Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Rebirth ❯ New Beginings ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Five- New Beginnings

The entire world seemed as though someone had just cast an ultimate stop spell on it. Tidus himself had stopped in midair during his fall to the sea.

"I'm disappointed in you, Tidus. You seemed to have learned so much yet have just proved that you are far from ready to fight the Alliance." Said the fayth in control of Bahamut. "Once you have unlocked your true potential; the aeons, Yu Yevon, Yunalesca, and even Seymour will be no match for you. Since you and your friends came in contact with Sin and defeated it, you have the ability to create or destroy using only your mind."

"I will help you start to unlock your mind and help you out of this predicament." It finished as a swirling light like a gigantic pyrefly surround him and took the shape of his outer body.

He could feel his body grow at least ten times stronger but it felt as though something was about to poke through the back of his shirt. In fact, something did. Wings similar to Bahamut's but smaller grew out through the back of his shirt, the base stretching from about his shoulders to his waist line.

As soon as his wings finished growing, the fayth disappeared and the world began moving again. He continued to fall until his wings started flapping and he did a back handspring right on top of the water, landing on a mat of pure air and then zooming upwards back to the airship faster than the airship it self was traveling.

The airship itself had stopped and apparently and was searching for a splash in the water to locate him. He must have heard at least five gasps from the group who were looking over the edge for him as he came up behind the airship and landed behind them.

"That's impossible!" Rikku shouted as they turned to face him. "We saw you fall! It's a trick done by the pyreflies!"

"This is not impossible and very real. Let's just say that I had some help from my inner potential and the fayth that made me." He replied with a smile as they finally approached. "I just discovered I have some unique abilities that just haven't surfaced yet. The fayth that commands Bahamut helped me to unchain one of them from their prison inside my mind."

"Incredible! If I didn't know better I'd say that Bahamut gave you miniature versions of his wings." Braska said with such exclamation that it surprised even Tidus.

"Lord Braska, why don't we discuss this inside as it is somewhat crowded up here?" Auron said as he walked back through the door into the ship. All but Yuna walked in with him as she just stayed there looking at him for what seemed like an eternity.

"I knew this would happen. When this whole thing began the fayth that just gave you those wings said that we would be clad in an armor given to us by the aeons. I didn't want anyone to know this but…" Her voice trailed off as she also began growing wings through the back of her shirt. "I learned to control in about an hour. I can make them grow back in our stay out. See, you just concentrate hard and they'll disappear."

"Now I get what he was saying about my mind being able to create or destroy." Tidus replied as he also began concentrating.

The wings on his back slowly disappeared. He fixed his shirt then got ready to go back in.

"Hey Yuna, if this can be done with only our minds; couldn't we, like think that everyone on Spira has this ability and concentrate on it and everyone really will?" Tidus asked expectantly.

"I don't know. I guess we could but it would probably take some time." She replied softly.

"Ok. Well then let's at least concentrate on Auron, Kimahri, Dona, Bartholomew, your father, my old man, and everyone else in our little party."

"Roger." She replied with a smile.

They walked back into the ship, both concentrating on the task at hand. To the amazement of everyone else on the Condor, the rest of the people aboard began sprouting Bahamut's wings through their backs. After Tidus and Yuna finally told them about the new ability they had, they retracted the wings. A little after this they landed in Djose to get Ixion.

It was surprising that the temples even still existed since Yevonism was a non-existent religion now. They still believed in the base principles but they no longer believed that Yu Yevon was anything but an extremely powerful fiend and the cause for Sin's thousand year torment of Spira. The ex high priest in Besaid said to Tidus that they were monuments for the fallen summoners and for the fayth whose lives had been ended by that maniac.

They touched down outside the town of Djose, which had grown considerably in size since their last time there. Cid and the Condor took off again, no longer needed thanks to the party's newfound abilities. Everyone but Auron and Kimahri also took off with their own wings for flight. The four set off to get to the Djose temple and begin the next leg of their journey.

To their surprise Rikku, Wakka, and Lulu were waiting outside the town for them.

"You got somethin' to tell us, brudda?" Wakka asked them. They all had very nervous yet quizzical looks on their faces. "Somethin' tells me that you got somethin' to do with what we just found out we could do."

They all three sprouted their wings, looking like live gargoyles. Tidus and Yuna just stood there, fighting smiles but losing tremendously. It was all they could to stop from roaring with laughter.

"Bah! I knew it. You two got some explainin' to do, ya." He said also with a smile. "I'm just shocked it's not Rikku's fault." He said referring to the time back when he hated the Al Bhed and Rikku once he discovered she was one of them.

"We did give you the wings as well as some other talents that all of us need to unlock and learn but we weren't the originators of these abilities. The fayth showed Tidus and I the way first and how to use what we had. We just figured out a way to give it to others." Yuna replied, still smiling. She then broke into a discussion about how concentration and belief was the key, finally finishing about a half an hour later.

"Well, that takes care of my questions. We should get moving into Djose and the Inn since it will be dark in about two hours." Lulu said with an actual smile for the first time that Tidus had known her. Unless she was talking about Chappu or Wakka and their relationship, she normally was as emotionless as was probably humanly possible.

They walked into Djose after withdrawing their wings and taking care of a pair of Anacondaurs that slowed down their entrance.