Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Who's John ShinRa? ❯ Divide ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note: I do not own Final Fantasy VII.
Chapter 10: Divide
The air in Junon was tense as hundreds of volunteers gathered clothing and food to the small band of the fifth infantry division. Everyone had heard the news of Midgar's survivors underneath the rubble of the once great city. Many people were still struggling in the aftermath of Meteor, but there were many kindhearted people who poured out their hearts and resources.
The band of men from the fifth infantry division stared at the growing pile of supplies in awe. They were lucky to have gotten to Junon as fast as they did, finding a large flock of chocobos that Chocobo Billy was willing to lend them. Now that they stared at the piles of provisions, they knew that getting back with all the supplies would be difficult.
They only had enough chocobos for the men in the division and more boxes than they could possibly carry.
"Captain Lynn, how are we going to get all the supplies back to Midgar?" one of the soldiers asked.
"I'm not sure Private Harris, but we'll think of something. We'll have to figure this one out in the morning. We've been riding all day and I don't think our chocobos can walk another step without a decent nights sleep," Captain Lynn said while stroking the neck of one of his chocobos.
The chocobo cooed as he rubbed his head deeper into Captain Lynn's hand.
"I'll go ahead and set up some tents around Junon. Do you think we'll need to post any guards out tonight to make sure no one steals the supplies?"
"Yes, put two men each on two hour shifts. We're going to need every last bit of these supplies. I don't know how we're going to get them back to Midgar, but we're going to need them. Do you know if Lieutenant Darren has had any success contacting Midgar?"
"Yes, sir. They're negotiating what support they can offer us."
Captain Lynn merely nodded his head and breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that Junon was still cooperating with them. He knew that after President ShinRa died a lot of soldiers left their posts and there was talk of Junon freeing themselves from ShinRa rule. They were lucky that it hadn't happened yet.
"How about communicating with Midgar, has that been done yet?"
"Yes sir, we've already contacted Mr. Rivers back in Midgar. He knows we're here."
"Good job soldier. You're dismissed."
The brown-eyed Captain slowly took off his helmet and ran his hands through his short brown hair. He let his eyes gaze out into the distance where the sun was slowly setting over the ocean. He didn't think that he would live to see another sunset, but here he was watching it with his very own eyes.
It was a sunset similar to this that he had taken his girlfriend Tina out onto the beach outside of Midgar. They had both taken off their shoes to let their bare feet imprint their footprints in the sand as they walked along the shoreline. He remembered how her brown eyes looked almost like diamonds as the light reflected off of them: how her long black hair blew in soft wisps with the breeze. She wore her favorite blue dress that rustled with the gentle wind.
He had been a nervous wreck when he tried to propose to her. He had never realized that asking a simple question could have been the most stressful event in his life. He knew that she was going to say `yes,' in fact, she had hinted at wanting to get married. Despite all that, he still feared that she was going to laugh in his face or even worse, tell him `no' and then leave him stupefied on the beach.
Luckily, none of those fears ever came to light she accepted his proposal with tears of joy in her eyes. It was one of the most memorable moments of his life. Whenever he saw the sunset the memory of that blissful day always resurfaced. Captain Michael Lynn closed his eyes and tried to picture where his fiancée was right now. He imagined her busy at work in the nurses station in Old Midgar. She was probably wearing her white nurse's dress and busily bandaging the arm of a soldier.
There had been many who were injured during Meteor's fall. The number of casualties and injuries could have been much worse if they hadn't evacuated to Old Midgar. He had seen how Meteor ripped through metal and concrete, leaving nothing but dust and rubble in its wake. It took his squadron almost a whole day to climb over all the rubble to get to the outskirts of the city. No one could have survived on the surface of Midgar without some hope and a prayer, and even that didn't guarantee their safety. Captain Lynn was convinced that if they had stayed on the surface, everyone would have perished.
He grew a sudden fond appreciation for the smell of wildflowers and the feel of falling rain. All the things that he thought he would never see again were now the most precious and beautiful parts of nature. The world was beautiful and worth protecting. He hoped that the Junon army also shared his sentiments as he waited for one of his men to return from talking with whoever was in charge.
