Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Truth ❯ The Party ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


by Wildfire

This story isn't a nice fluffy story... it's set when Kyou's a kid and about his family.. not a nice fic.

Kazuma-san for his sensei

Kyou stood still as people bustled around him, yet no one touched him. He looks around looking for Anyone familiar. This was the annual New Years party.. Yet he knew no one.. yet everyone knew what he was. A hand came to his arm, Kyou whirls around and stares at a small boy with gray hair. Kyou smiles "Yuki..."

"Come on Kyou, let's go.." Yuki takes the other boys hand. Yuki was seven, Kyou wouldn't be seven for two more weeks.

Kyou let's Yuki lead him "Yuki? Where are we going?"

"Away from here.. Hatori showed me a private place, it's a garden and a really nice one.. Best of all no one will come looking for us there."

"Won't Hatori?" Kyou's eyes look around quickly trying to remember the path.. not so much to get out but so he c an go back if he like it. Which he figured he would if Yuki was taking him there.

"Maybe.. but doubtful." He gets to a gate and opens it leading Kyou in before shutting the gate again "I hate this party. I'll always hate this. Even when I'm as old as Hatori.. I'll hate it! Even when I'm in high school!"

Kyou laughs "That's because you have to go with Shigure into the special Zodiac party"

"It's not Shigure that bothers me.. It's Akito he's the head of the family now.." Yuki says quietly.

"I'm glade.." Kyou smiles a bit again. "he has to be better than his father.."

"Not much.." Yuki shivers a little.

The red headed boy looks up at him "he hurting you?"

Yuki lets a soft smile come to his lips "He's just a pain.. wanna train?" He didn't much care for sparing himself, but he knew Kyou loved it.

"SURE!" Kyou gets into a fighting stance. As does Yuki.

As the two fight Yuki quickly gets the upper hand but stays back letting Kyou keep trying, to a certain degree he sometimes wished he could just loose. It didn't mean as much to him as it did to Kyou.

Kyou on the other hand could tell Yuki was holding back, he lets out a tiny growl than completely tackles him. They both end up rolling around on the soft grass.

"Yuki" A commanding voice came from the gate.

Both boys completely freeze and look up at the man.

Hatori looks down at them from the gate. "the banquet is starting.. Let's go"

Yuki stands up smoothing out his ruffled cloths. "I'll see you tomorrow Kyou." Yuki walks out of the garden looking proud and dignified even for a child.

Hatori looks sharply at Kyou. "Kyou you might want to leave this place.. You aren't suppose to be in here" He didn't wait for a reply from Kyou as he turned around and left.

Kyou stood up than quickly leaves not wanting to get in trouble. He gets back to the where everyone else was and looks around wondering what to do now. He looks around in hope to find his mother. But he didn't. His eyes land on the wooden gates that lead to the banquet. A woman with long blond hair stood back watching a young boy enter the gate, Momiji. Kyou had heard she was denying Momiji, she was probably scared of him... because he was different. He felt bad for Momiji. The woman was freaky.. Yuki had told him this would be the last time she'd really be there her memory was being erased. Food riddance he thinks bitterly.

He walks slowly through the crowd, where was his mother? A smile brightens his face when he sees her by the punch bowl. He runs over to her. "Mom!"

She lets out an irritated sigh and looks at the boy but the only thing she was really looking at was his left writs.. where the bracelet sat. "I'm busy Kyou.."

Kyou's smile disappeared "I.. I know.. I was just hoping.. we could.."

"Go away Kyou.. You mother is busy!" She says quietly in a harsh voice. Kyou bites his bottom lip and nods.

"O-ok.." He slowly walks away leaving his mother alone at the punch bowl. He heads into the main house and finds a quite corner and cuddles into it. He wouldn't be a baby and cry! He wouldn't. He curls up into a ball, soon he was fast asleep.

He was woken hours later from a tap on his shoulder. Kyou blinks and looks to see who it was. White and black hair came into his vision. "Haru?" he yawns "what are you doing here, shouldn't you be at the banquet?"

"It's done we're back to the regular party for the next two days.. I was on my way to the bathroom when I found you.." Haru smiles gently at him.

Kyou blinks than groans "Haru.. the bathrooms in the other direction.." He stands up and takes Haru's hand "come on I'll take you.."

Haru smiles "thanks Kyou.." They walk around the compound in silence for a bit. "Kyou? Why were you all alone in there? Did you get lost?"

Kyou smiles at the six year old "no.. just bored I suppose.."

"So you went to bed? In a corner?!" Haru starts to giggle. "That's silly!" You should have gone to a chair or something"

Kyou sighs and stops at the bathroom "Here ya go.. I'll wait out here to take you back.." He lets go of Haru's hand and Haru hurries in.

Kyou sighs his orange hair falling into his eyes. he felt bad for making his mother get upset.. He seemed to do that a lot. He guessed he just had a knack for it. He looks up as he hears a toilet flush and Haru come out "Haru! Wash you hands.. that's disgusting!"

The white haired Ushi smiles and he wipes his hands on his pants. "I can't the sinks to high.."

Kyou sighs and enters the bathroom he turns the water on "there now wash em!"

Haru stands on his tip toes to reach the water. The bow was about as tall as Momiji, Hatori said they'd be getting a growth spurt soon just like he and Yuki did.

He turns the water off than grabs Haru's hand "come on than! I don't have all day you know!" He pulls him out leading him to the party.

"Kyou?" Haru's voice was quite and soft.


