Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ A Story ❯ The Begining of Confusion ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

A/N: It's me again!!! With the next chappy. Yes! Lol. Thanks for the reviews. They mean a lot. Well I guess I should stop blabbing and get on with the story.
Chapter III: The Beginning of Confusion
Katrina walked down the familiar drive way; suitcases in her hands. Everything she owned was in them. It wasn't much, but it's all she has left. She turned around and looked at the house that held so many of her precious memories. The place where she had lived in since she was little. Now that along with her parents has been taken away from her. Now she had nowhere to go. She was now leaving for an orphanage. So it was somewhere, but not somewhere she really wanted to be. She was only 15 so she couldn't live alone even if she wanted to.
A yellow cab pulled up in front of the house. `probably someone to move into house.' she thought. Even though she lived on the `inside' of the Sohma `Village' as she called it, no one would take her in. So she was forced to go to an orphanage. She picked up her suitcases and started to walk away.
“Katrina!” said a familiar voice. She turned around so fast she tripped and fell on top of someone. *Poof* She looked down and saw a white rat.
“Yuki! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too…..”
Yuki smiled. “Its ok I know. But I'm glad I caught you. Literally.” He laughed.
“Why'd you want to catch me?” *Poof* Katrina looked and quickly turned away blushing.
“Because I talked to Shigure and he agreed you should come live with us.” Katrina looked at Yuki, then quickly looked away. He was only semi-dressed. (A/n: *gulp* umm does that mean that this is now pg? Uh oh.)
“You want me to live with you?” Yuki stood up and pulled Katrina up with him.
“Yes I do want you to live with us, Miss Honda wants you to live with us too.” Katrina smiled, she really did want to live with Yuki, Tohru, and Kyo. (A/N sorry Shigure but she doesn't remember you. Lol)
“Ok, I'll come and stay for awhile. But once I get money and I'm stable, (and old enough) I'll leave. Ok?”
Yuki moved closer to her. She stood still looking at him confused. Then he quickly moved forward and brought his lips to hers. Startled her reflexes kicked in and she pulled back a little. But that just made him come closer. She felt happiness and excitement hit her. She leaned in toward Yuki.
`Buy why?' she thought. `Yuki was always just a brother to her, wasn't he? Wasn't that how she felt?' Yuki finally pulled away, from what seemed like years later. Katrina looked into his sparkling purple eyes, and felt drowned. So many emotions were displayed in those beautiful eyes, that she couldn't sort them out.
“Yuki…..I….” Katrina leaned in and kissed him back. Yuki was surprised. He didn't think that she would kiss him back. They broke away when they heard a shout,
“Come on you love birds. Stop kissing and get in the car!” Yuki looked toward the road. The yellow taxi was gone and in its place sat a black car, leaning on the car stood no one other then……
“Shigure? What are you doing here? How did you know where I would be, and is that Hatori's car? How'd you get a hold of it?”
Shigure laughed and shook his head. “Hatori's going to drive us home. Lets go.” He ducked inside the passenger seat of the car. Yuki looked over at Katrina who was blushing madly, at being caught kissing.
Yuki laughed. “Well let's go back home.” Katrina smiled. She had a home again, and it's a home she wanted to be in. Yuki grabbed a couple suitcases and walked towards the car. Katrina followed fussing over Yuki, telling him that she could carry her own luggage. He just smiled and pretty much ignored her.
“Yuki Sohma, you better not be ignoring me!” He laughed and turned around and put his arm around Katrina. She blushed. Knowing that something new connected them, meant nothing or no one could break them apart. Not even a different lover.
Katrina walked into Yuki's house. (Hey what kind of author are you? First you leave me out of the story most of the time and now you call it Yuki's house! Sorry Shigure. -.-) Katrina walked into Shigure's house.
“Kyo she's taking your room! Besides you like to sleep on the roof anyway!”
“WHY DOESN'T SHE SLEEP WITH THAT DAMN YUKI?” (oh no this is defiantly a pg story now. Dang it. Oh and yah I don't own fruits basket. If I did I probably wouldn't be writing this. Kind of funny to mention it here.)
“Because Kyo she's a pretty flower that doesn't need to be sleeping next to a……..” *WHACK!* The sound reverberated throughout the house.
“You perverted man. I can hear you both outside. And stop talking about girls that way.” Yuki said while Shigure stood rubbing his head.
