Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Rebirth ❯ Killika Reborn ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four- Kilika Reborn

This is just too weird. I can summon, dad, Auron, and Lord Braska are all back and weirdest of all Yu Yevon, that crazy creep Seymour, and that weird philosophical psycho Yunalesca are all coming for us. The twenty-year old man known as Tidus sat outside on the top of Cid's airship, now named the Condor. It was moving swiftly through the night sky towards Kilika Island. They would be there in about half an hour and then he and Yuna would journey up towards the temple to pray to the fayth in command over Ifrit. As he sat at the bow staring off into the distance and the seemingly endless sea, he became suddenly aware that he had accidentally summoned Valefor out of the sky and how it had landed right behind him quite quickly.

Well at least this proves that I can summon now. He thought silently to himself as he got up and lightly scratched it's neck. He had seen Yuna summon all throughout their journey together three years ago but he still couldn't get over how cool it was to see creatures that were definitely not fiends or humans come down and fight for them. It was a truly unique experience.

He dismissed Valefor right as Lord Braska walked out onto the deck with him.

"So you are Jecht's son. I guess that explains why he wanted Auron to go to Zanarkand and look after you until you were old enough to come to Spira." Braska said to him.

"Uh, yeah. But why did you say stuff about Auron watching me till I came to Spira; or I should say till dad took me to Spira?" Tidus replied quizzically.

"Your father was always thinking about you during his journeys with Auron and I. I suppose he knew if Auron could find a way to reach Zanarkand, he could bring you back to the real world. He also said that you needed someone to hold your hand."

"Figures. I used to hate him but I think that after spending all that time with Yuna and the others, I think I just gave it up. By the way; how did you and Auron come back to life?"

"The fayth are souls that were imprisoned in stone. They can move through both the realm of the living and that of the dead. They imbued Auron and I with the same abilities. We are now both fayth but we are not fayth."

"Like a fayth, you are now confusing me." Tidus said, shaking his head.

He sat back down and watched the village of Kilika come into view as Braska walked back inside the airship. Cid began slowing down the airship to dock as the Kilika airport directed them to a free anchor point. The party walked off and on to the harbor town of Kilika while Cid stayed on to do the post-flight checks. They made their way through the mid-sized village towards the Inn. About two minutes later en route, Dona and Bartholomew walked up quickly to them.

"It's about time you got here. I was starting to worry you weren't going to invite us to this little war you guys are throwing. Yuna; I see you are still hanging around with many guardians." Dona said warmly.

"Well these are not my guardians this time around. There is more than just one summoner on this pilgrimage. My father is joining us. Tidus is a summoner now as well." Yuna replied with a friendly tone.

"Good. It shows that everyone is serious about the threat that approaches."

Meanwhile Bartholomew had walked up to both Braska and Jecht, asking to shake their hands like usual. "Please. I just want to shake your hand once." He kept almost begging to Jecht just kept saying it was nothing. Meanwhile Lulu and Wakka had began walking again towards the Inn while Rikku had gone back to check on the airship and her dad. Kimahri stood beside Tidus and Auron near his original party.

After they told Dona when they would be heading towards Djose and what time for her and Bartholomew to board the airship, the rest of them continued to the Inn to get a room.

The sun slowly faded across the horizon, lighting up the sky in a myriad of colors as Tidus and Yuna walked towards the area where she had performed her first sending. The water had since been cleared of the bodies that had lied there, leaving behind nothing but a clear space stretching out to the open ocean. They were four days into their journey but it felt as though they had been going on for eternity together.

"This world is truly a new place than the Spira I knew back three years ago. That world was full of mystery and intrigue, but also full of plenty of psychos. It's still surprising that all this is going on right now. But I've given up trying to figure it out." He said as she rested her head on his shoulder while they were sitting beside the water. "I guess that the spiral that surrounded it finally became more of a orchestra of life than that of death."

"Yes, I agree Spira has changed. But that does not matter now that Sin is dead and you have finally returned." She replied softly while leaning up and kissing him gently.

"The future is uncertain and the past is unchangeable so we might as well focus on the present." She said as they got up and slowly walked back to the Inn.

The next day as Rikku went on different airship towards Bikanel to tell the rest of the Al Bhed about the battle, Yuna and Tidus continued on through the jungle at the base of the mountain where the temple in Kilika rested. Wakka and Lulu had decided to contact the warrior monks in Bevelle and had also taken an airship towards the city. Kimahri and the rest of the group stayed behind at the Inn to wait for departure.

