Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Rebirth ❯ Besaid ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three- Besaid

It is time. The second part in my story is about to be written. But this time I know all the secrets that were kept from me. Tidus thought quietly to himself as he sat in the corridor surrounded by windows on the airship. It's surprising. This is the same place where we all saw Evrae on our way to Bevelle to save Yuna from that creep Seymour.

"Ya' know; as soon as we get to Besaid, there will be a lot of explanations that the people will want." Wakka said as he stepped up beside him. "Especially why you're going to the Chamber of The Fayth."

"Let them wonder. We have a little less than twenty-eight days until the undead army breaches the Farplane barrier. Once that happens, I want everyone away from Guadosalam and the Thunder Plains." Tidus replied with no light-heartedness or happiness in his voice. "We will not only have to gather the summoners but also a full army of warriors with machina weapons. Let's not forget Yu Yevon can take over the aeons. We'll have to be careful to destroy him once and for all first."

"Just leave the warriors we need to me. I still haven't forgiven Luzzu for convincing Chappu to join the Crusaders. He can finally make it up to me by gathering the warriors together. We can trust Rikku and Cid for the machina, brudda."

"That may take care of that part but that still leaves the question of how we're gonna both Seymour and Yunalesca at the same time?"

"Well you'll have to think about that later as we're about to land in Besaid village." Yuna said from behind him. In the three years he had been in the deep dream of the dead nothing had changed about her except her wardrobe.

"Both of us will. I heard that Dona and Bartholomew are there right now. If that's true, try to get them prepared by the time I get out of the Chamber of the Fayth. You'll already have Valefor back and so will she so that'll be two ready for the battle." Tidus replied softly but surely.

"You can count on me and the other guardians to be ready for departure as soon as you go to the Trials." Wakka said speaking up to both of them.

"Okay, but try to get Cid to send out a message across the airship channels to gather all the summoners at the airports for pick-up. We'll have one shot at this, so we can't fail. We have no other choice."

Just as he finished off his final words, they broke the treetops that covered most of Besaid except for the village and road. The tiny town that remained in his mind seemed like a foreign landscape compared to this almost thriving suburban metropolis. It was a completely transformed Besaid.

The temple where he had seen Yuna for the first time was now less gargantuan compared the rest of the landscape. It seemed that the people had built individual mansions for each of the guardians that were still living.

He really no longer cared of what the future held for him just as long as Yuna and he were together. It had been three years since she had last seen him and he saw her. Now it was like they had never been apart. She truly was the person he wanted to spend eternity with. Just as she and Wakka walked back towards the bridge, Jecht came walking up.

"So, I see that the cords of friendship haven't been severed by your absence, son." He said just out of the blue. "I can tell that you and Yuna have some catching up to do. It shows that you love her all across your face. I remember when your mother and I first met. It was love the moment I saw her sweet face. She really didn't care that I was a ragtag blitzer with a bad attitude. She was willing to love me for who I was."

"That's good, dad. By the way, can you still transform when you want to?" Tidus replied in an easygoing tone. "If you can control yourself while you're in aeon form, we could use your help big time after Yevon is dead for the last time."

"I can still do it. But what you should be concerned about is whether you are going to be able to focus on the battle with Yuna fighting right along side you."

"I will not end the upcoming battle with her lying dead in my arms. I can't stop her from fighting but I can at least protect her. I'm still her guardian even if I'll soon be a summoner as well."

Just then an announcement came from Cid over the intercom. "Guys, report to the docking bay for arrival at Besaid airport in less than one minute. Over."

"Well it's time for me to become the next summoner." Tidus replied as they began walking towards the docking bay.

In less than one minute, he and everyone else was off the airship and already surrounded by the villagers that had once treated him rudely for going in after Yuna while she was in the Chamber of the Fayth. The very same Chamber he was headed to now.

