Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Until the End of Eternity, and Longer ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, here we go, another chapter. . . they're getting a tad bit longer, but not much.

I don't own FFVIII or any of it's characters. I do however own Kennedy, Jace, and the song "Forever" that you'll find in this chapter. I'm not a musician, so it's a pretty crappy song, but still, please don't steal it. I worked really hard to write it, so stealing it, good or otherwise, would make me sad.

Notations: "speech". `thoughts'. EMPAHSIS. *song/music*.

Anyways, on with the fic. . .


Chapter Five

"When I first met Jace, it was the middle of the night. She stumbled into town beaten and bloody with a baby wrapped up in a denim jacket, fast asleep. She held that baby close to her chest like he was her only reason for living, and when we took him, gave him a proper blanket and tucked him in to a cradle for sleep, she just smiled and then passed out. We couldn't imagine how she'd made it through that sandstorm at all, or why she'd ever want to. But we knew, she had a story. Definitely.

"We all loved Jace. I guess we did from the very beginning. She was so strong, had such a fierce will without being callous or cold at all. She was a kind woman, but also, there was something about her that made you want to be a better man. When you talked to Jace, you just knew, you were talking to someone who was going to make a difference in this crazy world, just knew it. Even if the deck was stacked against here, you couldn't help but see it, in her eyes, there was just something eternal there, something precious, and you wanted to be stronger to protect that something, even if she never needed any protecting.

"See, Jace had a GF. I know, I know, nowadays junctioning and GFs are no big thing. But back then, before Garden figured out how it went, it was a huge deal. If a GF picked you, it meant you were someone really strong, someone really special. And Jace had this GF Crow, you could just see it in her eyes, that she wasn't alone in there."

Squall stopped him. "Crow? I've never heard of any GF Crow. Garden has all the known GFs."

"Sure it does. Crow died with Jace. Didn't want to live in a world without her, I guess, but that's a part of the story I don't know much about. I wasn't there when she died. Anyway, I can tell you the beginning things, what she was like, how she ended up here and such, and when her friend came to get her and she had to leave. If you want to know more after that, I can tell you the name of someone who can tell you the sadder parts. If you need to know everything. You can let me know when I'm done. Or, actually, since it's a really long story, I'll get you some of those pictures and things I told you about, you can look them over, and we'll spend all day tomorrow reliving old times if you want. I have to close this place up, there's a room upstairs where y'all can stay."

Irvine nodded blankly.

Laden with photographs and machinery that Kennedy said "might work", Irvine, Selphie, Zell, Rinoa, and Squall headed upstairs.

"What are these things?" Zell asked, flipping a black cassette over in his hand.

"Videos," Kennedy told them. "Technologically, we're pretty far behind the times here in Bella Maure. But we used to record important things sometimes. Birthday parties, festivals, and sometimes we recorded Jace's performances."

"That's the second time you mentioned performances," Squall noted. "What sort of performances?"

"Jace was a musician. She used to sing and play in the bar downstairs. She didn't want to be recognized or famous or anything. She just liked to sing. She had such a beautiful voice too, and a guitar. That was her favorite instrument. I know it's still around here somewhere. I'll have to find it for you. She could've gone through her whole life just singing and playing that guitar. Up on that stage, it was like the whole world existed in the vacuum of that moment, or should. She was so happy then, singin' and playin' with Irvine asleep in the crowd, or when he was a little bigger, clappin' and cheerin' her on. You used to love to watch her play. I guess you don't remember that either though," Kennedy said sadly. "It's a damn shame, if you ask me. She was so young. She shouldn't be dead. She should still be alive. But I guess it's all the same. Old age wouldn't have suited her, middle-age probably would have suited her even less. Twenty-five years…it's too short a life. Well, g'night. Breakfast is served at ten, on the dot."

When the door closed behind him, Irvine whispered, "she'd only be forty-two now, if she was alive. I can't meet her; I can't remember her…this sucks."

Selphie wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder briefly where he sat on the edge of one of the beds.

"Maybe the pictures will help you remember something," she whispered. "Anyway, I'm sure you'll want to know no matter what. It sounds like your mom was someone really special."

"…yeah," Irvine answered, taking on an uncharacteristically Squall-like monosyllabism.

"Look Irvy, this must be you!" Selphie cheered over a picture she appeared to find particularly adorable. Jace was on stage with a diapered little boy in her lap and they were pounding on the keys of a piano together. In the pictures next to it, Irvine was barefoot in shorts and t-shirt, holding the grossly oversized cowboy hat up with his hands and sitting on her stomach beside a pre-statue lake. A young, dark-haired man seemed to be fishing beside her, only the back of his head in view, and she seemed to be chatting with him.

Rinoa and Squall were absently flipping through an album that seemed to be filled with pictures of Jace on stage with her guitar. In some of them, a very tiny Irvine was strapped to her back somehow, sleeping soundly, in others she was alone, or she was up there with a younger version of Kennedy who was playing the piano that was still on the stage to this day.

