioning.


"Boyfriend? I wouldn't say that now. I have only met him once, but he is very attractive. I wouldn't mind to get to know him a little better." Sora said acting as calm as possible, trying to think of something to make it seem like they actually had some sort of history.


"Oh! Well you are so lucky, because it seems like you to already like each other. Maybe it's love at first sight!" Selphie said with a dreamy sigh.


Sora looks at Kairi with face that says "Is she always like this" and Kairi just giggled and nodded.


With a shaking of the head, he decides to play with the little girl.

"Maybe it is; I wonder if he feels the same way." He said then mimicked her dreamy sigh at the end.


Might as well have fun while I'm here…


"Well since we have company, I think I might put on some more clothes…" Sora said as he slowly stated to make his way to his room, but Selphie quickly jumped up before he left.


"I don't mind!" She yelled before blushing and putting her hand over her mouth embarrassed by her outburst.


Kairi busted out laughing her ass off at the look on both of their faces, Selphie was as red as a cherry and Sora had a slight blush but covered his chest with his arm.


"I'm going to put more clothes on." He says as quickly as he left.


As soon as Selphie was sure he was out of hearing range she hit Kairi across the head.


"Ow! What was that for?" Kairi complains as she rubbed the spot on her head that was just assaulted by Selphie's hand.


"Why didn't you ever try to hook me up with him?! You got the goodies and aren't willing to share with your best friend!" Selphie said with a frown on her face.


"It's not like I brought Sora here to intentionally hook him up with Leon or anyone else." she replied,

laughing nervously.


"Yeah well still…damn Leon for working so fast!" Selphie said in a whiney tone and comically slammed her fist on the tabletop.


There attention was then moved to the front door, opening to reveal Kairi's mom, Kristin, with her arms full of groceries.


"A little help here..." Kristin whimpered, feeling like her arms were about to fall off.


"Sure Aunt Kris" Sora said as he came down the stairs in the same clothes he went up with, but an addition of a white shirt. He grabs the bags of food and set them down on the counter top in the kitchen.


"Thanks hun, there is more in the trunk. Can you be a dear an-" She stared to say as she moved to put the food away with the help of her daughter, but is cut off by Sora's reply.


"I got it! Don't worry!" he ran out of the house to the back of the trunk to see only 5 more bags so he grabs them but couldn't close the trunk. I'll come back out and close it.


Bringing the bags in he places them onto the table, and turned around to go right back out again.


"Where are you going?" His Aunt questioned him curiously.


"I couldn't close the trunk with my hands full; I'll be back in a minute." Sora said as he went back

outside, and walking around the car. After closing the trunk he began to return inside when a deep smooth voice stopped him.








Authors Note: Yeah so that's this chapter, I hope none of you were disappointed and I'll update when I have the chance. I hope that when you're done reading this chapter you will give me a review.




Review Please!