Captain Lynn tore his eyes from the magnificent sunset and busily tied the chocobo's reins to a nearby tree. The other chocobos had already been tied and were fast asleep on the soft grassy ground. He knew that he would have to join them shortly if he wanted to be alert in the morning. Sauntering to his tent, he would have landed on his cot and fallen instantly asleep if he didn't notice the procession of soldiers heading his way.
Leading the group was an older man dressed in a neatly pressed dark blue ShinRa uniform that had many medals and ribbons adorning it, including an insignia that marked his rank as General. The short black hair had streaks of gray running through it, but his face still held a youthful appearance. Captain Lynn had never personally met General Matthews, but he knew that the General was the last high-ranking officer of ShinRa left alive. Quickly, Captain Lynn straightened up and saluted.
"General Matthews, sir."
"Captain Lynn," General Matthews said returning the salute.
"Did my Lieutenant inform you of the situation, sir?"
"Yes, he did. I also received a phone call from a gentleman named Eric Rivers who was Heideggar's aide. They're in a dire situation Captain and I can assure you that Junon will assist you by any means possible."
"Thank you General," Captain Lynn said as his eyes lit up with relief.
"No need to thank me. You and your boys have done a fine job collecting provisions. I'll have my men do the rest and have them guard the provisions for the night. You and your boys deserve a night to sleep. Tomorrow we'll send you with the provisions on the airship, Manifest. That should get you to Midgar by the end of the day."
Captain Lynn was overjoyed as he listened to the General's orders. All his earlier worries had been resolved and now he knew that they would get back to Midgar with everything President Reeve asked them to retrieve.
"Thank you General. I'm sure the President will be very relieved to hear about this, sir," Captain Lynn again saluted.
"I'm sure he will. But we'll discuss this more in the morning Captain. Your orders now are to get a full eight hours of sleep and no less."
"Yes, sir!"
The General saluted and gave the Captain a warm smile before leaving with only two men. The remaining soldiers all gathered around the large stack of supplies and relieved two of his men who were supposed to have the first shift. Things were now looking up for him and his infantry. He had absolutely no doubt that they would complete this mission and the presence of the General solidified this feeling. There was still hope for this world and in humanity.
* * *
Mark Baker glanced at page after page of different names. Eventually, all the names started to form one homogenous blur that he couldn't decipher. He knew he could use his computer to do the same job, but he had never paid attention at training for how to access that program. He thought that inheriting his father's business would mean that he could take an extended vacation in Costa Del Sol delegating the worries of the bank to someone else. He was sorely wrong.
He never realized that his father actually did any work as President and CEO of the ShinRa Bank. In fact, it was his work that cemented his death as he refused to leave his office in the Upper plates of Midgar while Meteor came crashing down. The late Anthony Baker had been trying to solve the dilemma on how to legally transfer ShinRa, Inc.'s funds to President Reeve. He hadn't solved the problem in his lifetime and now the problem sat with his son in the Junon branch of the ShinRa Bank.
Mark stifled a yawn as he flipped the pages one by one.
"No, no, no, no, no. Nope. Don't see the name here at all. No money for them."
Mark threw the mound of paper in his outbox on his newly acquired large oak desk. His new Secretary, Cathy, had walked in holding a report for him to review.
"So, Cathy, did we ever hear back from the ShinRa-King Organization?" Mark said as he traced his eyes from her long legs up to her white shirt that hid her cleavage.
"I'm sorry Mr. Baker, but they haven't called back. I did a check in ShinRa, Inc.'s files and didn't see any mention of them in there. I don't think we should give them access to any of ShinRa, Inc.'s funds sir," Cathy said addressing her new boss professionally.
"Yeah, I agree with you completely! I couldn't find their name in any of the corporate records. Say, you want to quit work early tonight? I've been really stressed lately and could really use a couple of beers."
"I don't think we should Mr. Baker. There are a lot of things that we need to get done," Cathy said slightly concerned.
"Yeah, yeah. You're right. I shouldn't go partying while there are hundreds of people waiting for me to resolve all their financial problems. I just never expected being the President and CEO of the largest bank in the world could be so hard. I mean, I have so much work I need to do. Can't I just assign it to other people?" Mark said jokingly.
Cathy stifled a giggle as she watched him scratch his chin, which was adorned with bristles from not shaving for the past few hours. His slovenly appearance and unkempt hair made him look like he had just woken-up. She shook her heads as she placed the report in his inbox and removed the large stack of papers from his outbox.