He and Yuna walked briskly towards the temple and up the stairs through its entryway. When the old high priest walked out to greet them they just shook him off and continued on towards their goal. Yuna stopped once they reached the tall stairway that led up towards the Cloister of Trials and just sat down on the base of the statue the temple had built in honor of her father. Tidus just kept walking into the Trials. Through the fake wall with the glyphs on it, down the stairs grabbing the Besaid sphere as he went, opening the door at the bottom, on and on till he finally got to the place where the elevator would take him down to the Chamber. It was now time to let the fayth for Valefor become a part of him.

He walked into the prayer chamber and saw the fayth immediately rise out of the statue while the hymn was sang, making the silence leave the area.

"We know you have come to seek that which we can give you. The aeons will soon be a part of you so that you will be able to fight that which challenges you." Said the spirit of the fayth. It was a woman that looked about thirty-five years old but had lived for over millennia. "It is our purpose to become one with the ones that require us."

"Okay. Before I accept Valefor, I need to know how the undead army is planning to escape." Tidus replied almost pleadingly. "There might be a way to stop them before this begins."

"When beings of great power gather, their power can create or destroy. The beings you are to face choose to destroy out of endless hatred and rage. They will use their magic to destroy the only barrier that stops them from unleashing their hatred." She answered, her voice vexing him deeply.

"You're just speaking in riddles. Nothing you say is making any sense, but I guess that's normal because the only straight statement I ever got from a fayth was from Seymour's mom at Baaj temple."

"They will combine their magic to destroy the barrier that stops them. That is all I will say. Now you must be quick about the acceptance." She said.

She slowly stepped back about three feet in the air and then dived into his body. It was as if someone had taken a cannon and fired it at his chest. He felt her spirit become a small part of his. It felt as if the freedom of flight had become one with him as he slowly got to his knees. It was amazing!

Now I see why Yuna always went in by herself, there was an extreme feeling of intimacy between the fayth and me. It was like her spirit was devoted to helping just me right then. I'd better get back to the others and see what has been going on topside.

He walked back through the now open trial pathway and back through the doors at the top of the staircase leading down to the old prayer area. The high priest exclaimed excitedly once he saw Tidus descending the staircase.

"Come all. It is time to celebrate the birth of a new summoner and a new leader!" He nearly shouted to everyone in the temple but Tidus just merely shook his head and kept walking past him.

"Aren't you a summoner now?" He asked expectantly.

"I am but I have no time for celebrations that will last for a day." Tidus replied smartly.

"You made it. How was it up there." Yuna asked expectantly as he got to her.

"I can see why you chose to be a summoner. It's intense!" He replied excitedly. "It felt so amazing once I joined with the fayth. But I'm not saying that it didn't hurt."

"Yes, the joining normally does have a characteristic of doing that often." She said as he took her in his arms and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Be careful. We're in an old church, you know."

"How can I forget? We first met each other here. It holds a certain amount of importance to me."

"I know. It still seems unreal that all this is happening but then I look at all that I have seen in the last two days and I realize that I'm in the real world. Not your Zanarkand, the dream world."

"Yes, of that I can assure you." Tidus said, smiling. "Well I guess it's time to get out of here and on to Kilika. At least we both know the full details of the mission this time."

"Yes. I'm not the main summoner this time, either." She replied as they walked out the door and down the main dirt road towards the airship platform.

From what he had heard from everyone, this world was a new place. It seemed there was no such thing as Yevon now, just the use of machina. The Al Bhed had rebuilt Home and ferries still ran the Al Bhed that had left to other islands and continents back to their Home. Kilika had finally finished up the rebuilding effort, too thanks to the help from pretty much all the blitz teams except for the Psyches. People still left the Mushroom Rock alone as a memoir to the fallen and remembrance of what Sin could do. It seemed like every village, city, and continent had its own airship now. People modified on the design Cid had so that there were different models all over Spira. The one thing that surprised him the most now was that people had actually rebuilt Zanarkand to its former glory.