Squall's eyes widened suddenly at one picture of the album. "Laguna?!?"

THAT got everyone's attention. Rinoa looked more carefully. Yes, that was most DEFINITELY Laguna, grinning impishly into the camera as he held devil horns up behind Jace's head, just barely visible over the rim of her hat. Jace had her left arm slung over Laguna's shoulder absently, wearing a very Irvine-esque grin, and the pair were crouched down to get Irvine into the picture, about three years old here and hopping in an attempt to get his hands on his mother's hat, fingers just touching the brim as the photo was shot.

Everyone came over to see. There were a few pictures of the trio, actually, and one even had Kiros standing behind Laguna's shoulder, arms crossing his chest as he wore a barely there smirk at how "cute" it all was. Even Zell managed to get up off the floor from trying to "hook-up" the "blasted antique piece of crap" to play the videos long enough to take a look.

"He looks younger than when Ellone sent us back," he commented. It was true, he looked as if he was about twenty-three, but Squall didn't see what that had to do with anything. What did his father have to do with any of this? `If I find out he abandoned ANOTHER kid other than just me, so help me…'

"…L.L. Laguna Loire," Irvine realized suddenly. "I'd put money on Kennedy giving us Laguna's name tomorrow, after he's told us what he knows."

"But how do you suppose Laguna was connected to your mother, Irvine? You don't think…" Rinoa said, voicing the question she could feel in the tension of Squall's shoulders.

"Nah. No way! But I'd like to know why he's never mentioned that he knew my mom before. A little pissed about it actually. But I'll be angry with him later, for now, I just want to find out everything I can."

"Well, on that note, I think I got that damn box hooked up right, if we can figure out how to work it," Zell said, moving over to the television. "Let's see, Kennedy said press this button, then this one, push the tape in here and…this one, I think."

Static, and they all waited in anticipation. Suddenly, black with shadows of light, somebody's boots, and the voice of a young man saying, "okay okay! I think it's on. How do I work this ridiculous thing?"

Suddenly, the view shifts up, the inside of a somewhat newer-looking Blue Moon. "Hey! Alright! I think I got it as long as I don't have to turn it off!" the man laughs. "So Ken-ken, how's the grand reopening feel?" he said cheerily, as if trying to behave like a proper journalist and happiness causing him to fail miserably.

"It FEELS like it's not for another three hours `guna. Point that thing somewhere else would you? I don't want to be in your documentary."

"Aaawww. Come On! It's fun! You know you love it!" he said confidently.

"What does he love `guni?"

"Hey, quit calling me gooney," the voice protested.

Squall was getting a sinking feeling that he knew exactly who the man behind the camera was, and if that was the case "gooney" couldn't be more appropriate, as far as he was concerned. He smirked a little at the thought.

The camera made a sickeningly quick spin and soon focused on the woman.

"He loves being in my little movie! But you get to be the star. And Irvine's best supporting actor!"

"Na-na-no!" Jace protested, waving her hands in the air and lifting Irvine up, spinning him around and holding him out proudly to the camera as he giggled happily. "I'm dizzy Uncle `guni!" he announced happily.

"You've got it backwards Laguna. Irvine's gotta be the star! Who would deny this face?" she said cheerfully as she pulled the boy in for a quick hug before placing him down on a nearby table top.

"Aw, I guess you're right," Laguna said. "But you still have to do a song for me tonight so I can record you in action, for posterity's sake! You've written something new, haven't you?"

"Sure have!" she said, just a hint of embarrassment on her voice as the topic of her music came up.

"You're gonna be famous one day Jace. You're so talented. I never liked music much until I heard you sing."

"Oh gimme a break `guna! You just like playing with my guitar!" she laughed.

"Well, that too," he laughed.

"Now gimme that!" she grabbed the camera and spun it onto Laguna.

He was wearing combat boots and jeans that were obviously a bit too big for him with a white tank. But Squall's eyes widened as he saw that the machine gun he'd known to be Laguna's choice weapon was not where it should be, a gunblade in its place.

Laguna raised one hand to his head in nervousness, shifting from foot to foot. "Aw, comeon, give it back, I'm not supposed to be in my own movie," he protested.

"Sure ya are!" Jace said. "I just made you the new star. I think I'll call this film, "How Jace got `guna to use a proper gun instead of one of those halfsie gunblade deals. I mean, comeon! What is it? It's not a gun. It's not a sword. It's total…ego enhancement!" she teased. (Squall scowled. She was making fun of gunblades. He LIKED gunblades.)

Little Irvine chose that moment to plow into Laguna's leg. "Uncle Guni! Up!" he said as he started bouncing up and down with his hands held in the air. Laguna was glad to oblige.

"Let's shut off the camera for now Jace. I want to have room left to record the reopening tonight."

"Roger wilko!" she said and the screen went black again.

"Well that shot any "dad" theories that might've been going around out there straight to hell," Irvine commented, looking at Squall briefly, who he was sure was wondering.

