Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 2 ❯ Notices and Facts.....(Spoilers ahead) ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Notices & Facts

Okay, now it's time to get to some details that need to be noticed in the story/rpg's. Here's where the hard-to-get truth surfaces! NOTE: Spoilers are ahead, these facts range from Final Destination to Falling Memory.

~Avaria 'Naki' Mortaeis

Same as Maya, never call Naki by his real name, or you'll regret saying it! Barely will he let Rufus or even Maya pass. Naki has an issue when killing someone. It always ends up as a massacre, and not a very pretty one. Naki could be drinking his life away for all he really cares and often is found not doing his job, unlike Maya. One thing he loves though are breaks. But what kind of Turk wouldn't? Never get him pissed off though, that's never good. He hates Basara more then anything and often gets in fights with him. As well with Maya, often these two fight a lot, seeming to get on each other's serves. But I doubt he HATES her to no end, and vice versa.

~Eric (AKA Project Zeo)

Loves Salira and will never let anything harm her. He will do anything just to keep her alive. And vice versa. Eric is very sweet but never get on his bad side. Once an experiment from Hojo's lab, and known now as the last living Cetra. How? He's Aeris nephew, that's how. Hey this isn't a character I made up. I feel sorry for this kid. I mean finding out your dad's going to kill your loved one, and the one who hired him was his loved one's mother! Occasionally turning into a demon! And years later hearing news saying your loved one died! Harsh life, don't you agree?

~Eric and Salira

Okay, here's the scoop: these two are the couple of Final Destination through Fall Memory. I know you probably thought it was going to be Lega and Salira, or maybe even Raven and Salira, that would end up going out. WRONG! Originally Lega was to be Salira's boyfriend, until Reaper popped up with Eric and I agreed with him about Salira and Eric's past. Here's the message: I started writing the book before Reaper joined, meaning I had no idea Eric was going to be involved. I couldn't make any big changes to the story line, so I decided to go with the flow, though a writer's block became a normal schedule to me then I got stuck! I guess you could say it's similar to Cloud's love line in FF7! Hey I just now realized

~Leigh and Sephiroth

"Quit you're smiling, cousin!" We heard that line from Leigh when she was about to shoot Sephiroth.
But why is Leigh calling Sephiroth cousin? Simple: When Vincent and Lucretia were together, Lucretia gave birth to Sephiroth (But Hojo had to be an idiot and mess everything up!). Many years after Lucretia died and ShinRa was no more, Vincent and Elena got married, and Elena gave birth to Leigh. In reality, Leigh and Sephiroth are brother and sister, but Vincent told Leigh only to call Sephiroth her cousin. Lovely isn't it?

~Mayona 'Maya' Teron

Never will Maya let anyone call her Mayona...well maybe one person or two...only because she works with them. Other then that, whether it's family, another Turk or some random person, anyone who calls her Mayona dies. Rufus and Naki are the only ones she'll let by if they call her Mayona. Rufus because he's her boss, and Naki cause he ahead of the Turks and quite frankly they're in the same group. Maya has a desire to see people suffer in pain, and loves whenever she gets breaks. Unlike Naki, however, you will rarely find her drinking away or not doing her job. A good word of advice: Never ever EVER say she looks like Vincent! You've been warned.

~Naki and Maya

Two Turks who originally appeared in Falling Memory. They are known for their desire to kill and their foul language. In Final Destination, you see Naki works in the group of Turks Reno runs, same with Maya. A few years later, Reno quitted and now Naki runs the group in Falling Memory. In order to make the story clearer in Falling Memory, Maya and Naki needed a past issue with Salira and her friends, Sethrinn, Sephiroth, and all the others. So you get to see them when they basically first begun working for Rufus! It is highly doubtful that these two would end up boyfriend and girlfriend.....a few people I know always joke about it.

~Namta Rilik

As evil as she is, Namta's the one who hired Valin to kill Salira, her daughter. The reason is...because she thinks it's Salira's fault for her death! Corrupted, Namta finds any way possible to see her own child suffer even more then she did. Since Eric killed the one she hired and is now protecting Salira, Namta wants them both dead, but not only them two. In Falling Memory, Namta returns with even more surprises.

