Fruits Basket Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Caught between Two ❯ Tag ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
She stood there amazed at the sight before her. This huge, new school was not someplace she wanted to be, not now anyways. She stood there starring blankly, considering the fact if she should skip or not. Why should I go? She thought to herself. After all, it is my first day, besides it's not like there's anyone here for me to get along with, she continued thinking. That's it, I'll just skip.
The girl turned, and walked into a guy that was standing behind her. She looked up to see this guy with amazing emerald green eyes, flamming red hair that flowed past his shoulders, and of course the perfect smile.
" Why hello there Miss. Are you new here?" the guy asked softly.
"Yes I am, although I'm not staying!" the girl said in a soft but firm tone.
"Oh, and why would that be?"the guy asked, keeping a gentle tone.
"Why? Because I never wanted to the come here in the first place. I"m here by force."
"Oh, and why is that?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"Well, because it bugs me that such a lovely girl is planning on skipping for an unknown reason."
"Yes, I plan on keeping it that way to."
"Well then, Miss, I'm just going to have to drag you to class then. By the way, what is your name?"
"My name is Tarryn, and good luck trying."
"Oh, well thank you, although it's not needed."
Before he could say another word, the girl was already running in the opposite direction. The boy hesitated before taking off after her. After a few moments the guy had caught up with her, then tackled her to the ground.
"I'm really sorry about this Miss Tarryn, however I can not allow you to skip school." the boy said, helping her to her feet.
He grabbed her hand and led her badck to the school."
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