“Oh Yuki” Shigure whined, “Why'd you have to hit me? I'm on your side!”
Katrina walked into the room. “Boys, why must you always yell? Also I can sleep on the couch. I don't want to kick Kyo out of his room.
Kyo looked at Katrina. She saw a hint of a smile. “That's right you damn rat!”
“You stupid cat why must you always be so stupid? Its obvious that she feels bad about it and so is there for letting you have the room.”
Kyo's face went angry, the hint of any handsome smile gone. “Don't call me Stupid!”
“Then don't act stupid, stupid.”
“Call me stupid one more time and I'll-”
“S-t-u-p-i-d c-a-t!” Yuki said slowly as if talking to a dog. (Hey! Sorry Shigure. But you got to admit u r kind of slow. Well yah…wait a minute. Uh oh. O.O)
“Why you..” Kyo advanced toward Yuki. But Yuki easily dogged his punch and kicked him. Sending him flying through the door.
“ohh! My house is getting destroyed again.” Tohru walked into the room. Looking at the destroyed door she said to Shigure,
“A door is easily fixable Shigure. What happened?” A groan came from the outside. They all looked out the destroyed door into the yard, to see Kyo getting up.
Katrina walked outside and held a hand out for Kyo. He stared at it. “Kyo its just a hand. Let me help you.” she grabbed his arm and pulled him up.
“I'm sorry about that. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for me” Yuki, Shigure, and Tohru all watched Katrina and Kyo.
“I think we have another Tohru.” Shigure whispered to Yuki and he nodded.
“Hm? What was that?” Tohru said. Outside Katrina gave Kyo a dazzling smile. And inside Yuki felt a jab of jealousy. Something was going on between Kyo and Katrina, and Yuki guessed he wasn't a part of it.
*Ring, ring* “I got it!!!” Yelled Shigure in his sing song voice. “Moshi, Moshi?”
Hi Gure-san!”
“Aya! It's nice to hear from you!”
Yes I know. I was wondering if I could visit today? I know my darling little brother would want to see me!”
“Oh yes, we would all be delighted!”
Ok, I shall be there soon!
“Ok, bye Aya” Shigure hung up the phone and walked into the dinning room where everyone was eating breakfast.
“Who?” Tohru asked, Kyo and Yuki ignored Shigure completely.
“Aya! He's coming to visit th-”
Yuki stood up. “Get out! Don't touch that food. Get out!” Katrina looked surprised. Who was this Aya person?
“who's Aya?”
“Aya's me!” Said a voice by the door. They all turned and saw a ….. a older version of Yuki. He had green eyes, and his gray hair hung easily past his waist. Where he wore a strange looking outfit.
“I see you have someone new in your house Gure-san.”
“Yes she's a girlfriend of Yuki's” Katrina blushed.
“Ah. Yuki my dear lovely brother, how are you?” Katrina's eyes widened. That's why they looked so alike, they were brothers. How come she never knew Yuki had a brother?
“Get away from me.”
“Dear me, is that anyway to treat your brother in front of your girlfriend?” Aya said.
Katrina's blush deepened. Slowly and without being noticed, she slipped out of the room and into the kitchen. A few minutes later Kyo came in looking for her.
“Hey, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't like it when they call me Yuki's girlfriend, because im not”
Kyo looked surprised. “Your not?”
“Oh…. Well you want to get out of here? Maybe go for a walk? `Cause it's soon gonna be a mad fest here.”
“Sure let me get my coat.”
They walked through the forest. Kyo was silent. Katrina stared at everything around her with a big smile on her face. “Its been a long time since I've seen anything this beautiful,” she said.
Kyo looked at her and gave her one of his handsome but rare smiles. “Yes you are.”
Katrina stopped walking. A huge blush creeping over her face. “what did you say?”
Kyo looked at Katrina. He took one of her hands. “I said your beautiful.” Katrina looked up at Kyo. He was a foot taller then her. His auburn eyes sparkling with emotion. He bent down towards her. And as the sun was setting, they kissed in a beautiful sunset.
A/N: Yes! 4 pages. Pretty long. Ok not really but hey. Anyway there is chapter 3. If you want them longer just tell me and I will make them longer. ^_^. To all those people writing fan fics. Keep up the good work all of them are really good. I can't get enough. Lol. Well I'm gonna get started on Chapter 4.