~Namta's Weapon: Spirit Blade

The Spirit Blade is a cross between a four-foot blade and a whip, other wise known as a whip sword. Very deadly to interact with. It wields the power of spirits Namta acquired when her soul remained alive after her death, it never did reach the Life Stream. Strong magic is casted even if her materia she posses is only on level one because of the power that lies within her blade. Only Namta can wield this strong blade, no one else can. The whip sword idea came from Ivy's weapons in Soul Calibur 2, after four hours of head-to-head combat at a friend's house.

~Professor Aegwyn and Professor Karowitz

Ahh...two lovely professors. Can be lazy at times but are great guys to know. Ever wondered whom the two professors were when Centris died? Here's your answer. The names originated from two excellent role players, Aegwyn and Neyon Karowitz. I'm so nice to include role players in my story...hehe...Want to know who was the first to realize this....besides Sethrinn...? The answer: Neyon Karowitz himself. *well someone finally noted me about it*

~Professor Centris Kitra

The last name looks familiar don't it? That's because it's Rosalynn's sister. A great friend to Professor Aegwyn and Professor Karowitz, often telling them to straighten up whenever they become lazy. Centris adopted Mayona....excuse me....Maya when Maya was about 12. Meaning Centris has raised Maya for about 5 to 6 years. It's quite sad though to find out that her own daughter had killed her. I mean she was a good professor.

~Reno and Athrin

Surprisingly as it may seem, Athrin is basically another version of Reno. They're so much alike! Originally (in Final Destination), Reno was supposed to be with Vincent, not with NeoShinRa. Even ask the role players there! But since, in Falling Memory, NeoShinRa was living and the character Naki had worked for him in the past, Reno needed to be part of NeoShinRa. So we used Athrin to take Reno's place on the side of Vincent.

~Rosalynn Kitra

In the first part of the story, she is mentioned many times. Part of Salira's dream, Cloud talking about her. But she never showed up till later in part two. Who in the world is she?! She's an Ex-SOLDIER and a good friend of Cloud's. But darkness takes over her mind quickly and uncontrollably. However, little does anyone know but her and Sephiroth, Rosalynn had much do to with Salira's past before Salira was sent to the orphanage. She tells no one yet and her mind keeps bringing her back to Sephiroth. Rosalynn is the one who help Sephiroth track Salira and her mother down all those years ago.

~Rufus ShinRa

He lived! The old ShinRa President survived the blow from Diamond Weapon and now runs NeoShinRa. Yes, we all know that he was blown to smithereens in the game...but he survived in our world! And he will be with us for the next three books including Final Destination. His revenge on Strife increases heavily!

~Salira Strife

A young cheerful girl, that she is, until she hits 19 then it falls from there. However, rarely has anyone seen her true self. Sad to find out that so many organizations and people are after her. I mean there's SOLDIER, Sephiroth, NeoShinRa, Turks, etc. Poor girl, literally! Oh well she has a loving boyfriend and a good father that seem to be keeping them away. It's quite odd, though. Think about it: Salira is basically the only girl of the group! Unless you count Leigh, but Salira rarely sees her anymore. She may seem nice and all, but just wait till ya get to know her!

~Sicotto Almaskey

He never did appear in the original Final Destination RPG. But the story need more characters, since many had to be dropped out in certain area's of the RPG. Made by a good friend of mine for a different RPG on Fated Circle; since it was slow and hardly anyone posted in it, I decided to surprise him by making Sicotto part of the story. Originally Sicotto's last name wasn't Almaskey, it was something else. However, I forgot the last name for Sicotto while I was writing so I made up a new one. The last name may look similar to Seifer's in FF8, that's because if you drop the "ke" in Almaskey, that's Seifer's last name. I was looking through some game booklets and once a reached Seifer's name, Almaskey hit me. Hey it fits, don't it?

~The Valentine's

Let's see there's Vincent, Leigh, and Elena. I know you're thinking: Wait!! Elena was a Turk!! Why is she a Valentine?!?!
I guess that's breaking news to you all. It's simple: Elena and Vincent got married! Don't look at me! I didn't make this up! Ask Neyon Karowitz! (HINT: He's not on media minor, but he is on where this originated.)