"Unfortunately, we lost most of our staff to Meteor's scare, but don't worry Mr. Baker. I know you can get the job done."
"I hope so. Frankly, I think Dad made me Vice-President because I was his son," Mark said seriously.
Cathy couldn't think of anything else to say to help the situation. She slowly made her way back to her desk before turning to face him again.
"You know. I think he actually made you Vice-President because he knew you could do the job. I mean, you have the degree, you have the knowledge . . . now it's time to test it all, right?"
Mark turned his head towards his Secretary and stared at her confused. He had gone to Midgar's finest University and was raised in the banking business. He remembered his father taking him to the office and his father would play with him and they would make-believe that he was running the bank. He had seen the ins and outs for how to run a bank; he had just never done it on his own. But now it was the time to test himself and show the world everything his father taught him. It was time to stop playing the banker and begin acting like one.
"Thanks Cathy. I really appreciate that," Mark smiled at her encouraging words. "I'll do my best."
Cathy smiled as she watched Mark's eyes lit up with energy. She started for the door when Mark's words interrupted her departure.
"Oh, Cathy? Could I ask you one more thing?"
"Yes, Mr. Baker?"
"Ok, two things. First, just call me Mark and second, could you teach me how to access all the files on this computer? I've only been able to find the games so far," Mark gave her a toothy grin.
"I certainly will, Mark. Let me take care of a few things and then I'll show you how to work the computer."
He watched as Cathy closed to door behind her and sighed heavily as he stared at the large pile of papers on his desk. He grabbed the report Cathy printed out and browsed through it. A small smile crept on his lips. She should be running this bank, not me. The intercom on his desk suddenly blared with Cathy's voice.
"Mr. Ba . . . I mean, Mark. I have the head of the ShinRa-King Organization on the other line for you."
"Good, go ahead and put him through. I know exactly what I need to say to him."
Mark heard the static on the intercom cut off as the phone on his desk started to ring. Mark straightened out his tie and opened up Cathy's report before answering the phone to officially reject the ShinRa-King Organization's request for funds. He took a deep breath before picking up the phone and in the most business-like voice he could muster, began to get to work.
* * *
It was around midnight and everyone in Kalm was fast asleep, everyone except for Cid Highwind. He had already taken a long nap almost skipping the wholesome meal that Elmyra and Tifa had prepared. He had seen the two women confide in each other about their heartaches. Cid had heard that Elmyra was only Aeris's adopted mother, but anyone would have cried for the loss of such a wonderful woman. Cid was glad Tifa had someone to share her feelings over Cloud's loss. She needed to clear her mind if she was going to lead AVALANCHE, but he knew that she was a capable woman and trusted her with his very life.
Cid carefully stepped around the sleeping bodies of all of his friends to get to the front door. He needed a cigarette and he needed one badly. The pilot finally reached the front door and spent little time stepping outside and lighting one of his cigarettes. His eyes closed in relaxation as he took a drag and blew all the smoke out into the open air.
He rubbed his left shin with the heel of his boot tenderly. Tifa had given him a nasty bruise when she kicked him. His thoughts wandered to her words and Cid pursed his lips as he thought about Shera. He never really openly expressed his appreciation for everything she did for him and how she coped with his attitude. Cid probably would have never thought about putting a concerted effort into showing that appreciation if it weren't for Tifa.
It wasn't Tifa's words or the kick in the shins that she gave him, but mainly her tears and pain she felt after losing Cloud. No one was blind to her love for the warrior. They knew how much it hurt her to see him die, but Cid knew that it hurt her even more to watch him slip away without ever getting a chance to tell him how she truly felt. Those tears were the ones that moved Cid the most.
He tried to imagine what it would be like to lose Shera without ever letting her know how much he actually cared. Taking another puff of his cigarette, Cid reached for his PHS and dialed the number to his first mate on the Highwind.
"Johnson, what's your status? What? The ShinRa Army already got a bunch of supplies for Midgar? Well, I guess they're probably in more need than Kalm right now. You guys still tired or are you all willing to make another trip? Burns is ready to fly? Good. Go to Rocket Town and get the supplies there. Also pick-up Shera and bring her over. Don't forget to call her in advance. I don't want her taking her damn sweet time getting ready. What? I ain't gonna fucking call her. I'm the Captain and I give the orders so you'd better call her or I'm gonna have your ass for dinner when you get back. Good, make sure Burns doesn't crash or you'll wish you were never born."
