Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Light in My Life ❯ Dinners ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I know this is irrelevant, but I would like to thank "Mra Aouma Akito" for pointing out my use of "yukata." This is the first fic with which I have ever had to do research, and it is a thrilling experience, I must admit. Although it was a bit disturbing when I learned what "natto" was.

A yukata is a traditional Japanese outfit worn by men, characteristic of Shigure, Kazuma, and Akito.

Natto is a pungent fermented soybean dish.

3: Dinners

"Momiji, come to my apartment for dinner." Hatsuharu waited a moment for the energetic rabbit to come catapulting out of the house at him, but it never came. Raising one eyebrow rather dazedly, he opened the door fully and stepped inside.

Tohru sat against the wall, fast asleep. Haru's eyes widened considerably as he saw a stark naked Momiji curled up beside her with his head on her lap, snoring away. He sat down, slowly making the deductions.

Momiji wasn't a bad boy at all, and definitely would not be pulling anything dirty. It was also equally refutable because he knew Tohru would never do such a demeaning thing, especially in the open. Then why else would the rabbit be completely naked?

Transformations. Haru blinked, lightly slapping himself on the forehead. He walked into Momiji's room, taking a blanket and wrapping it around the little boy, before heaving the rabbit onto his shoulder and plopping him on his own bed. Unsure whether to wake him or not, he decided against it and instead went to find out why Tohru was at the main house alone.

"Tohru? Wake up, Tohru," said Haru as he poked her at regular intervals on the arm. She slowly opened her eyes, letting out a small yawn, before she was hit by realization.

"Haru-kun!" she cried, grabbing her chest as if she were about to have a heart attack. "I'm so sorry! Momiji-kun and I must have fallen asleep...-" she blinked, glancing around. "Where is Momiji-kun?" Haru turned his head, glancing at the open door of Momiji's room.

"He was in a state you should not see him in, so I put him to bed," the cow replied simply. "Not to be rude, but why are you here?"

Tohru jumped up, looking terrified. "I'm sorry, Haru-kun! I fell asleep so I could not greet you! I wanted to visit you, Momiji-kun and Hatori-san, but I fell asleep! Sumimasen!" she apologized. Haru stared at her for a moment, then waved his hand.

"Don't worry, Tohru-kun. It is a day for napping," Haru replied calmly. "It is good you came to visit. I have not seen you in a while."

Tohru smiled and nodded. "Very much so, Haru-kun! I have missed you all a great deal," she replied excitedly. Haru couldn't stop himself from smiling lightly back at her. He marveled at her energy every time he saw her, and today was no exception.

"Hatori should be back soon. It's getting late, though, would you like to have dinner with me?" Haru asked. Tohru looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Dinner? Oh, I couldn't do that! I told Hatori-san I wouldn't intrude!" she cried in alarm. Haru tilted his head at her.

"But I invited you," he replied obviously. Tohru blinked, then smiled.

"I would like that, Haru-kun."

"Good. I will tell the servants to bring an extra meal... would you like to eat here or at my apartment?" he asked.

"I don't want to inconvenience you, but I would like to be here when Hatori-san returns," she replied. Haru nodded.

"Then here it is. Hatori won't mind," he said, walking towards the door. "I'll be back in a few moments."


Tohru patted her lips with a cloth napkin, setting down her chopsticks. The meal had been large and extravagant, but Haru had quickly eaten anything that was leftover.

"Oh, my! That was delicious!" Tohru announced, sighing contentedly. Haru nodded, then glanced up when he heard some shuffling from down the hall.

"It seems as if he has awoken a few minutes too late," Haru commented. Momiji emerged from his room, wearing a cute pair of shorts and a little vest. He rubbed his eyes, then seemed to burst with revived energy when he saw Tohru.

"Ah, Tohru-kun! I'm so sorry I fell asleep!" Momiji apologized, his face going a bright red. He noticed Haru and the empty plates, and his face fell.

"I missed dinner? Oh no!" he cried melodramatically, flopping down on the cushion adjacent to Tohru. She gave him a worried look.

"Don't worry, Momiji-kun! We can get more food, right Haru-kun?" she tried to assure the rabbit. Haru looked at her for a moment, then nodded.

"Momiji, why don't you go and get it yourself? You could use the exercise," the cow said in a rather monotone voice. Momiji gave him a pouty look, then jumped to his feet and dashed out the door. "So much energy and nowhere to use it," Haru commented.

Tohru nodded and smiled, watching fondly as the shoji panel door remained open, flapping in the wind created by the racing rabbit. The two waited in silence for some time; Tohru sipped her tea, watching the sun dropping over the horizon through the open entryway.

She always knew just what to say to please everyone, Haru thought. He ran a hand through his wild white hair, his generally flat, silver eyes seeming more alive than usual. Tohru turned to him and smiled.

"This was a wonderful evening, Haru-kun. I hope we can do it again sometime," she said. Haru nodded, letting a tiny smile creep onto his face as well.

"Me too," he replied. He paused momentarily, hearing the sound of a familiar car pull up outside. Haru stared at her. "Maybe Momiji and I will visit you soon." Tohru grinned widely.

"That would be wonderful, Haru-kun! I'm sure Yuki-kun and Shigure-san would love to have you." She paused for a moment. "Kyou-kun too!" Haru nodded, when a shadow filled the doorway.

"Oh, Haru. What are you doing here?" Tohru glanced up, waving as she saw Hatori come into the room, looking almost curiously at the already open entrance.

"Hatori-san! Welcome home! I'm sorry for intruding while you weren't here!" she apologized. Hatori shook his head.

"It's alright, Tohru-kun," he said simply. He looked at Haru flatly, and the boy quickly stood up.

"I'll go check on Momiji-kun and make sure he hasn't gotten into some terrible accident on his way to the kitchen," Haru said, walking towards the door. Hatori stepped out of the room towards the bathroom, causing Haru to pause by the doorway.

"Goodbye, Tohru. It was very good to see you again," he said, before exiting and closing the door behind him.

"Haru...!" Tohru said nervously. Have either Momiji or Haru with you at all times. Tohru gulped... but this was Hatori. He was a very good man. Tohru smiled to herself. Yuki-kun and Shigure-san would forgive her for that.

Hatori walked back into the room, taking off his white lab coat and hanging it up near the doorway. "I see you've eaten already," he commented. Tohru stood up immediately.

"I'm sorry, Hatori-san! Haru-kun invited me for dinner, but I didn't want to miss you so I suggested we eat here, and I didn't even think to wait for you! Sumimasen!" she apologized. Hatori put a hand on her shoulder.

"That's alright, Tohru-kun. Please, have a seat," he motioned towards the cushions. "A servant will be by to take the dishes, and I usually eat very late anyway." Tohru still looked sad, and Hatori guided her towards the cushion she was sitting on previously.

"It's really alright, Tohru-kun. Tell me what's on your mind."