Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Blossoming Love: A Sephiroth and Aeris Story ❯ The Flower Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"The Blossoming Love"

"A Sephiroth and Aeris Story"

"Chapter One: The Flower Girl"

Disclaimer: I do not own anything FF7, but I do own this story.

Author's Note: Thank you to all the A/S fics I have read to inspire me to write my own A/S fic! ^-^ Oh, by the way, this starts in the time were Aeris meets Cloud in the game. Most of the time this fic has Aeris and Sephiroth's POV. Sometimes you have a little of AVALANCHE and ShinRa, too.

Aeris Gainsborough walked toward the entrance of the train station, sighing a bit as a blonde man came running up to her, only to crash into her, knocking her down.

"I'm sorry!" Shouted the man, stretching out his hand to help her up from her position on the cold ground.

Taking the hand, Aeris spoke up, a politeness ringing in her voice like a bell, "Sir, thank you, and would you like to buy a flower? It's only one gil."

"Sure," handing over the single gil, he retrieved a flower from the woman in front of him, he spoke up, "and thanks."

Nodding, Aeris headed off to the train station and to her church in the sector 6 slums area down below where she was.

Kneeling in front of the altar, she prayed to the Planet for the safety of the people who lived near the Mako Reactor, hoping Mako Poisoning infected none

Feeling eyes piercing her back after she finished her prayer, Aeris slowly turned around, meeting a flash of Mako eyes, and a sweep of a shadow leaving the church threw the already open doors.

Aeris shrugged, turning around, until she heard a loud 'thump', causing her to instantly spin around to her flower garden.

Seeing the man from in front of the train station, she walked over to him, frowning a bit at her crushed flowers, which were so easily grown.


Aeris woke up, inside her cell in the ShinRa lab, holding her head and whispering softly to herself, "Cloud..."

Feeling eyes on her form, Aeris slowly turned around, facing Hojo. Aeris recoiled away from him, a whimper emitting from her small throat.

"My dear Cetra," Hojo sniggered, "are you afraid of me?" The mad man said to the frightened Aeris who was curled into a ball.

"Get away from me!" Aeris cried.

Stepping into the circular glass cell, Hojo put a hand on the girl's chin, bringing his lips to hers until he soon felt a sword to his neck.

Aeris pulled away, curling up in a ball again away from Hojo, feeling like she was going to be sick as the sword swept clean through Hojo's neck.

Surely enough, not even a second after the head rolled to Aeris' feet, Aeris passed out, feeling as sick as ever.


Coming up the stairs, his sword sheath swinging from side to side as his Masamune was tightly gripped in his fist. 'I'm coming mother...'

'Good my son.' Was the answer painfully stirring in the back of the mans mind.

The man wore a pair of black slacks, a black shirt, and a black cloak with silver armor on his shoulders. Silver hair played behind his head as he rain, his Mako-Infused eyes held nothing, along with his slightly pale face. By a man's standard he was quite handsome, now if he was female, he would be the most beautiful woman on earth. (You all know who this is now! Lol!)

Coming slowly into the lab, he slipped into the shadows, watching Hojo enter a glass cell with a woman inside. As soon as Hojo's lips touched the girls, that set Sephiroth's mind on fire, 'Pervert!' Standing, Sephiroth ran over to Hojo on silent feet, placing the Masamune on his throat.

Watching the girl scramble frantically away, he sliced Hojo's head clean off of his throat, blood spewing everywhere. Watching Hojo's head roll to the girl, and the girl faint. Now he couldn't leave her here...could he? Of course he couldn't. ShinRa would probably get another scientist to continue Hojo's work. Picking up the girl, and throwing her over his shoulder, he walked to the dome, with J.E.N.O.V.A scrawled across it. Shoving his sword into the dome, he ripped down, placing the girl down, who he heard Hojo call a Cetra.

Sheathing his Masamune, he ripped the door off, going inside the dome. Pulling wires and tubes from his mother, he set her free, lifting her head and placing it on her body. 'Mother, you are free!'

'Thank you, Sephiroth,' The words rang with a pang inside the back of his head.

Picking up the girl again, his mother flew off, telling him one last thing, 'I will meet you in Junon!'

Walking down the stairs, he heard shouting lower down. Sephiroth's puppet was here. Darting back up the stairs, he entered an elevator, going down to the first floor, and then the ding woke up the Cetra.

"Huh...? Where am I?" The girl complained a bit, her eyes widened as she saw the large Masamune. "You're General Sephiroth! Where are you taking me?! Put me down!" Beating his back as he held her.

Blinking, Sephiroth put her down, cocking his eyebrow, "What's wrong, Cetra?"

Aeris blinked, looking up at him, wondering how he knew what she was. 'Maybe he's one, too.' Aeris let the thought hit her mind once then quickly dismissed it. Aeris had been told she was the last one. How was it possible that the greatest general on Earth was a Cetra? Cetra's were supposed to be a peaceful race, not a blood thirsty bunch of fools!

Sephiroth couldn't help but to look into the green oculars peering up at him, into his own. 'She's so....NO! I must keep my mind on the mission at hand, not some female. If I wanted a female, I could get anyone I wanted, and I certainly don't want one. But then again, with her, we could rebuild the Cetra population....Yes. That's it....NO! Keep your mind on the task at hand, Sephiroth.' With that last thing said, he mentally kicked himself, noting never to look into her eyes again.


A good cliffhanger? Not. Heh. Well. I think this is a pretty decent place to leave off, don't you think?