Cid smiled to himself as he hung-up the receiver. He knew that Shera was going to come regardless of whether or not he called or if his first mate called. He knew that they were going to need her engineering skills to help dig the entrance out. He also simply wanted her company. Elmyra and Tifa's cooking had been exceptional, but there was something about the homely style and simplicity that Shera added to hers. It wasn't fancy and it wasn't the best food in the world, but to Cid Highwind, it was enough.
Finishing off the cigarette, Cid dropped it on the ground and stepped on it with his boot, mashing it into the hard cobblestone sidewalk. He looked towards Midgar and watched the small firelights moving back and forth. Some of the residents of Kalm had taken it upon themselves to start digging out any survivors they could find. Cid had seen them walking out earlier when they were collecting wood for Cloud's funeral pyre.
He knew that they didn't have a single hope of finding anyone alive in that wreckage. He was certain that the small group even knew that the chances of finding a survivor were slim at best. However, watching those dancing red lights in the distance gave Cid a hopeful feeling. At least he could take comfort to know that there were still people out there who cared.
* * *
"Well, we're here. Now what do we do, Reno?" Elena asked as she dismounted her chocobo, exhausted from riding all day and night.
"Simple, we get a hotel and wait."
"But, what about the assassin? Aren't you worried he's going to strike?"
"Oh, him? Don't worry. Black Adder and Rude go way back. If he's going to strike, Rude will let us know."
Elena stole a glance at the quiet Turk and raised her brow in curiosity.
"So, Rude. What makes you think he won't just kill his targets while they're sleeping? I mean, it's freaking three o'clock in the morning and no one's awake except for us lunatics."
"He always attacks in the daylight. Gives him a challenge. Plus, he likes his prey to struggle," Rude answered mechanically.
"Great, so I'm here in Costa Del Sol without a bathing suit, accompanied by a perverted slacker and a monotone bald-guy who tells me that the assassin we're looking for is apparently a sociopath. I really couldn't think of a better way to spend my time on one of the most romantic beaches in the world," Elena said bitterly.
"Oh, Elena, come one now. Everyone knows that you don't need a bathing suit to swim. They didn't invent skinny-dipping for a reason ya know," Reno winked.
Elena rolled her eyes at the lewd comment and the three Turks made their way to the closest hotel. Once they entered the hotel, the desk clerk immediately recognized Reno and Rude.
"The usual suite?"
Reno merely nodded his head as he took the keys that were handed to him. They made their way to their room, which had a clear view of the town of Costa Del Sol. Elena immediately fell onto the bed in exhaustion as Rude checked the drawers to make sure the weapons that they stored there were still in place. Reno was rummaging through the closet and he pulled out a long light pink dress and tossed it to Elena.
"Here, you're going to need this tomorrow."
Elena inspected the dress and scrunched her nose in confusion. The dress looked like something her grandmother had worn when she was her age.
"Why do I need to wear a dress and of all things, this dress?"
"Because you're going to go undercover and that's the only dress we have. I want you to go to the house posing as the Art Director for Junon's Art Museum and protect the targets while Rude and I handle Black Adder."
"I can fight too, why do I have to be the one babysitting?" Elena stood up in rage.
"You don't know Black Adder, he's deadly and crazy enough to kill anything in his way," Reno replied seriously.
"But I'm also a Turk, I didn't accept this job without knowing that I would have to face people like that," Elena screamed.
"You're also our back-up, in case we fail."
Elena froze-up at Reno's last words. She didn't want to think of what would happen if Reno and Rude were to fail. She knew that Reno trusted her to be the last line of protection. She bit her lip in frustration and concern as she sat back down on the bed and grabbed the pink dress.
"I understand. I'll do it," she said softly.
Reno nodded his head in satisfaction and began to make his way to Rude to plan out their mission tomorrow.
"Reno?" Elena said sternly.
Reno turned his head in Elena's direction and looked at her straight in the eye.
"You and Rude will not fail in killing that assassin, cause if you do, I'm never going to speak to you ever again."
The red-haired Turk flashed a wide smile in Elena's direction as he tapped the end of his nightstick on his leg.
"Don't you worry Elena, we're going to kill him. Now get some rest cause tomorrow's gonna be a big day for us."