Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Lost My Sister in San Francisco ❯ The Festival ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N - 07/25/06 FINALLY! I’ve been wanting to write this chapter for the longest time! Do you have any idea how long the ideas for this have been in my head?! Kasumi’s dance has been in my head since I heard the song I was gonna use for it! I even practiced the moves for the dance myself! (Though I messed up a lot.) Anyway, here’s the chapter. Enjoy! n.n


Soft notes began to play as the stage was pitch black. Suddenly, as the heavier part of the song opening began to play, a light shone onto Kasumi. She held an open umbrella, resting it on her shoulder, and she wore a kimono-like outfit, with two folding fans tucked in the sash. Her hair was let loose around her shoulders and her crimson eyes were shut.

It waits for the day
I will let it out

She brung the umbrella in front of her and began to swing it back and forth before herself. Then she twirled it for a moment. Afterwards she began to swing it in a circular motion.

To give it a reason
To give it its might

She continued to swing it back and forth and in circles, then above her head, then suddenly her arm dropped.

I fear who I am becoming,
I feel that I’m losing the struggle within

Her free hand clutched her chest and she began to stumble backwards. She caught herself, but barely. Her grip on the umbrella tightened.

I can no longer restrain it
My strength, it is fading

She stumbled once more, her tight grip loosening. She winced as the umbrella began to fall from her hands.

I have to give in

She threw the umbrella to the stage forcefully.

It’s the fear,

She snatched her fans from her sash and with one quick motion, snapped them both open.

The fear of the dark
It’s growing inside of me

Her composure was regained as she threw one of the fans in the air and caught it perfectly in her hand.

They won, they will come to life
Have to save,
She did the same with the second fan.

Save my beloved,
There is no escape

Bringing both the fans together, she held them in front of her. Her arms were parallel with each other as her hands held the fans in place.

Because my fate is horror and doom

She dropped one of her arms to her side. She closed her eyes and covered the bottom half of her face with one of the fans.

Hold down your head now,
Just let me pass by

Quickly closing the fans, putting them both to one hand, and snatching up the umbrella, she began to slowly walk across the stage. Her head was hung low as she lightly swayed the umbrella once again.

Don’t feed my fear
If you don’t want it out

She continued to walk and allowed the umbrella to slip from her hands.

I fear who I am becoming
I feel that I’m losing all beauty within

She stopped in her tracks and hung her head lower, allowing her hair to cover her face. Her hand raised to her chest again.

I can no longer restrain it,
My strength, it is fading

This time her other hand accompanied her first as she hunched over in what looked like pain.

I have to give in

She switched one fan to her empty hand and slowly stood back up straight.

It’s the fear,

Her fans snapped open again.

The fear of the dark
It’s growing inside of me

She placed on fan on the other and flipped it back to her empty hand.

They won, they will come to life
Have to save

Twirling the fans in her hands, she threw one back up into the air. Another perfect catch.

Save my beloved,
There is no escape

And the same with the other.

Because my fate is horror and doom

Again, she shielded her face with a fan.

Long ago, it came to me
And ever since that day,

Her arm dropped heavily again as she stumbled farther back. She staggered to the side, a few steps forward. She clutched her chest tightly and her breathing became heavier.

Infected with its rage
But it ends today

At the final note, she fell to the floor of the stage, her fans far from her.

The interlude of the song began. She slowly picked her head up in a weak attempt. She reached for her fans, but couldn’t even touch them. Kasumi continued to stretch her arms, trying to attain them. Still not much luck, she could barely feel the wood with her fingertips. Finally, with one final attempt, she grabbed them.

The heavier half of the interlude started as she began to slowly lift herself. She was almost onto her knees when she fell back down. She didn’t give up. She continued to make herself rise off the floor and slowly, but surely, she did.

It’s the fear

No more fancy tricks with her fans. She felt too ‘weak’.

The fear of the dark
It’s growing inside of me

She twirled the fans in her hands.

They won, they will come to life
Have to save,

She twirled with the fans.

Save my beloved
There is no escape

She slowly stopped and started to falter.

Because my fate is horror and doom

She brung her fans down.

She caught herself as she began to fall to the left, the right, backwards, and finally...she fell forward.

The crowd cheered as the song ended. The performance had looked so real, so convincing. They knew it wasn’t real though, especially after Kasumi quickly got up from the stage and bowed. She grabbed her things and hurried offstage.

“You put a new meaning to ‘save the best for last’.” Kippei grinned as he met Kasumi backstage.

“Oh come on. Being last was just a coincidence.” Kasumi laughed nervously. “And I wasn’t the best.”