Just as they were about to round the last bend to get to the stairs at the base of the temple, the ground started shaking beneath their very feet.

"What in Yevon's name is going on!?" Tidus yelled to Yuna, as the gigantic earthquake continued on for a moment.

As soon as the earth stopped shaking, a human-like figure stepped out in front of them. As it moved closer, they could tell it was anything but human. Its head was like that of a Chimera as it had horns and a long snout with huge fangs. Across its armored chest was the symbol of Yu Yevon. It had an odd assortment of appendages. Instead of arms, it had two tentacles on each side that resembled Marlboro tentacles. Its legs were like living sphere water that someone had colored blood red.

It took two steps towards them and then spoke in a voice so harsh it sounded like someone was scraping nails across a chalkboard. "I come in service of the Undead Alliance. I am Narok, chief general of the Undead Army. I have come to warn you with a special message directly from Lord Seymour. It says exactly this: `Sin may be destroyed but the spiral of death that Spira lives in will continue. I will set all of Spira free from the pain of the miserable lives. I will destroy Spira and save it.' You shall not see me again until I put you in your graves once the barrier around the Farplane goes down." It ended with one truly malevolent smile as it dissipated into pyreflies and floated upwards, back to the realm of the dead.

They continued up the long staircases to the entrance of Kilika temple. This time, however, Yuna followed him into the Cloister of Trials. They went down to the Trials through the elevator and the big chamber like door. Ignite the door then take out the Kilika sphere. Continue on through the main chamber and extinguish the flame blocking your path. Set the final door a flame then remove the sphere again and exit the Trials and enter the Chamber of the Fayth. These were motions Tidus had already been through before so it was simple and easy.

As they entered the prayer chamber, the sweet music of the Hymn of the Fayth hit their ears, greeting them softly. The statue where the fayth resided changed from the stone it had became after they had defeated Sin to a real being with very interesting features. The fayth in control of Ifrit was a man of about forty who was a scary figure but very gentle it appeared. He spoke calmly to them as he prepared Tidus for joining.

"Your journey is getting more interesting by the moment, young summoner. We will continue to watch you and aid you should you need us. But of course you have already proved that you do not need the aeons to defeat Yu Yevon. Good luck, my master." It finished with a smile as it leapt into Tidus' body.

They left the temple and went back through the jungle to the main village. They boarded the airship and left to the next temple. Tidus and Yuna decided on waiting outside because of the calm of the passing landscape. However, about an hour before they were set to reach Djose something weird yet dangerous happened.

The passing sky around them began to change colors to a deep red like that of blood. It became almost palpable. It was like being surrounded by blood on all sides. The doors leading back to the ship behind them opened and Auron, Braska, and Jecht, and Kimahri, Dona, and Bartholomew ran out.

"It comes!" Auron yelled as a massive fiend appeared at the bow of the ship directly in front of them.

"What in Spira is it!?" Tidus hollered to the group behind him.

"We don't know. We started to get readings about one minute ago of a fiend approaching from the north. We got out as fast as we could." Dona replied loudly as the monster took a step towards them.

"Well then let's take care of it!" Tidus yelled back as the group ran towards it.

The monster it self mostly resembled a Defender Z but was more human shaped and bigger. Tidus led the assault, leaping high in the air and flipping over it, landing behind it and slashing at its back with his Caladbolg. Yuna and Dona stayed back from it, chanting white magic spells with their ornate rods to heal the party since it was too crowded to summon any aeons. Auron and Kimahri ran around slashing and chopping away at its arms and legs with the Masamune and Spirit Lance while Braska cast multiple high level black magic spells against its gigantic armored torso. Jecht and Tidus seemed to fall in sync with each other and were pulling extreme combo attacks on the beast.

It finally got in one attack before falling, however. It flailed its arms wildly trying to knock the group back. It finally succeeded in connecting with Tidus and threw him back completely off his feet and towards the edge as it fell into nothing more than pyreflies.

Tidus couldn't stop his fall backwards and slipped over the side of the airship but luckily caught the side of it on one of the missile bays. Jecht ran over to try and pull him up. He was one instant to late as Tidus' grip slipped and he began to fall towards the sea beneath him.

It seemed the sea flew up to meet him as he fell like a gigantic stone. Just then, the weirdest thing happened.