Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Aeon Savior ❯ The Village Of Summoners ( Chapter 3 )

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Wakk lead Tidus to a small area with a different view of the ocean. Tidus confused ask, "Where is the village?" Wakka grined as he said, "We have to swim to it, ya." With that they dived right in and Wakka lead the way to their small and tiny village. Tidus was surpised to see how small this village was, he imagianed a bigger village. Wakka said, "This is how small many of the villages are around here, doesn't get much bigger..." Tidus felt sorry, but knew that he couldn't do anything about it. Wakka said, "You go ahead and rest for now, I have go tend to someone." Tidus nodded and asked, "Who?" Wakka said, "Can't disscuss it." With that he walked off heading towards the main buliding. After awhile Tidus woke up and walked towards the huge buliding. As he entered he was in shock of what it looked like. A young man asked, "Can, I help you?" Tidus noticed that all the stautes were the same. He asked, "The statues, who is he?" The young man surpised that he didn't know said, "That is Lord Braska, who deafted sin ten years ago." Tidus asked, "What was he then?" The young man went on, "This village is where many summoners are born, with the gift to summon aeons that assit them. They are very powerful, some fear them. Others don't. The summoner goes through their tests up in that room and if they fail they fail." Tidus asked, "Do you care, if they die?" He looked away ashe answered, "They do what they do and iof it comes to that we let it be." Tidus angry ran up the stairs and barged through the doors. The young man surpised yelled, "No, Don't." Tidus didn't answer as he was on his way to make sure that the summoner didn't die.