"How come you're the only one that will take me anywhere?"

Kyou sighs "because I'm the cat"

"oh.. OK" Haru smiles he didn't understand hut he was sure it must be right and he didn't want to annoy the older boy. "I'm going to go find Momiji, thanks again Kyou!" He than runs off into the crowed of people.

Kyou watches him go his tiny hands playing with the hem of his shirt. If the banquet was over than Yuki should be around here.. somewhere. He stands on his tip toes trying to see into the crowed, searching for that gray hair or those violet eyes.

"Kyou-kun!" Came the sound of a cherry dramatic voice.

Ayame, not Yuki .. But maybe he knew where he was. "Hey Ayame.. You see-" He was cut off as he was brought into a bone crushing hug.

"Oh our poor kitty standing ALL alone with not a SOUL to comfort you! Will don't you worry my brave little cat. I will STAND by your side! I will protect you from all the loneliness that has CONSUMED your soul! I remember when I was your age! I was SO confused! I will save you! I will.."

"Ayame?" Yuki stood there staring at his older brother "what are you talking about?"

"Yuki?! I haven't seen you in SO long I'm so glade I found you!" He let's the cat go "I need your help braiding my hair!"

Yuki sighs at his brother "Ayame I don't know How to braid."

"Oh my poor deprived little brother! Never to learn something as simple as a braid! Will don't you worry my young brother I will NOT let you be in such a state for long! I will generously allow you to learn to braid on MY precious, long, hair!"

"I.. I was looking for Kyou.. actually" Yuki says slowly and quietly.

"Y-you don't want me to help you?" His eyes widen "OH the shame the way my OWN flesh and blood denies my help as guidance.. the sham the Sham! I must go.. the pain is.. to much" He turns and spots Shigure. "SHIgure!"

"Ayame!" Shigure looks at his odd friend with a smile. Ayame skips over to him.

Kyou stayed there silent rubbing his arm a little. Ayame's hold was defiantly not a gentle one.

"I wish he could be serious once in a while.. Mom says it's just him, that I should accept him.." Yuki sighs and looks at Kyou again "what have you been doing these past six hours?"

"I fell asleep, Haru woke me up when he got lost" Kyou smiles a bit, he was glad to have found the boy.

"Hastuharu? he got lost? Why? Was he hurt or something?" Yuki looks puzzled.

Kyou laughs "no he didn't get hurt.. Haru always gets lost. I thought everyone knew that!"

Yuki blushes a bit "he doesn't talk to me.. he only glares at me.. that is if he looks at me at all!"

"Why is that?" Kyou asks him looking thoroughly puzzled.

Yuki shrugs "I dono" The boys violet eyes sparkled but his eye lids were only half open. He yawns "I wonder what time it is.."

"Are you tied? Wanna go to sleep?" Kyou asks rather quietly.

"Where? Akito only has a few beds for only a certain people, he said everyone else can stand"

"How can you sleep standing up?" Kyou asks him, again puzzled.

Yuki laughs "you can't! That's the point!" He takes Kyou's hand "come on we'll find a place to lay down." he starts to pull the small kitten along with him.

After about twenty minutes of finding no where to sleep., Kyou spots Haru and Momiji. They were sleeping cuddled against a tree, Momiji in Haru's lap. "Yuki... look" He gestures to the two.

Yuki smiles and leads Kyou over to a tree right next to the one Haru and Momiji were at. He sits down leaning against the tree than pulls Kyou down to him, he wraps his tiny arms around Kyou. "Night" he whispers into Kyou's ear.

"G'night" Kyou responds nuzzling his head into Yuki's chest. It wasn't long before both boys were fast asleep.

Red eyes open hours later hearing a voice. He looks up and sees Momiji's father. He was talking to Momiji. He stays quite as Momiji slowly gets up. He was careful not to wake Haru. His father picks him up and walks off with the small boy. Kyou yawns a bit and looks around wondering what time it was. It was light out now so it had to be past six. He looks back at Yuki, who was still sleeping soundly. He smiles softly. He didn't know what he'd do without the rat. He than looks over at Haru, he couldn't believe Haru hadn't even woken up! Not even a flutter of an eye lash. He wondered if Haru would always be like that.

Kyou slowly sits up he supposed he should find one of his parents. He smiles down at Yuki than walks off. He would come back in a few hours by than it was probably safe to wake the rat up.

Kyou comes into the open clearing people were starting to wake up. Breakfast was on the table he heads over there, he goes to grab a plate but his wrist was suddenly grabbed.

"CATS eat LAST!" A man stood over him, "Until Everyone has eaten You will not TOUCH this food" His grip tightens on Kyou's wrist "Understand?"

"B-but not everyone eats breakfast"

"Than NEITHER do you!" The man spats.

Kyou whimpers pulling back. The man lets go of him. He grabs a plate and gets food for himself.

Kyou scampers back and runs off.

Kyou hides back by a tree, his stomach growled a little he hadn't eaten dinner last night it had been so busy. He looks up to see his mom eating and laughing with the man that had told him to get away from the food. He whimpers quietly crouching down by a tree. A bread roll was suddenly in his face he looks up and smiles. "Hi.."

The man smiles as Kyou takes the roll "having fun?" It was Momiji's father.

Kyou shrugs "I.. I guess" he eats the roll quickly.

The man smiles more the boy was so innocent, he hated the way they treated him.

"I better get going.. You be careful Kyou.." He hands him another roll before he walks off.