“Sure you were.” Kyou said, walking over to his sister. “You did good.”

“You almost convinced your brother here.” Kokoro smirked teasingly at Kyou.

“Shut up!” Kyou yelled.

“You did.” Shigure agreed with Kokoro. “We had to tell him you were acting to keep him from jumping on the stage when you looked like you were in pain.”

“Well she does seem to always be getting hurt lately.” Kyou growled lightly.

“Sorry I worried you.” Kasumi apologized.

“Kasumi, your performance was awesome!” Tohru commented.

“Thank you very much.” Kasumi smiled. She looked up as some music began to play. “Any of you guys ever dance to Spanish music?” She asked with a sly smirk.

Several ‘No’s and three ‘Yeah’s came from them.

“My first date was to a dance with a Hispanic girl.” Kippei said.

“I attended a Mexican friend’s quince, I think it was called.” Kokoro sighed.

“I accompanied her.” Sachiko pointed to Kokoro.

“Hmm...” Kasumi looked to Kyou, Yuki, Tohru and Shigure. “It’s quite simple, really. It’s just like regular dancing, only sometimes it has more energy to it.”

Kyou and Yuki just looked blank.

“...You two don’t know how to dance at all, do you?” Kasumi had to hold a small laugh in. She stopped when both of them slightly glared at her. “Okay, okay, not a problem. Um...Tohru, you know how to dance, right?”

“A little.” Tohru blinked. “But not all that much.”

“That’s alright.” Kasumi smiled. “Kandi-kane, you know how, right?”

“Yup.” Kokoro nodded.

“Alright, we’ll make this a little competition.” Kasumi said, another smirk appearing on her lips. “Tohru, Kokoro, you two are gonna teach these two how to dance.”

“What?!” Kyou yelled.

“You’re joking, right?” Yuki raised an eyebrow.

“No, I’m Kasumi.” Kasumi smiled innocently. “Which ever one of you two can learn the quickest wins. Come on,’s another chance to beat Yuki once and for all...”

Something in Kyou clicked. “You’re on! That’s it, Rat boy, this time I’m gonna win! Get ready to get beat!”

“You really don’t get tired of saying that, do you?” Yuki sighed.

“Kasumi, do you really think that was a good idea?” Tohru asked.

“It’s just some friendly competition. It’s not like dancing involves punching and kicking.” Kasumi nodded. “There is, however, one move you’ll have to avoid. Otherwise we’ll be stuck with a cat, a rat, and a crab on the dance floor. Kokoro, you know the one, right?”

“I think I know which one you’re talking about.” Kokoro nodded.

“This one.” Kasumi extended her arm out with Kokoro’s and twirled in. “See, that would be like an embrace, which would lead Kokoro, Kyou, and Yuki to transform.”

“Yup.” Kokoro sighed. She looked to Kyou and smiled, taking his hand and dragging him off. “Come on, Kyou!”

“Be careful with the other couples!” Sachiko warned.

“Gotcha!” Kokoro nodded.

“Well what’re you two waiting for?” Kasumi looked to Yuki and Tohru. “Are you gonna let them beat you or what?”

“Shall we?” Yuki offered his hand to Tohru.

“Sure.” Tohru smiled and took Yuki’s hand, following him to the dance floor.

“I’d ask you if you’d like to dance too, Miss Kasumi,” Kippei smiled at Kasumi. “But that performance looked tiring.”

“You can have your dance,” Kasumi smiled back. “After I have a few moments to rest.”

“Are you gonna stay in that all evening?” Shigure asked, referring to Kasumi’s outfit.

“It’s festive. It’s pretty. Sure, why not?” Kasumi nodded with a smile.

“I agree, it is pretty.” Sachiko smiled. “Come on, let’s go find somewhere to sit.”

The night went on. Everyone seemed to have fun, ignoring the fact that they’d be leaving the next day. It turned out that Kyou was a pretty quick learner when it came to dancing, but not quick enough. Yuki learned quicker than he did, therefore winning their little ‘competition’. Kasumi and Kippei got to dance, even Shigure and Sachiko danced to one song.

And most of them were still in for a surprise the next morning.


A/N - 07/25/06 ...It only took me...a couple of hours to write this. I think I’m on a creative streak or something. But I’m gonna take a break ‘cause it’s about to be 4 pm and I’m gonna catch my show. Though I’ll prolly be drawing while watching. Ah, multi-tasking is a fun process. I bet I’ll be able to finish the last chapter by tonight too! Ha! Oh yeah, and that song that Kasumi danced to is called "It's the Fear" by Within Temptation. Ferkin' heart that song.