Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Chill Pill ❯ Chill Pill ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chill Pill

A/N: I changed Shigure to call Ha-san Hatori instead. I figured that Ha-san was most likely a term of endearment.

Shigure stared at the scene before him.

Tooru took a pill from a little round case and put it in her mouth. She lifted her glass of water and quickly drew a sip.

Shigure gasped.

Tooru turned to find the cause of the sound. A light blush stained her cheeks as her eyes focused on Shigure.

"Shigure-san! Are you ok?"

Shigure felt a surge of heat on his own face as he backed away, his mouth open in horror.

Tooru watched as Shigure slowly passed her room. She heard heavy thudding on the floor. She shrugged and turned back to her desk, replacing the container in the top drawer.

As soon as he was certain that Tooru couldn't see him anymore, he sprinted down the stairs to his study.

He slid the door shut with a quick action, causing the door to make a slamming sound. He leaned against the wall, panting from his exertions and a sudden realization that his "little flower" was blossoming.

He scowled at his bookcase as he tried to figure out why she would need birth control pills. It certainly wasn't because of him. But who... His eyes widened.


It made sense. After all, Hatori could prescribe birth control - to Tooru. He choked on the last part. Does that also mean... could it be? That there was a reason that Hatori prescribed?

Shigure shook his head in maniacal denial. No! That wasn't possible! Hatori wouldn't involve himself with Tooru.

Would he?

Shigure knew that the best way to answer this question was to call Hatori and clear it all up. He forced a smile on his face as he waved at his own reflection in his computer screen. This was impossible. Tooru and Hatori.

But then why did Tooru blush?

This was making no sense! Tooru blushing after she saw Shigure watch her take her birth control pills. BIRTH CONTROL. Meaning that she was having sex. Or thinking about having sex. But maybe he was just jumping to conclusions.

Though, Tooru wouldn't have blushed over aspirin.

Shigure slumped at his desk, tapping his fingers in agitation. Should he call Hatori? Should he talk to Tooru?

*tap tap tap*

Nah. That'd be too many problems. A can of worms should not be opened unless one is willing to eat all of the worms. Shigure shuddered with that analogy.

*tap tap tap*

But still! He couldn't just sit here and NOT know.

*tap tap tap*

With the last tap, Shigure looked at his fingernails. One had just broken. He cursed. He tried to keep his nails neatly trim. With just a little nail showing over the tip of the finger. He reached into a drawer and pulled out his nail clipper.

He unhinged the file and smoothed the ragged nail. No matter how many times he tried to change the subject, he and his mind were having a pretty big quarrel over Tooru's birth control pills.

Maybe he should just go up there and talk to her. Oooh! Or he could wait for Tooru to leave and then search her room!

He shook his head with that suggestion. That wouldn't be right. Even though it was his house that she's living in, he had no right to go digging around around her personal items.

Though the thought of "accidentally" coming across her undergarments was appealing. Shigure smiled widely at the image in his mind.

[mental playground]

He walked into Tooru's room and headed straight for her dresser. Opening the first drawer, he pulled out a black bra.

"*WOW! look at this one! Black lace! ~sparkles~ I love black lace!*"

[exit mental playground]

But still...? HATORI!?! If Tooru was going to need birth control pills, couldn't she have needed them to be with HIM? He growled sadly, moving his index finger in circles on the top of the desk.

This is what he got for constantly teasing Hatori about Tooru. Now she was with him. And was probably screwing him all the time. Shigure slammed his fist down on his desk, rattling the computer. It wasn't fair!

HE was the one that had found her first! He should have first crack at her! Shigure pouted, once again swirling his finger on the hard surface.

Shigure felt like punching Hatori for being the one to take Tooru's bud and make it blossom with his seed. He could feel his inu spirit panting to be let out.

He made up his mind that he would go to see Hatori. Shigure walked with a determined stride to the door. He slid it open and tightened his fists at his side as he started to march to the front door.


He looked up and saw Tooru standing on two steps of the staircase, her hand resting on the railing. Shigure forced his features to relax into his usual lazy smile.

"Hai?" He said brightly, tilting his head to one side.

Tooru continued to walk down the stairs until she was so close to Shigure that he was backed against the wall. She put her hand to his forehead and shook her head.

"You're not running a fever. Are you unwell?"

Tooru's anxiety touched Shigure. Now if she would only touch him in others...he grinned with his thoughts. Tooru, unaware of his thoughts, nodded happily.

He felt like he would burst out of his yukata if he didn't ask her and find out once and for all. He opened his mouth just as Tooru opened hers.

"You go first Tooru-kun."

"Iie - Shigure-san, please you go first."

"Tooru-kun, really... You go first"

"A-hai! Sumimasen! - about earlier? You looked ill."

"Maa, maa don't worry about me Tooru-kun. I just had a headache... Maa, Tooru-kun?"


"What were those pills that you were holding?" Shigure held his breath waiting for the answer.

"Pills?" Tooru looked thoughtful.

"The...birth control... pills?" Shigure spat out the term birth control. If Tooru didn't listen closely, she would have missed it.

"Ah... those..."

Shigure perched upon her hesitation to complete the confirmation that she had just begun. He nodded attentively.


"How did you know they were birth control pills?" Toor looked completely confused.

"Maaa...don't forget that I'm a novelist! So I know about a lot of things that would surprise you." Shigure felt his stomach lurch, but he maintained enough composure to wink.

"Oh! Really!?" Tooru became excited.

Shigure grimaced. He simply *had* to know. It was now or never.

"Tooru-kun... I need to ask you as your guardian..." Throwing in that last bit about the guardian was a good move. Maybe it would prompt her to answer such a rude question as he was about to ask her.

Tooru nodded slowly.

"Hatori gave you those pills, ne?"


"Ok... Did he- Are you-"

"Are we what?"

"Uh.. Are you two having an intimate relationship?" Gah! He said it! He couldn't take it back now...

And he really wanted to - when he saw Tooru's brows knit together.

"Nani? Why would you ask that, Shigure-san?"

"Because of the birth control pills."

Shigure could see that Tooru was working hard to suppress a smile that was torn between amusement and embarrassment.

"Because of the pills?"

"Yes." Shigure was getting more than a little annoyed at the unintentionally coy way she was echoing his questions.

"Iie! Hatori-san isn't- We're not-!!!" Tooru looked absolutely mortified.

"Is it Yuki?"


"Kyo then?"

"Iie... Shigure-san? Do you remember that I had to see Hatori-san earlier this week?" Shigure nodded silently. "Well, I had been having *problems*...with my period. So Hatori-san prescribed birth control in order to regulate my menstruation cycle."

"Oh! And you are ok then?"

Tooru nodded, her eyes still incredibly wide with embarrassment that Shigure would ask a question like that. And hurt.

Shigure leaned forward and took Tooru's chin in his fingers, lifting her pained gaze to meet his aplogetic one. He hoped that his expression would be sufficient.

"Tooru-kun! Yokatta!"

Placing a kiss on her lips, he walked away from her towards his study. Sliding the door shut behind him, he sat at his desk to begin planning his attack on the fortress that was Tooru - not realizing that he walked away from an excellent opportunity to begin to break down Tooru's barriers.