But there was no reply, the video started again and all attention shifted.

This time, the Blue Moon was lit with a few dozen paper lanterns strung from the ceiling.

"Ooo! Pretty!" Selphie commented. `Have to keep that in mind for the next party.' But she shushed herself quickly. Irvine needed to see this.

It took the person behind the camera less time to get it working properly this time and he quietly and slowly scanned the room, filled with villagers who were laughing and joking quietly. Kennedy was behind the bar pouring drinks and laughing over some joke or other.

Jace came down with Irvine, who looked sleepy, but insistent on being present and Laguna commented, "he's so stubborn. Knows he's supposed to be asleep in bed, but insists on being down here for all his mom's shows. He'll be asleep under the table in less that five minutes. Haha. Irvine is such a cute kid."

The camera moved closer to the stage, bouncing ever so slightly with Laguna's steps. He took to a corner in the left. "Don't wanna block anyone's view. I guess this is okay. Can't wait to hear Jace's new song. It'll be great whatever it is."

He zoomed the camera in on Jace, who gave Irvine a warm smile and a kiss on the forehead before handing him over to a middle-aged woman who happily let him curl up in her lap. Little Irvine's expression was one of a kid who should've been asleep hours ago, but he rubbed his eyes with fierce determination to keep himself awake for the song.

"Well this is something new," Laguna said softly as the song picked up with a slow beat. Kennedy made his way to the stage to accompany her with a barely there piano. Jace said, "this is a new song. I know it's quite a bit different than what I usually play, but it comes from the heart, so I hope y'all like it. It's called *Forever*."

After a few more moments, she began to sing.

*You were always there, standing in the rain like a neglected promise

And I thought that meant that you would love me forever

Guess Love is just another word for getting by.

But it's okay, I don't mind. I don't mind.

Because when the icicle melts, I'm still here

Frozen in fear, and longing for another battered star

To remember me by. I don't know why I keep trying.

I guess it makes me feel like I'm flying.

When I feel like I'm broken down and falling faster than

A shooting star, there you are, to remind me.

(she turned her face toward Laguna now)

And when all the walls are bleeding, and all my dreams receding,

I find you standing beside me with a smile and your arms wide open.

(back to the crowd, looking at a sleeping Irvine and Laguna's camera doesn't miss it)

You brush my face with this frozen dream

And remind me, some things last until the end of eternity, and longer.

Here's this love in my heart-it's all for you.

Here's this light in my eyes-it's all for you.

And when I can smile in spite of it all-it's all for you

My tiny shooting star. The dream I'll never abandon.

In your face I find a lifetime of disgrace, and the will

To go on.

To never give up.

As long as we're together I'll be strong.

As long as you're my reason, I'll know where I belong.

When I feel like I'm broken down and falling faster than

A shooting star, there you are to remind me.

And when all the walls are bleeding, and all my dreams receding,

I find you standing beside me with a smile and your arms wide open.

Sweet baby, it's been rough, but I'm hanging tough

As long as I have you.

One bloody masquerade, a broken heart's charade, but I can fight,

As long as I have you.

You brush my face with this frozen dream and remind me,

Some things last until the end of eternity, and longer.

You say, "I love you mama"

You say, "you're the only family I have, or want"

You say "You belong to me, forever, whether you like it or not"

(this last line sung with a bit of bitterness)

and you remind me, some things last until the end of eternity, and longer.

When I feel like I'm broken down and falling faster than

A shooting star, there you are to remind me.

And when all the walls are bleeding, and all my dreams receding,

I find you standing beside me with a smile.

Your eyes, like diamonds, pierced through my soul

And left me stronger than I wanted to be.

But I'm still me.*

A lullaby of a guitar riff signifies the end of the song. And the screen goes black.

Irvine buried his head deep inside the shadow of his hat to hide his eyes. He couldn't keep from crying. "Mom," he whispered. Only Selphie could hear him. She gave Rinoa a look and the dark-haired girl nodded. Squall, Zell, why don't we get some air, huh?"

Squall took one look at Irvine and understood, standing, but pretending to just be humoring Rinoa. "Whatever."

"Come on Zell," Rinoa said, and it took Zell a moment longer, but he bounced up onto his feet and ended up saying, "I think I'll see if Kennedy makes hot dogs!" before bounding downstairs. He was the odd man out. He'd rather leave Squall and Rinoa alone too, so that left chatting with the bartender. He didn't mind. It was cool.

When they were gone, Selphie wrapped her arms around Irvine's shoulders and let him cry. "Irvy," she whispered.

"I want to remember her, Sephie. I want to remember so badly."

"I know Irvy. I know. It's okay. I'm sure you'll remember something. She loved you a lot. That's the sort of thing you don't forget."


okay, so yes, I know there's no such GF as GF Crow, but I figure I'm taking enough liberties with the story as is, one more isn't gonna kill anyone, right?