Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Are We Really Meant Together, My Dream? ❯ Lovin' Savior ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note: Oh and please tell me if I'm being OOC, for people who don't know it means: Out of Character.

Disclaimer: I do not own or in any way is afflicted with Final Fantasy 10, I take no claim over it, and I am merely using it to entertain others. I am not making profit off this. It is cop-written to its respective owners.

This Story (idea) is Copyrighted © 2002 FloralBlackMoon. All rights reserved.


Tidus swam to Yuna in such a speed that Yuna had thought he disappeared. She then looked and saw Tidus holding her. She smiled and put her hands around his neck and pulled into a kiss.

Yuna pulled back and smiled with a slight blush. She was still getting used to the whole dating scene. She didn't get to date when she was younger. Always preparing herself to be a summoner.

She looked at Tidus and saw a mysterious gleam in his eyes. What was he up to?

What's going on?" Yuna asked.

"I have a surprise for you" Tidus said slyly and pulled her hand. Yuna stared at Tidus in confusion. Didn't he want to spend time alone with her? So they could catch up and do what couples do? She always wondered what it felt like.

"Maybe that's his surprise. A romantic night" Yuna chimed to herself,

"What was that?'" Tidus turned to Yuna, hearing her mumble something.

"Oh nothing!" Yuna ringed. Tidus nodded and then took out a flower and gave it Yuna. Yuna eyed the flower in awe. She had never seen such a beautiful and weird flower before.

"What is it?"

"It's a rose, very rare. It was said this flower was found everywhere while earth was in its youth."

"Ahh..." Yuna said in astonishment, this flower is generations. Older then Sin probably.

"Why isn't there anymore?" She questioned.

"Well, you saw Zanarkand when Seymour showed us. How much metal and such was there. I guess when they were building the cities they needed to get some land and having to destroy such rare plants."

"Hmmm, I love it. Too bad I can't keep it." Yuna suddenly felt miserable. She wouldn't get to keep Tidus little gifts. She sighed and plastered on a joyous look. She didn't want to ruin Tidus mood with her already messed up one.

Luckily Tidus didn't seem to notice because he automatically started talking about something else.

"I have another surprise for you..."

"Oh really? What?"

Tidus shook his index finger.

"Uh Uh Uh!" He then took out a blindfold. Yuna smiled. "So it's a surprise that will give me a heart attack?" Yuna joked

Tidus looked like he was thinking for while before he finally said. " A friendly heart attack."

Yuna playfully pinched his arm and complied when he put on the blindfold. "Okay, Yuna. Just walk where my hands lead."


Tidus took Yuna's hand and started walking. "Ow!" He turned and saw Yuna's foot hit a rock. He tried again. She hit a fish. He sighed.

"I have another idea."

Yuna's facial expression turned to one of a curious one. Tidus captured Yuna's lips in a kiss and soon started backing up to the area. This is an effective and very pleasurable plan.

It wasn't long before they entered the far plane. Tidus then broke the kiss and turned around and looked at Yuna's parents. He signaled them to come; they nodded and walked over to where Tidus and Yuna were.

Tidus nodded and took off Yuna's blindfold. It took Yuna a while for her eyes to adjust to the light and finally she smiled. She looked at Tidus and then moved her eyes to the scenery, and then finally to her parents.

She took a deep breath, her parents... The two people she didn't get to know.

"Mother? Daddy? "

Yuna's mother smiled and opened her arms waiting for an embrace. With Lord Braska's hand over her mom's shoulder. She ran past Tidus and into her mother's arm with her Dad closing in.

Yuna looked up from her mothers chest, she saw her mother still young and in her youth. The face to vaguely remember and she looked at her dad. Still in his prime.

"Wow, I can't believe we're all here...together" Yuna exclaimed still in disbelief. She turned to Tidus. "Oh thank you so much!" Yuna cried.

She turned to her mother. "Mother, you missed so much..."

"Shh, no I didn't. I was with you the whole time. The whole time baby." She soothed her daughter.


Tidus soon started backing up. He would let them reconcile while he went and talked with someone at the 'Dead N Dreamin Pub'. He walked in and took a seat. A big man next to him recognized him.

"Tidus! The Man! Guy that's datin the alive one."

"Hey Yikus, what's going on?"

"Ah man, there's this real cute chick, but she ain't feelin me. I be like 'Ma, I ain't nuttin but an angel that just wanna feel you, yanno what I mean?"

