Forgotten Realms Fan Fiction ❯ The Fateful Coin ❯ Chapter 3: A Bend in the Road ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3:
A Bend in the Road
Thalen could not believe how Stupid he had been; trying to break into Arkios's
house. The house that no other thief in the city had dared to break into. How was he
supposed to know that the infernal bloody sorcerer kept Were-wolves as guards? Frell,
they looked human enough in the daytime when he had scoped out the place. Worse still,
he had been bitten. Thalen swore, loudly as he checked his bandages; they had bled
through. The four large puncture wounds made it difficult to walk; he had been bitten in
the process of escaping over the high guard wall. His best pair of thieving trousers was
ruined, and he could not sit down without wincing; he had already tried and nearly lost
his balance in the process. The whole night had gone into the chamber pot he thought as
he slowly limped his way back to the thieves' guild. One thing he did not have to worry
about however was being mistaken by his fellows as an easy mark. Due to the fact that
his clothing was specially made so as when a fellow thief used the ring given to him by
the guild quartermaster a spell was activated and his clothing would glow a soft blue that
only someone with the guild ring could see. He wondered to himself if all of the stuff he
had managed to escape with had been worth it. Some exquisite jewelry, a jeweled choker
in the shape of a dragon, that if his intuition was right was made out of Mithril and some
other metal he couldn't identify, some huge horribly gaudy ruby rings and a few other
tidbits he had managed to grab in his mad dash to escape. Then there was of course the
item that he gone to that thrice cursed sorcerers to get, the one that he hoped would catch
the guild master's attention; the figurine. At first glance, he had thought it to be made of
ivory, but upon closer inspection he discovered it was a giant carved claw of what
manner of beast he did not know; but whatever it had belonged to he was certain he didn't
want to meet it. it's weight heavy on his mind and in his pocket he took it out to look at it
again, and swore by the nine hells he'd heard of irony before but not like this, the figure
so delicately carved it looked alive was in the shape of an immense wolf. Bad enough
that he had been bitten by a were-wolf and his surname just happened to Nightshift, he
been bitten while stealing a wolf figure. He would never live this one down, his guild
mates would never let him forget it, and if word got out; even transferring to another city
would not help. He just prayed that his form of lycanthropy was curable, Sangeos the
guild's' healer and mage was an expert on rare ailments, poisons and the like. He finally
had reached his destination, the side entrance to the thieves' guild the one that only
injured members took. He knocked softly 3, 2, 1 and then the rapid 5 knock of an
emergency; the peep hole slid open and the gruff voice of Sangeos's guard asked,
Whada want?” and Thalen replied, “I need the cure.” The guard asked the routine
question, “What ails you?” Thalen responded with the correct answer, “Many things ail
me this night, which only my mother's love can mend.” The guard unbarred and unlocked
the door, then let him in. As Thalen descended the steps to Sangeos's lab, he tried not to
think about what had happened to the novice thief who had said the wrong code phases,
failed and shuddered. Thalen really did not like coming to Sangeos when he was injured,
because the squat wizened old man had odd and often macabre fascination of horrific
injuries. Moreover, the old coot had away of prying out all the tiniest details of how one
was injured in all of their unpleasant glory. Which is usually why he kept several healing
potions on him and at least two antidotes encase he was exposed to any poisons. After
he'd been bitten he drank away three large potions and then both antidotes when he
discovered that the were-wolf must of had secondary venom filled fangs; none of which
had helped much as he was still weak and bleeding. He suffered through Sangeos's
administrations to his posterior, and recounted his story at the old man's prodding
inquires. Excitement spread all over Sangeos's face, “A were-wolf you say?” “Oh my I
can honestly say I am quite delighted, I've never had such a case before; read all about it
but never actually...” Twittered Sangeos, as he stood there face glowing and rubbing his
palms together in his excited manner. How lovely for me, Thalen thought to himself as
Sangeos's flitted about grabbing large dusty tomes and flipping though them, and then
dashing to grab spell components; all the while humming the latest tune that some
moronic bard had dubbed, “A Waltz Though The Roses.” He noted again with irony that
the term “a waltz though the roses” was a common thief's expression for an easy job.
Thalen just lay on the table on his side, gritted his teeth, and thought that this whole
fiasco would have been rather hilarious if it was not happening to him.
Several long and pain full hours later Sangeos announced he had reached a
diagnosis; just by looking at him Thalen knew it was bad. Sangeos was pale and sweaty,
gone was the fascinated delight the look had been replaced by one combined regret, pity,
and worry. Sangeos spoke in soft voice, “I'm terribly sorry son... there's no easy way to
say this; but your form of lycanthropy is rare and unfortunately irreversible.” "I can
neutralize the poison, and heal the bite; but you are permanently infected.” Thalen stared
off into the distance dazed, the rest of Sangeos's words were lost in a jumbled noisy blur
as he felt the rush of blood in his ears and passed out from the exertions of the night.
