Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ I Fell in Love with a Dream... ❯ I Fell in Love with a Dream... ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I Fell in Love with a Dream…

Your eyes were blue

Your hair so soft

Your face so firm

That I fell for you

We fought side by side

We laughed together

You were sweet and caring

That's why I fell for you

You were from another world

You came here alone

You befriended us

And in return I fell for you

When I felt helpless

You were there beside me

Your kiss was true

That's when I fell for you

Your arms were strong

A mountain that kept me warm

Your eyes were mine beneath this storm

That's how I fell for you

When the end came near

We battled together

Another took me away

And that's when I knew I loved only you

I saw you disappear

I cried in despair

Now I knew the truth

I was only meant for you

If I could turn a thousand tides

I would fly to you

My arms so wide

I will always love you

But you disappeared

You hugged me one last time

The calm has returned

But I missed you

I see the cliff

This tragic day

I fell in love with a dream

And Tidus…I do miss you.