~Turks -vs- Turks

You've probably already noticed the two different groups of Turks mentioned in the book, right? Rufus's and Vincent's. Rufus's Turks consist of Naki, Reno, Maya, and whoever the other Turks are in NeoShinRa. While Vincent's Turks consist of himself, Elena, Rude, Leigh, and Athrin. No, they're not the same and Vincent does not work for Rufus. They're two separate groups. One under the command of Rufus, and are after Strife, Salira, and the others. Vincent's group is under his power, and is basically help preventing NeoShinRa ruining everything!


The assassin that was hired to kill Salira. Is also Eric's father. Now isn't it lovely to hear that Eric likes Salira, but his father is trying to kill her?! What's even weirder is that the person who hired him is related to Salira, more like her mother. And this person isn't a real person at all! Eric had to kill Valin literally just to protect Salira from Valin's task. Oh well Eric didn't really care about him. hehe. ; )

Some upcoming characters that have not been introduced in Final Destination but will in other stories (Note: Spoilers are a head!):

~Sammie Hihta

A young female only two years older then Salira and is her neighbor up in Kalm after moving in from Casa Del Sol. Very well skilled with blades and often calls a duel either with Salira, Eric, Irvine, Sicotto, or Lega for fun. She thinks that Eric and Salira are the cutest couple yet and always teases Lega and Sicotto about it. Will appear in Forgotten Time.

~Setsuna Basara

A mysterious person working for NeoShinRa...or is he? Never really listens to anyone, especially Naki and Maya. He uses the powers of darkness and shadows mainly. It is said that he works for NeoShinRa, but that doesn't seem true to Naki, or anyone Basara encounters with. Will appear in Falling Memory.

~Dani Kiande

About one year older then Salira and moved into Kalm from Wutai. Very well skilled with various weapons, especially with any size blades and definitely guns. Occasionally she and Sicotto or Raven duel for fun. However no one realizes that she has a huge crush on a new Turk, Seshom Morea. Nor does she know that he is a Turk! Will appear in Forgotten Time.

~Leon Yitaho

A former member of SOLDIER. One who had also helped Sephiroth hunt down Salira and her mother years ago with Rosalynn. Now as an Ex-SOLDIER, Leon became a mercenary, then soon was hired as an employee at NeoShinRa. He works mainly in the lab, doing experiments and finding ways to track down the Strife family for Rufus. Will appear in Forgotten Time.

~Kira Teron

Maya's older brother by three years. Once their parents died, he and Maya were sent to the orphanage. Soon they were adopted into different families, Kira adopted by a couple whom lived in Junon. Kira has yet to realize his sister's commitment to Rufus ShinRa, however he is bent on finding her. Will appear in Falling Memory.

~Nanka Minru

A wonderer who seems to have had a past run-in with Sicotto. She as searched the whole world in search for something, rumors follow her saying it's her family she's searching for. Her path meets up with a character we all know, Cid Highwind. Will appear in Forgotten Time.

~Evane Heron

Irvine's older sister, and is cold-hearted. Her attitude makes it seem that she's working for Rufus, but she's not. She lives in Kalm as well with Irvine and their parents, Kayla (mother) and Zezth (father). Ignoring mostly everyone's presence, Evane seems to be on to something good. Will appear in Forgotten Time.


Sethrinn's boyfriend. Not much is known about him or his family. Will appear in Falling Memory.

~Miroku Kudre (AKA Seshom 'Kay' Morea)

The one that Dani seems to like so much, but little does she know that Miroku's a Turk. Miroku is just another name Seshom uses outside NeoShinRa. When working among NeoShinRa, Seshom goes by Kay (pronounced K). When outside of work, he uses Miroku Kudre as his name so no one senses him as a Turk or knows...Seshom knows that Dani likes him, and he sort of has a few feelings for her as well. Knowing of Dani's skill with various weapons, Seshom is finding some way, hard or easy, to get Dani to join the Turks and get Rufus ShinRa to consider her joining. Will appear in Forgotten Time.

~Staci Nahid

Very quite most of the time, mysterious to many people, and wonders around from place to place. She's three years older then Dani, but Staci and Dani are great friends; acting almost as sisters. Will appear in Forgotten Time.