Thalen awoke somewhere very dark, damp and extremely uncomfortable. It smelled
of mold, rats and unwashed people. He instantly realized that he was in the guild's
dungeon where they must of put him until the could decide what should be done with
him, or at least until the moon waned. He stretched, groaned, and wished he had stayed
still. He was chained up with room to move, but found he was securely bolted to the floor
unlike the city prison where the morons chained you to the walls with your hands chained
behind you; which made the locks all that much easier to pick in Thalen's opinion. Not
that he had ever been in the city jail much, just once when had been dumb enough to get
drunk enough to pick a fight with a mean Half-Orc... He laughed as he remembered the
brawl it had started. A particularly surly dwarf had been griping all evening about the ale
when the Half-Orc's double axe split the table straight down the middle dousing the
dwarf with ale and knocking over the candle, which set his great beard, alight. Thalen
winced as it hurt to laugh, pinched himself, and reminded himself that this was not the
time for such things. He sat up excessively quickly, and his head swam in pain; his vision
was a red blur. Carefully he found the wall, and slid up to it so that his head and back
would have something to lean on. He slowly took stock of his situation, he was sore
everywhere, his wrists, and ankles were bruised, cut, and caked with dried blood. Then he
remembered, pain, fear, anger, a desire to escape, to run and kill... A dim memory of fur,
of fangs and of claws, of howling and of biting, and clawing himself trying to get free...
That explained his injuries as he thought about what to do next, he could try picking the
lock; the guards had stripped of nearly everything but a single hidden pick which Thalen
found in the tattered remains of his tunic. He examined the lock then attempted to pick it
and then cursed as the lock glowed brightly, blinding him, and magically cutting off the
tip of the lock pick. Seeing spots and realizing the lock was magically forged with not
just a key but enchanted so that it would keep him bound until the secret word was
His lips were parched and he felt around for water and found none. He swore and
his lip cracked and began to bleed. He heard a noise, a voice, and footsteps as his cell
door creaked open he was once again blinded, this time by torch light. A voice said, “Can
you stand?” he recognized the voice as Krinost's; the head jailer he managed to croak
Yes.” Krinost replied “Good, the night master wishes to speak with you.” And with that
Krinost produced an odd key put it in the lock and said “Sui-con-ki” or at least that's what
it sounded like to Thalen who was too groggy, sore, and just very glad that he was getting
out of this dank hole; to care very much.
Krinost led him up the dungeon steps to a room that contained a bath and clean
clothes. He was instructed to bathe, change, and then reminded not to tarry. Krinost
spoke, “I will return to escort you to the Night master.” He then turned, left the room and
closed the door. Thalen removed the shredded remains of his clothing and stepped into
the steaming hot bath. As there was no time to properly soak and relax, he just scrubbed
as much of the blood and dungeon filth off as possible. He got out, dried off, and
inspected the clothing on the room's only chair. He found a black soft silk shirt, pants, a
pair of quality leather boots, and various other items meant to wear under the pants and
shirt. He dressed with care, as he was still sore, as he was doing so a black silk purse fell
to the ground and clinked slightly. He picked it up opened it and found that it contained
the exact amount of coinage he had on him two nights ago when he went to see Sangeos.
He tied it to his belt, pulled on the boots, which were a nice fit, and stood up. There was a
knock at the door. Thalen went over to the door and opened it; it was Krinost.
Again, he followed Krinost, this time to a flight of steps he had never seen before.
Krinost spoke "You have to wear a blind fold until we reach the Night master. Thalen
nodded, and put on the proffered blindfold. This whole thing made him nervous and he
cursed his stupidity and Arkios for the fifth time this evening. After what seemed like
forever and a day, they reached a stopping point. Krinost removed his blindfold. A door
loomed ominously ahead, and Krinost bade him to enter. He went to it and turned the
knob. As he stepped into a rather nice if Spartan room he noted that there were five men
standing around who were trying their best to look bored. A man approached and said,
Yo de boss man, ain't here; he be in de next room so beat it.” Thalen realized that this
must be bodyguards for the Night master, said his thanks to the man, went to the other
door, and opened it. What a jerk he thought, that insignificant punk needs some manners.
He surveyed his new surroundings with some interest, while simply decorated it was
beautiful in its form and function. He saw a man sitting in a large armchair at a desk and
began to walk over to him. He paused, for he had spotted the two men hiding in the
shadows and he reached for his missing weapons. The man at the desk stood, laughing
and began to clap; “Bravo, Thalen Nightshift; you are the only one to have EVER spotted
them. Come,” he bade the men and they stepped out of their hiding spots. “Thalen, I want
to meet Dax, and Vashendar; my real bodyguards.” Thalen looked at them and realized with shock that the men were twin Tieflings, with horns and long twitching tails. One of
the twins spoke, "Tell uss Thalenss, how did youss sees usss?" it came out in a purr.
