Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 2 ❯ A Valentine Surprise ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Salira walked down the center isle of a small church. She's reached Midgar finally and is quite exhausted. She sat down on a bench in the front. Her Buster Sword laid on the floor. Salira was happy that she made it, but scared of what she's about to do. She soon began to relax in the seat. She lived most of her life here in fear of NeoShinRa and then in the fear of Sephiroth. But that will all soon change, and Salira hopes it will. Salira began to wonder about how Midgar ran before Holy had struck, before Diamond Weapon attacked Rufus here in Midgar. She was told of this a few years ago. Her father said it was no different then today. Rufus in power, Mako Energy was all that ran for electricity and polluted the area, and ShinRa wanted revenge and ruining everything. That trail of thought soon lead to the thought of the organization known as SOLDIER. I will not join…no matter how much he forces me too…I will not join and that's final, Salira thought to herself. The thought of Sethrinn near here entered her mind not long after the thought of SOLDIER.

Salira got up and lifted the dark red cushion up from where she sat. There, laid a small picture on the frame. She picked up the picture and sat back down on the bench. It had some dust on it, but not a whole lot, and the bottom left corner was bent. Salira whipped the dust off of the picture and looked at it. There were two small kids in it; a small boy on the left and a small girl on the right, both with a smile on their faces. A small smile could be seen on Salira's face as she looked at the picture. The small girl, she knew, was herself back in the orphanage; the small boy was her friend, the one friend she had at the time, but frankly wasn't able to remember his name. The small boy had short black hair with blue hazel eyes. He wore some raged clothes, same with the little girl, but what could you expect at an orphanage. This picture was the only thing, besides the necklace that she wears, Salira could remember her old friend with. She hid this picture long ago here in this church, after being spotted by a Turk. It was the first time a Turk saw her and that's how NeoShinRa soon knew that she and her father lived in Midgar. Salira folded the picture in half and put it into her front pocket as she stood up to stretch.

She thought about the academy, Sicotto, Irvine, Raven, and Lega. "I hope they didn't spill it out already," Salira mumbled to herself. She didn't know how much had happened back at the academy since she left. Leaving her sword in the same place, Salira began to walk around the church. There wasn't much to do here and she was already getting bored. Every now and then she will feel a sharp pain in her back from what had happened in the forest. Little did she know that there were a few other people among the area. It wasn't long before Salira heard footsteps coming from the outside. They were faint, but Salira picked up her sword and cautiously walked toward the entrance of the church to see whom those footsteps belonged to.

Outside the church, a young man entered Midgar. He had very short blonde, spiky hair and wore SOLDIER clothing. "I hoped I would never return here," he remarked quietly. His pale blue eyes seemed to be looking around the city. "The place look's changed…" He slowly began to walk around for a while; then stopped to glance at the church. "I thought that church got destroyed." He didn't realize that he was being watched from someone inside the church.

Salira glanced at the young man. For a minute, she thought it was her father, but she noticed he had much shorter hair then Cloud. The man, to her, looked like he was in his late 20's at least. Salira had her back to the door and peaked her head over so she could just see the man. For a mere second, the stranger caught Salira's glance, until someone else came into the area and the man changed his glance to the newcomer. Salira did the same, though not moving from her spot. Another young man entered Midgar with his sword ready. It took a while for Salira to realize who he was. "Raven…" Salira mumbled to herself. She watched as Raven walked up to the spiky-haired stranger.

"So what brings you to Midgar?" Raven asked calmly. The man didn't answer. Salira decided to walk up to them; "Raven!" Raven turned and looked at Salira running his way, same with the young man, once he heard his name. "Hey, Salira!" he called back. "What are you doing here?" Salira asked, joining the group. "Looking for you," Raven answered, showing a small smile. Salira glanced at the young man, "And you are?" "Shade," the man answered. "Nice to meet you, Shade," Salira replied. Minutes later the group noticed someone climbing over the city's gate. He jumped off of the top and to the ground. From the distance, it was hard to see who it was, but as the person came closer to the group, Raven was the first to recognize him. "Lega! It didn't take you long!" Raven remarked as Lega ran up to him and Salira. Lega stopped as he caught his breath.

"Hey Lega!" Salira greeted.

