Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ A Story ❯ The Way of Love ( Chapter 1 )

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A/N: This is my first Fanfic story. So give me a break. Lol. I hope u like it. Here's chapter 1.
Chapter I: The Way of love.
It had been the worst day of her life. She didn't remember much. All she remembered was that there was a crashing sound, metal on metal. Then she had woke up in a hospital bed, her parents no where to be seen. They were in the front seat of the car, while she was in the back.
“Katrina, are you awake?" It was a familiar voice, coming from the door way. It was the voice of her best friend, and nothing more, Yuki Sohma. She turned to see the face of the gray haired boy. His dark purple eyes full of concern.
“Yes I'm awake.” She said her voice scratchy from being dry. He came up and grabbed her hand.
“Do you know how long you've been in asleep?” He asked. She took a deep breathe as a sharp pain went through her head.
“No, I don't…” she held her head and took deep breathes, trying to keep from yelling out.
“You're in pain. I'll get the nurse.”
Katrina grabbed his wrist. “No, it was just a headache. It passed. How long was I asleep for?” she asked. She wanted to know.
Yuki looked at her. He was so upset. So many emotions were displayed in his eyes. Concern, sadness, worry, scared, and most of all love. She knew he cared for her more than a friend. But the only way she felt toward him was brotherly. “It has been twelve days.” he said. His eyes flashed, with a hidden emotion. Was it regret? Was it….. She didn't know.
She took a deep breath. Getting ready to ask the question she had been meaning to ask the whole time. “My parents? Where are they?” Yuki looked away and shook his head. All the sudden she couldn't breathe. The walls seemed like they were closing in. Reality hit her. Her parents were dead. She was an orphan. Everything slowly started to fade away.
All she could hear was Yuki calling her name. “KATRINA?!” Then monitors went off and everything went black.
“Katrina!!!” He shouted. Nurses ran in side the room, scurrying around like lab rats.
“Check her pulse!” One with dark brown hair shouted. Yuki slowly backed up into the corner. The nurses checked her pulse and checked the monitors. Eventually they flicked off the monitor. Yuki was horrified. 'why were they turning off the monitor? She couldn't be……'
“wha-what's going on?” he stuttered out.
The nurse smiled. “Don't worry; she just fainted that's all. She's ready to go home. There were no serious damages, since she was in the back of the car. So she can go anytime.”
Yuki looked at Katrina sleeping peacefully on the bed. She had lost her parents. She had loved her parents deeply. So much, it was like they were friends instead of parents. They had listened to everything she had ever said. His on the other hand………his sold him. Sold him for money. A shadow fell on his heart.
Akito. He remembered so well the scary being that was in total control of him. The person that he couldn't disobey. God. Yuki was snapped back into the world, when the nurse started talking again.
“Poor dear. She has no where to go. Her parents had died instantly when their car was hit. Both at the same time. At least they didn't suffer and they went together. But this poor girl here was left behind. God sometimes can be cruel. But he's doing it for the good of us.”
Oh, yes. Yuki knew how cruel god could be. He knew all to well. “She's going to be staying with me. What do I do to get her out of here?”
A/N: hahaha. I know i'm cruel to end the chapter right then. I hope you liked it. Please R&R. Thanks! ^_^