Fan Fiction ❯ Through a Child's Eyes ❯ Beggings of Friends and Foes ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Through A Child's Eyes

By: Their Mothers (PixieWhitefeather and MysticIceDragon)



Age: 13

Hair color: Black

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Height: 5'5

Clothes: Black Trench coat with large silver buckles. Black knee high boots and black

Pants and under shirt.

Siblings: Pacu, Sapphire

Mother: Brittany

Father: (didn't want to participate in this writing.)

Pet: Black Raven (black bird we call it a crow) named Ebony.


Age: 9

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye color: Green

Height: 4'9

Clothes: Blue shirt, golden stripe in the middle. Blue Jean shorts. White gym shoes.

Pet: Labrador puppy named, Fido.


Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

Eye Color: Sapphire Blue

Age: 8

Height: 4'6

Clothes: Pale blue dress, black dress shoes, and blue ribbons in hair.

Pet: White kitten named SnowBall


Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Age: 13

Height: 5'6''

Clothes: Plaid Skirt, Red turtleneck, Black slip-on shoes. Braided hair, and glasses.

Pet: Bird named Star.


Hair Color: Blond

Eye Color: Blue

Age: 12

Height 5'4"

Clothes: Tan Jacket, blue jeans, black shirt.

Pet: Cat named BlackBall

Tristan (Tristy)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Age: 9

Height: 4'10"

Clothes: Tan vest, blue jeans, green shirt.

Pet: Tommy the Turtle

Chapter 1:

The raven let out a deep caw as flew by the slowly rising moon. It's silky black

feathers glistened in fresh moonlight as the bird swooped down, diving at a boy. Any

one witnessing the scene would have thought the great bird was attacking the dark

boy, but Starkin knew better than that. He raised his hand gracefully and the giant

blackbird settled peacefully on it. The boy leaned forward and pressed his nose

against the bird's beak affectionately.

"Look Ebony, my precious, the night has just begun. What shall we do…?" The

boy's hauntingly green eyes locked with the bird's dark ones, and for a moment, they

seemed to communicate, for the boys eyes were almost animalistic as the moonlight

struck them, and the bird fluttered off, with a look in its eyes evil enough to rival any

human's. The boy sauntered off, following the bird, his skin strange and pale in the

moonlight, his black trench coat floating behind him on the evening breeze. He

paused, strikingly beautiful, with the delicate moonrise in the background, a raven at his

side, savage green eyes. A few wisps of hair black as the raven's feathers fell into his

face, nearly covering one of his eyes. His skin was pale, almost white in its lack of

color and he wore all black, black as night…

This was Starkin and the night was his sanctuary…

The sound of a bird chirping echoed throughout the earth colored room. A

young girl yawned and rolled over among the cotton tan-colored sheets. The bird's

chirps grew louder, and she knew that sleep was a lost cause now.

"Quiet Star…" she murmured, feeling around for her glasses. She picked them

up from their resting-place, atop a thick book she had fallen asleep reading. Sylvia

pushed the glasses up her nose, shadowing her beautiful brown eyes from the world. A

glance into her mirror revealed to her that her hair was a mess. She undid the braids,

letting soft waves of light brown hair fall onto her shoulders. She quickly redid the

braids, years of practice allowing her to complete the braids within minutes.

The sound of a bird cawing outside her window made her pause, and she

glanced out and saw the dark boy, standing there, and smiling a genuine smile at the

bird. Sylvia chuckled softly to herself at the sight and decided to go say hello to this

strange dark boy outside her house.

A pair of bright blue eyes snapped open suddenly. A young girl, tiny and petite

in every way sat up suddenly, as if she had awoken from a nightmare. Long rivers of

white blond hair flowed down her back in two long pigtails. She giggled at the sight of

her room, all beautiful in its lavender, blues and white glory.

"Hello room!" Sapphire chirped smiling with blue eyes wide. She jumped down

happily from the top bunk of her bed and landed in a heap on the floor. Where a normal

eight-year-old would have howled, Sapphire merely laughed.

"WOW! I made a big THUD when I landed…" She tittered enthusiastically and

began to climb up the ladder again, preparing to jump off yet again. "Hello again bed!"

Sapphire said, standing up in preparation for her jump. She leapt off the bed; oblivious

to any danger or pain she was in.

"Sapphire!" A dark boy raced in the room and caught the light girl swiftly in his

arms. The girl laughed, embracing her brother, the hug of sister and brother, light and

dark, angel and demon.