"Almost" Tidus nodded.

"She ain't gettin me. I can be her fantasy. She ain't curved, yanno what I'm talking 'bout eh? I juz wanna fuck her till she ain't know what she is no more. fo sho, fo sho. She like...Papi I ain't feelin you. I don't wanna pimp, I wanna myself a real daddy. I am like. Baby girl I can be yo pimp and yo master. She said. 'You bow down you little fucker.'

Tidus laughed. "First of all learn proper English, she isn't going to want to go out with you if your talking like a bum!"

"Shut up, yo don't know what the hell yuz talkin 'bout, man"

Tidus laughed. "Whatever, just listen to me. You'll get the cute girl."

"Nah man, I juz wanna a show. So I can see some porno. I dunno wanna talk like yuz, yuz talkin funny. I like my language, my English."

"Yikus, your drunk. Once you're over your hangover, get yourself a suit...look presentable. Then maybe you could get a girl."

"I can get a girl lookin' gangsta. I don't need to wear shit that ain't ma style. Yo know what I be talkin bout, man right?"

Tidus just waved at him and started walking out. He opened the door and there was a curious looking Yuna.

"Yuna! Why aren't you with your parents?"

"They said I should go to you. Besides I can be with them tomorrow. It's our night, tonight."


Yuna smiled sweetly. "So...what do you have planned?"

"It's a surprise" Tidus whispered in Yuna's ear. Yuna blushed a little.

'Man, she sure is beautiful when she blushes'

"Close your eyes"

He watched at Yuna closed her eyes, but peeked. He expected this. He reached into his pocket and took out a red bandanna. She wrapped it around her eyes and used it like a blindfold.

Tidus soon started pulling her to a secluded place. When they were there, he pulled the blindfold.

"We're here"

He watched as Yuna opened her eyes and looked around. It was full of flowers.

"Oh My Yevon." She gasped. "It's so pretty here. So alive and colorful!" She soon started sniffing the flowers.

"It smells of heaven.."

Tidus pulled her hand. "I love you," he whispered. Yuna nodded and pulled Tidus head to hers. Their lips locking in a kiss. When they finally parted Yuna was again blushing.

Tidus chuckled inside. "Come on, let's go somewhere else" He took her hand and started running


Yuna looked at Tidus. He was so full of surprises. Letting her spend time with her parents, but she knew that sleeping time was almost over. She had little time in reality.

"Tidus, you better hurry up. I can feel it. The sun is starting to rise" She told him. She saw him nod and run a little faster. Yuna smiled as she saw just how romantic this was.

Finally they reached the destination. It was a room. He opened the door.

"Come on." He invited as he walked in. Yuna hesitated, but walked in.

He flipped open the lights. She looked around. It was a home.

"Is this--?"

"Yeah, it's my home. I decided, let's get to catch up."

Yuna nodded, no need to rush things. "Where do you want to start?"

"How 'bout Wakka?"

Yuna nodded and started updating..


Yuna opened her eyes; she got up and started rubbing her eyes. She yawned. Last night she was so happy! She and Tidus spent time updating each other. A few kisses here and there.

She got up and soon started dressing. Once done she started walking to the kitchen. She yawned and opened the cabinet. She took out a few eggs and began cooking.

Once done she walked out of the house. She might as well train since she had nothing else to do until afternoon. She walked just a few miles out of the town. She wanted to start training so her black magic could improve.

She casted a fire on a monster. She watched as it laughed at her power. He went and cast a Firaga on her.

"Oh.." Her power was now too low to cast any cure. The monster then went to attack. She wasn't far from getting KO'd.

Suddenly somebody came and attacked the monster. She looked up and it was a handsome man. Silver long hair pulled back into a ponytail with silver blue eyes.

"Thank you"

"Instead of saying thanks summoner, how about defeating this monster"

Yuna nodded. "I don't have enough MP to heal"

The man nodded and casted a Curaga. Yuna felt re energized and soon casted a fire. It died.


"My attack power is high."

"Oh I see"

"The name is Tetich"


"Nice to meet you Yuna" He walked up to her. He took her hand and kissed it.

"Watch out!" Tetich cried.

"What?" Yuna asked and turned. A flying monster attacked her. She was knocked out. Her body leaned against Tetich.


FBM after revising and editing: I have to say, my writing style and spelling and grammar got better as I wrote. But it still sucked. LOL, probably still does. I'll have the next chappy out soon.