A shadow had been watching from the roof above as the four gathered and talked. Silent as a cat, it moved down the beam to get a better view, one hand gripping the wood with strong claws, the other gently drifting along the length of a shotgun hanging from the watcher's belt. The light draft breeze caused the shadow's cape to whip about lightly, silently; this went unnoticed to the watcher, and definitely to those below, as it moved down the length of the building to better hear the conversation. The shadow bent down for a better look. The one who had spoken was obvious. Blonde hair, and that sword... Strife, it had to be. The other was SOLDIER... by the uniform and the omnipresent glow in the eyes. The third was not recognizable from the distance; same with the fourth.

It was at this point that the beam lost its strength and collapsed under the watcher's weight. In a cloud of sawdust and debris, it fell to the ground, then was covered by the broken parts of the beam. The crash echoed through the building, deafening.

Salira turned and faced the direction in which the sound of the crash came from. "What was that?" she asked. Shade faced in the same direction. "We're not alone," he said as he drew his blade and walked towards the noise. Shade ran up to the fallen beam, and behind the mysterious figure. He pointed his sword at the figure, not knowing if it was the front or back. Raven, as well, followed Shade to check out what happened. His blade was out and ready for battle. "What are you doing here? Tell me now!" Raven demanded.

"Let's go check it out," Lega said to Salira back at where they meet. He walked toward the figure cautiously, not making a sound. Salira followed, but kept her distance. She didn't think they needed to be that quiet now, the figure already knows that the four of them are here. They both had their blades ready.

"Lega? What are you doing? There's no reason to sneak around, you know? The person already knows we're here," Raven called to Lega, noticing his actions. Lega ignored the obnoxious person telling him what to do, so he walked up near the shady figure. Raven motioned Salira to come over. As she walked up to him, Raven whispered, "Something's here. Stay on your guard." In response, Salira followed Raven.

A low growl echoed from the fallen debris. There was the sound of shifting wood as whatever fell from above rose from the crash. It was human-sized but not humanoid in shape; rather reptilian, with a long crocodile-like tail and dark blue scaly skin. It's glowing yellow eyes glared at each of the approaching people as it shoved the fallen beams away. Its tail swung back and forth, and it hunched into a defensive position, lower and lower as the humans approached. Soon it was on all fours and in a springing position. A gleam of light passed through the gloom above and reflected off the creature, revealing the golden metal that covered it's left shoulder, bicep, and hand. A tattered maroon cape and robe hung around its neck.

Raven jumped back. "...What the hell...what the hell is that?" He assumed an attacking position. "Holy shit!" Lega yelled, quite shocked of their encounter. Salira walked between Shade and Raven; her appearance was quite calm. "I doubt NeoShinRa sent this," she joked. Shade stepped forward and went into an attack position, like the others. "Hmm, wonder if I'm allowed to kill it," said Shade as he raised his arm. "FIRE!" he shouted as he shot a fireball at the creature.

The fireball deflected off of the creature's head, knocking it back and flipping it over. Instantly, it rolled onto it's side then stood, albeit not as sturdily. It's eyes locked onto Shade, and a low rumble echoed from deep in it's throat. It lunged, claws outstretched, jaws wide open, revealing row on row of sharp teeth and four large cobra-like fangs. "Wow, Shade. It really likes you," Salira teased. She knew the creature wasn't all to thrilled from the fireball attack. Shade watched the beast come at him. "You wanna piece of me? BRING IT ON!" he shouted as he and his sword aimed for the creature's throat.

The creature rolled, and the sword CLANG's loudly against the golden metal on its left shoulder; however, the dodge maneuver costs its aerial stability and the thing landed to Shade's left and rolled behind him, crashed into a set-aside piece of furniture and shattered it. Once again the beast is covered in splintered debris. There is a pained howl from beneath the rubble, which slowly melts into a soft groan.

Once again the debris started shifting from beneath, but it is not a monster that arised from the crash. Rather it is a young girl none of the others have seen before. Her black hair has pieces of wood sticking out at odd angles and a long streak of blonde that hangs down in front of her face. She bears the metal armor on her left shoulder, upper arm, and hand that the beast had, but now the tattered cape it wore is connected to a shawl, which is draped over black leather armor. A shotgun hung from the girl's belt, and in its side can be seen four-filled materia slots and two empty ones. She took a few steps forward; her right unarmored hand massaging her forehead, then she collapsed at Shade's feet. "Lovely…just lovely…" Shade remarked under his breath sarcastically.