Well, it was not easy, I didn't notice you until you moved your tails.” The twin one the
left gave the one on the right a dark look, “Sssee I's tell youss about that and doess youss
listens?” The other just rolled his eyes and grumbled. The Night master laughed, and then
dismissed them to their corners. The Night master spoke, “I trust you are well,
considering your condition.” “I am as well as anyonecould be when they
turned into a slavering beast once a month.” The Night master laughed, and said, Let's
get down to business, as much as I like you and how good of a thief you are; I cannot
allow you to stay in my city.” Thalen frowned, and the Night master sighed and went on,
No offense meant, but you must understand you have become a liability. Iwould rather
not have to kill you, so I have found something else to do with you.I once met a druid
named Lei'taiThrade, who was an incredible shifter. Hehad purposely infected himself
with lycanthropy and managed to control the changes; he could change whenever he
chose and was unaffected by a full moon. It is my suggestion that you go to him, he might
be able to help you. Thalen, I can't have you in the city so remember should you chose to
stay, I WILL have to remove you from its limits. Oh, and you may have the loot from
Arkios's house; you more than earned it. Also you will be most pleased to know that we
plan to deal with Arkios soon, he has become a pest, and if it's one thing I don't like it is
pests.You are dismissed.”
The Night master waved his hand, and just like that, his life as he knew it was over.
After leaving the Night master, he was met once again by Krinost who handed him
his weapons and his knapsack. He went and said his farewells to the few friends he had
and exited the thieves guild. Thalen headed to the fence's shop he needed cash if he was
going to have to skip town and selling the items from the botched job was the only way
for him to make any real amount of coin. The Night master was being generous, and
Thalen knew better than to test how far his generosity went. Therefore, he could not steal
so much as a copper from anyone lest he risk becoming an annoyance. Annoyances never
lived long in this city, so one had to watch their step. He reached the fence's shop and
went in, saw Benny and smiled. It was going to be a good haul, and Benny was still here.
He was not quite sure why the fence had the thieves call him "Uncle Benny" but it
worked and fooled the guards since the Benny's real name was something completely
different. He approached the counter and spoke the proper phrase, “All that glitters turns
into gold.” Benny nodded, and they walked into the back room together. Thalen thought
the pass phrase was lame but he could not change it, and he did not care much anymore,
since he would most likely never use it again anyway. Thalen began to take out the items
and put them on the room's large and only table. Benny began to look them over, and
after a while named their uses and how much he would give for the item. “The ruby rings
are very gaudy, but have powerful magic enchantments on them. Thisone will cast
fireballs at an enemy, while this one will bring down a column of heavenly fire.The
dragon necklace is most intriguing, I cannot tell you much about it except that it has
extremely powerful magic's upon it and that it is made of Mithril and sliver dragon
scales.” Thalen raised his eyebrows at this, for he was surprised... “The wolf figure is also
from a silver dragon, or rather a large silver dragon talon. It will summon a quite large
astral night wolf.” Thalen had known it would summon a wolf, but he had not known
what kind it would call. Night wolves were immense creatures, larger than both dire
wolves and worgs, he would never come across one before; and was quite thankful he
had not. Benny continued, “I'll give you one thousand for the rings and I am sorry but the
rest I don't really have a market for; and word is Arkios is hunting for the figurine and
necklace.” Thalen frowned, nodded, and sold the rings. It was not as bad as he had
expected, at least he had gotten something for the rings he thought as he put the items
back into his pack. He now had a little less than fifteen hundred gold pieces, and it was
high time to pick up supplies. He left Benny's and headed on down to the market square.
Even though it was late, the market was open, if one knew where to go. He made haste
and purchased the supplies he needed and then went to go get his weapons sharpened by
Sedir, the local blacksmith. He handed over "Silence" and "Whisper" his long daggers,
and drew out "Nightshade" his short sword. He then removed both of his boot knives, the
small daggers he had up each sleeve; and several throwing knives had hidden on him. He
waited while Sedir worked on his blades, and began to look around the shop. Thalen
spotted a brace of daggers that caught his eye and picked them up to examine them better.
Long and gracefully curved, like a scimitar; their handles arched downward and were
inlaid with jade. Thalen spun them in his hands to test their feel; he found them to be
perfectly balanced. He smiled he could use these. After carefully searching around the
shop he a new set of sheaths, ones that would fit his existing long daggers and the ones he
wanted to purchase. Sedir indicated to Thalen that he was finished. Thalen went over and
paid him for the sharpening. Thalen asked Sedir how much he wanted for the sheaths and
daggers. Sedir replied, “Them? They are a nice pair those, I won't take less than five
hundred gold for them and fifty for the sheaves.” Thalen sighed, it was more than he
wanted to spend but he handed over the gold anyway; he really would need those
daggers. Thalen left Sedir's shop and headed for the gates, it was time to get the hell out
of this city. He arrived at the city gates, exited them and set out to find the druid Lei'tai.