"Lucky I caught you…You could have been hurt." Sapphire smiled in innocent


"Where are you going Big Brother?" she asked, gazing up at him with pure


"The sun's beginning to set. I was heading outside." He set the girl gently down

on the floor, where nearly immediately she picked up one of her toys and began to

play. The dark boy left, leaving the innocent behind, and heading towards the


The tiny black kitten prowled under the bed, creeping its way around dirty

clothes, ripped jeans and a tattered old jacket before spotting its victim. It seemed to

smile maliciously before it leapt from its hiding spot and latched its claws into the

enemy's sleeve.

"Get off me!" The blond boy growled, shaking the kitten's claws out of his tan

jacket sleeve. The tiny black ball of fur flew backward before gracefully landing on its

feet and darting back under the bed.

"Stupid Blackie…" The boy muttered, before turning back to his mirror. He

grimaced at his reflection, running his hands through his golden locks of hair, which

had just been cut by his mother. He sighed and began brushing it, trying to in many

different styles, but the end result was always the same - a horrible uneven mess of

hair. He sighed, defeated by his own reflection. He gazed into the mirror, perfectly blue

eyes meeting identical cerulean counterparts.

"Claude darling, don't fret over your hair. It looks wonderful. Tristy is already

asking to have his hair cut the same way." Claude glared over at the doorway, where

his mother had been watching him battle his hair.

"Starkin's outside you know. You should go see him. I mean, look at his hair! Its

wonderfully messy." Claude continued his glare at his mother, who never seemed to

be able to say the right thing.

Ali sighed at her son, fed up with his glares. She marched over to him,

scooped up his hairbrush and within minutes had made the mess even worse. Claude

gasped and stared at his mom in horror. She smiled, oblivious to his dismay, and

pushed him towards the door.

"Go play," she said with a smile, "and everyone can admire your brand new


"But - but!" Claude whined as he was pushed out the door to meet the darkly

green eyes of Starkin, glittering with amusement over the site of Claude. Sylvia tried to

hide a giggle, and Claude let out a huge sigh, defeated.

The young mother stared out the kitchen window happily, watching her child

play with his raven. As she watched Starkin and Ebony, she was almost oblivious to

the huge thumps echoing throughout the house.

"MOMMY!" The voice of her younger son, Pacu nearly made her jump out of her

seat, and the little blond poked his head into the kitchen. He smiled up at her, and

instinctively, she knew he was going to ask for something. He crawled into her lap and

smiled up innocently and affectionately.

"Can I have some Spaghetti-O's, please?" He made his blue eyes wide, like a

puppy dog begging for a treat, and Brittany knew that fighting him was hopeless. She

picked up Pacu and moved him off her lap. She didn't really feel like getting up, but

Pacu was too hard to resist. She pulled out a plastic bowl; two plastic spoons and

dumped the spaghetti-O's in it.

"Go play Pacu. These will be done in two minutes," the mother said, sticking the

bowl in the microwave. Pacu sat down in one of the chairs, staring, hopelessly

fascinated with the microwave.

Two minutes later, Brittany stuck two spoons inside the bowl and shooed her

son outside. He gazed curiously at the two spoons, but before he could ask, the door

was shut and he was outside with the other kids.

Brittany leaned up against the wall near the door waiting. Sure enough, about

10 seconds later, Sapphire came bounding through the hallways.

"SKETTI-O'S!!!" She leapt at the closed door and would have smashed right

into it if her ready mother hadn't opened the door just in time. Sapphire skipped over to

Pacu, happily grabbing one of the spoons away and began eating out of his bowl.

The young mother smiled at her three children, Starkin, Sapphire and Pacu,

then shut the door and returned to the kitchen.

Deep in the tall uncut grass of Ali's yard, young Tristan, known affectionately as

Tristy sunk deep into the dirt staring deep into the calm eyes of Tommy, his turtle. He

sighed content. Nothing was better than relaxing by yourself in the warm heat.

Tristy turned his wide blue eyes on the world. He had quietly watched, hidden

among the grass and brush as Starkin and Ebony had come out with the moon. He

watched Sylvia join him, and the he understood the quiet unspoken words between

them. He watched Claude and nearly blew his cover with his laughter. He quietly

observed with Tommy as Pacu and Sapphire shared a plate of Spaghetti-O's. Now he

was the only person missing from the group. The quiet boy sat up, allowing him to be

seen by the others.

Pacu noticed first. He dropped his spoon, and Sapphire gobbled up the remaining half of

the Spaghetti-O's in two big bites. Tristan stood up slowly, leaving behind his sanctuary in the

grass, grabbing Tommy as he stood up. Tristy greeted Pacu with a smile, and went to join the

dark boy and his group.


Dear everybody who reads this story…

Starkin and his friends are always looking for new stories to show up in and star in.

We're looking for any and all authors interested in writing stories about Starkin, Sylvia, Pacu,

Sapphire, Tristan or Claude. Please send an email to if you are

interested in writing a story about any of the kids.

Love to all!

Pixie and Pikachu