Raven walked up to the girl. "So you can transform. Impressive…Now what to do about this?" Raven remarked as he put his sword away. Seconds later, he looked behind him, though not having the others notice. There's something…something back there, hiding, waiting for me…I must go now… Raven walked off toward the shadows; no one seemed to notice.

Lega looked at the girl in shrill terror not knowing what to do. Never has he seen someone transform into a beast of any kind before. He started to walk backwards, but fell over some fallen rubble doing so. Lega got up in a hurry and walked over to the girl. "H…How…How…did…you…do that?" he asked, hesitatingly. Salira and Shade, too, walked up beside the girl. "Sorry; we thought you were an enemy," Salira replied. She looked around for Raven. Where'd he go? Shade touched the girl's shoulder. "Did I hurt you?" he asked as he sheathed his sword. He then remembered something when he was at Nibelheim a few years ago, hearing of a warrior that could transform into demons. "You wouldn't know Vincent by any chance?" he added.

It was then, when Raven reappeared into the group. He returned with an angry look upon his face and pulled out a Holy Materia. "He…gave me this…but why?" he mumbled to himself. Raven looked back at the girl. "You know, you look familiar…"

"Raven, where did you go?" Salira asked as she approached Raven. Raven took his glance off of the girl and faced Salira. "I went to meet somebody. He gave me this materia. It's a Holy Materia," he answered, handing the small orb in his hands over to Salira. Salira took it easily and examined it. "Then, he left…sorry for any troubles I may have caused," Raven added. "You haven't caused any, Raven," Salira replied. She examined the materia in her hands. It was much like hers, but yet had a different felling in it.

"So what do we do with the girl here?" Raven asked after awhile.

"The girl…I don't know. She does seem to look familiar to me," Salira answered. As she handed the materia back to Raven, she added, "This materia looks a lot like the one my father gave me."

"So do you think there's some connection in all of this?" Raven asked as he took his materia back. He looked again at the girl. "And another thing…If she wants, I think the girl should stay with us."

"About the girl, I wouldn't mind if she stayed. About the materia, I don't know." Salira pulled out her Holy Materia that was, well hidden, clipped on her belt. "Here's mine," Salira said as she handed hers to Raven.

Raven took the materia gently. "Hmm…there's a different feel to both of them…"

"That's what I noticed when I held yours."

"One seems almost tainted by darkness…a familiar darkness," Raven remarked as he handed back Salira's materia. "Yours…it feels clean, normal, almost yet powerful…By the way, watch out. Sephiroth seems to be working with someone else, someone I'm chasing around."

The girl shook her head and came out of her trance, just hearing the last sentence Shade asked. "Vincent? Who mentioned Vincent?" Shade raised his hand and the girl nodded. "Yes, I know Vincent Valentine. He's my father. My name's Leigh."

Shade was shocked. "You're…Father?" he said as he walked back. "Oh what luck! First I'm almost beheaded by a demon. Then I find out it's Vincent's daughter. Damn it!" Shade remarked. He stepped forward. "Where's your father? I need to ask him a few questions…" Shade added.

Leigh shook her head. "I haven't seen my father for a few years now... that's the reason I'm out on my own instead of with the rest of the Turks: I'm supposed to be training to try and find a way to control the transformations." Suddenly her eyes went wide. "Err... wasn't supposed to tell anyone I was part of the Turks." She gave a soft laugh, then turned to Raven. "And what are you talking about…Sephiroth? According to my father and Lady Kunesagi, he's DEAD."

"Thanks for the advice, Raven," Salira remarked. She and Raven turned to Leigh. "Hmm…this is a pressing matter. You say that Sephiroth's dead? Then that means…but then who was that back there at that other town? It is not possible…Are you positive Sephiroth's dead!?! Maybe…maybe they thought he was…but then he couldn't be…especially after Salira's encounter with him…he must be alive," Raven remarked, getting some of the group rather confused on what he was saying.

"That black figure you saw could be him," Salira suggested. It wasn't long before Salira's right arm throbbed in pain. The scar from her wound somehow reopened. It started to bleed. She put her left hand over the wound and it wasn't long before her hand was covered in blood. "ouch! Raven, you don't know how to care for a wound, do you…? Cause I really need some help."

"Huh…tend to wounds? Sure," Raven remarked as he walked over to Salira and bandaged her wound. "Odd…You got that about a year ago and it's reopening?" Raven mumbled to himself. He got up and added, "No…but he wasn't here when I was coming in. I saw him in the forest though and overheard him saying that he was searching for something. I didn't hear him say anything specifically on what he was looking for. However, he seemed intent on finding it."

Salira looked off to the west; "Oh." He's not just after something, he's after me too, Salira thought to herself. She walked to the nearest wall, and laid her sword on the ground. Salira then sat down, her back leaning against the wall, her arm still having minor jolts of pain, and starts to sing a song she once was taught by an old friend. "…Your giving me to many things…Lately, your all I need…you smiled at me and said…" Salira stopped singing, for she knew someone could have heard her, and blushed a little.

Shade walked out of the church following a strange yet familiar melody. He turned to see Salira sitting next to the entrance of the church. "Was that you singing? It was very nice," he complimented. Salira looked up at Shade, "Thank you." Shade nodded his head and began to walk toward the gates of Midgar. "If you're going to try and find Sephiroth, you might as well stay with us. We need all the help we can get," Salira called after him. Shade turned to Salira once again. "I'm sorry, but I can't stay with. I have to get Sephiroth my own way," Shade answered as he walked a little father. "I have to settle the score for what he did to my brother!" he added as he vanished down the street.

"heh…suit yourself," Salira mumbled. She looked at her hand, which was still covered in blood. "Does anyone know where I can wash my hand?" At that statement, Leigh walked up to her.

"Here," Leigh remarked as she pulled a canteen of water from her belt and handed it to Salira. While she washed her hands, Leigh studied her closely. Her fighting stance, her mannerisms, and that weapon are all exactly like his. If this is what mother meant, then the only way I'm going to finish this is to stay with her… Salira handed the canteen back to Leigh, "Thanks." Leigh nodded in response.

Lega snapped out of his trance. He heard some singing coming in Salira's direction and knew it too, so he began to sing a bit of the song. "Don't get me wrong I love you, but does that mean I have to meet your father?…when we are older you'll understand…" Then Lega stopped and began to blush; very rarely has he sung in front of people.

Shade walked down the road of Midgar when he came to a stop. "If Sephiroth is back, then maybe I should go and join that girl. I may find Project Zeo on the travel. Or even Vincent. I'll go!" he murmured to himself as he walked back towards Salira.

Raven remembered his past that no one but him knew. My fight is not with Sephiroth…but I will stay and help because of the reasons Lega and Salira have to fight him. My fight is with the man helping him…the one who stole everything from me…I will take care of him when we find him. "So where do we go first?"

Salira looked at Raven and answered, "Don't know. This is where the letter I got meant." She then continued the song where Lega left off, still somewhat embarrassed, "…What I meant when I said: No, I don't think life is quite that simple…When you walk away, you don't hear me say: Please…oh baby, don't go…Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight…It's hard to let it go." Salira stood up, having a difficult time to because of her wound.

Shade walked up behind Salira, helping her up as well. "I decided to help you. On one condition! If we ever find a young boy called Project Zeo. I'll have to leave with him. Okay?" He stepped past Salira and kneeled down. "I have to find that boy!" he mumbled under his breath. He then stood back up and faced Salira. "I like your song. A friend of mine used to sing it when I was a mere boy. Someday you gotta sing it for me," Shade finished. Salira smiled at Shade. "Okay, whatever," she answered as she leaned against the wall.

Someone sat on the rooftop of the church, no one seemed to have noticed his presence. He was listening to a strange song that he once knew a long time ago. He wore baggy blue pants and a white T-shirt; along with a black cape moving with the breeze. His long black hair, too, blew along with the wind. Around his neck, he wore a small, silver star-shaped locket. He was searching for a clue that he may have come from Midgar, maybe even something else. He looked down to see who was singing, a girl. "She looks familiar," he said to himself as he stood up and noticed a man walking toward her. The young man jumped down behind a pillar and watched.